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Required Capabilities in a Logistics Relationship - A Case Study

This paper studies a newly developing relationship of closer collaboration between a buyer and supplier of a low complexity product, which cannot be considered strategic but of high volume, in the grocery retailing industry, The reason for studying this relationship is that the buyer has decided to go through with is program aimed at establishing is closer relationship with the supplier in the ca

Implementation of an OFDM Synchronization Algorithm

In this paper, a implementation of an OFDM synchronization algorithm is presented. Both time and frequency offsets are estimated simultaneously, using the cyclic prefix. The algorithm is implemented on a commercial DSP, an FPGA and as an ASIC. It is shown that although the algorithm is too complex to be implemented on a standard DSP, a hardware architecture that is optimized for the algorithm can

Mutblickens medierättegångar - skandalernas offer

Skandaler genererar ett intensivt moraliskt indignerat socialt klimat. Inte sällan innefattar skandalerna en form av medierättegångar, vilket korrigerar Foucaults teser om det dolda straffet. För de anklagade, som uppfattar sig som orättvist utpekade, kan konsekvenserna bli drastiska, samtidigt som de har svårt att återupprätta sitt anseende. I denna artikel diskuteras sådana "skandaloffers" kamp.

Nordic Lichen Flora Volume 4 – Parmeliaceae

The lichen flora of the Nordic countries, containing about 2000 species, is regarded as one of the best known in the world. Lichenological research of the region has been continuous since the days of Erik Acharius (1757–1819), the ”father of lichenology”, but it is a sad fact that there is no modern flora treatment of the region's impressive lichen flora, the last attempt in the 1870s being that o

Studies on the deposition, bioavailability and systemic activity of glucocorticoids in man

Popular Abstract in Swedish SVENSK SAMMANFATTNING Den kliniska effekten av läkemedel som administreras till näsa eller lunga beror på läkemedlets egenskaper och på dess lokala deposition. Depositionsstudier är därför värdefulla för att kunna karakterisera olika beredningar. Depositionen påverkas av partiklarnas storlek och hastighet, genom att stora partiklar med hög hastighet ger upphov till en hThe local deposition, pharmacokinetics, and systemic activity of inhaled and intranasal glucocorticosteroids in different formulations and devices(ICSs) has been investigated. After nasal administration of the ICS budesonide (Bud), the systemic availability (F) was found to be significantly higher from an aqueous pump spray and from the powder inhaler Turbuhaler, than from a pressurized metered do

Performance of a multifunctional PV/T hybrid solar window

A PV/T collector have been developed and evaluated at the department of Energy and Building Design at the Technical University of Lund, LTH in Sweden. The PV/T, a “multifunctional solar window” made of PV cells laminated on solar absorbers, is placed in a window behind the glazing. The solar window is built into a single family house, Solgården, in Älvkarleö outside Gävle in the eastern part of Sw

Can we evaluate the quality of software engineering experiments?

Context: The authors wanted to assess whether the quality of published human-centric software engineering experiments was improving. This required a reliable means of assessing the quality of such experiments. Aims: The aims of the study were to confirm the usability of a quality evaluation checklist, determine how many reviewers were needed per paper that reports an experiment, and specify an ap