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Monoamine transporters in female human reproduction.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Monoaminer Adrenalin, noradrenalin, dopamine, serotonin och histamin är samtliga monoaminer som fungerar som signalsubstanser och hormoner. Monoaminer är viktiga i många fysiologiska processer och obalans i deras nivåer ger ett brett spektrum av störningar. De klassiska är: serotoninbrist som ger depression, ångest och sömnstörningar, dopaminbrist ger motoriska störninThe present study explored the gene and protein expression of the monoamine transporters in human endometrium throughout the menstrual cycle, in early decidua and in placentas from normal as well as preeclamptic pregnancies using in-situ hybridization, real time-PCR, immunohistochemistry and primary tissue cultures. Four distinguishable patterns were observed in the endometrium over the menstrual

“’Thou Call’dst me Dog before Thou Hadst a Cause’: Teologiska perspektiv på Köpmannen i Venedig”

Harold Bloom writes "One would have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to recognize that Shakespeare's equivocal comedy The Merchant of Venice is nevertheless a profoundly anti-Semitic work" (Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human, 171). This article examines the role which theological discourse plays in The Merchant of Venice. It also addressess the issue whether and under what circumstances Shakesp

Narrow UV photoemission lines from graphite

Stimulated by the recent observation by LEED that well ordered graphite overlayers may be prepared by heating SiC crystals [1] we have used LEED, STM and UPS (hv = 20-140 eV) to study such layers and compared the photoemission spectra to those we obtain from a natural single crystal. Two results are of particular interest. One is that the overlayers give spectra having a quality well on par with t

User related assessment of Safe Cruise and Speed Support (VCC)

The aim of the user related assessment was to study perceived advantages, disadvantages, usefulness, trust, acceptance, willingness to have and pay for the driver assistance systems: Safe Cruise and Speed Support developed by VCC within the framework of SECONDS subproject. Due to restrictions in driving in real traffic, assessment activities were limited to driving on a test track by naïve test dr

Succinate:quinone oxidoreductase in the bacteria Paracoccus denitrificans and Bacillus subtilis.

An overview of the present knowledge about succinate:quinone oxidoreductase in Paracoccus denitrificans and Bacillus subtilis is presented. P. denitrificans contains a monoheme succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase that is similar to that of mammalian mitochondria with respect to composition and sensitivity to carboxin. Results obtained with carboxin-resistant P. denitrificans mutants provide inform

Long-term outcome of vesicoureteral reflux and reflux nephropathy in adults - clinical and radiological aspects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Målsättningen med denna studien var att undersöka följderna på lång sikt av bakflöde av urin från blåsa till urinledare (reflux) och av njurärr hos vuxna med hänsyn till: uppkomst av nya njurärr, urinvägsinfektioner, ländsmärta, nedsatt njurfunktion, högt blodtryck, och om utbredningen av njurärr kan förutsäga den framtida utvecklingen av blodtryck och njurfunktion. EttThe aim was to study the long-term consequencies of vesicoureteral reflux and reflux nephropathy (RN) in adults, with regard to radiological progression, urinary tract infections, renal functional impairment, hypertension, and to determine if the extent of renal damage can predict the outcome. Attempts to differentiate between acquired and developmental renal damage were also made. 115 patients wi

Diet, lifestyle, antioxidants, and biomarkers of cancer risk - an epidemiological report from the Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kost, livsstil, antioxidanter och riskfaktorer för cancer De flesta forskare är överens om att våra matvanor spelar en betydande roll för risken att insjukna i cancer. Däremot är forskarna inte överens om vad och hur man bör äta för att förebygga cancer. En populär teori under det senaste decenniet har varit den så kallade antioxidantiahypotesen. Man har förstått att This thesis examines associations between a number of epidemiological or biological markers of cancer risk and oxidative stress, in order to achieve a better understanding of how diet, lifestyle, and genetic factors contribute to the occurrence of oxidative stress. Data from the Malmö Diet and Cancer (MDC) cohort was used. The MDC study is a population-based cohort study which uses a detailed modi

The Faculty of Medicine, Lund University: 1668-2003

A brief review is given of the development of the Medical Faculty during its 335 years. The last 50 years have seen a remarkable development of the two university hospitals in Lund and Malmö, and a Biomedical centre.

Granulopoietic growth factors. Cytokine and cellular regulation of GM-CSF and G-CSF production.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blodbildningen är en av kroppens livligaste processer. Varje dag bildas det upp mot en triljon (12 nollor!) mogna blodceller. De röda blodkropparna står för transporten av syre, de vita blodkropparna försvarar mot infektioner och trombocyterna deltar i blodlevringen. Bildningen av blodceller sker i benmärgen och kan liknas vid ett träd, där roten utgörs av de så kalladeGranulocyte-macrophage- (GM-) and granulocyte- (G-) colony stimulating factor (CSF) are important cytokines in the regulation of hematopoiesis and for the function of mature blood cells. They are also involved in the cytokine network regulating the inflammatory and immune response. The aim of this study was to investigate the regulation of GM- and G-CSF production at the cellular level. The studie

On efficient max-min fair routing algorithms

In the paper, we consider the problem of routing and bandwidth allocation in networks that support elastic traffic. We assume that the bandwidth demand between each source-destination (S-D) pair is specified in terms of a minimum and maximum value, and a set of flows between each S-D pair is allowed to realize these demands. (We say that a set of flows realizes the demand associated with an S-D pa

Ion channels and electrical activity in vascular smooth muscle: Effects of calcium store depletion, cholesterol and cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ateroskleros är en sjukdomsprocess vars grundläggande utveckling i blodkärlens väggar sannolikt börjar flera decennier innan insjuknandet i infarkt eller slaganfall inträffar. Som svar på endotelskada, inflammatoriska mediatorer eller tillväxtfaktorer i kärlet kommer glatta muskelceller att dela sig, migrera in mot blodbanan och börja syntetisera en helt ny uppsättning Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in the vessel wall contract to regulate blood flow and pressure, a function essential for normal circulation through tissues. On the other hand, migration and proliferation of SMCs are important factors in vascular disease, such as atherosclerosis and restenosis following surgical dilatation. The conversion of the SMC to this role is marked by a modulation from contracti

No title

This article treats the establishment and development of freemasonry and fraternal societies in Swedish-Pomerania between the 1740-ies to 1816