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This article treats the establishment and development of freemasonry and fraternal societies in Swedish-Pomerania between the 1740-ies to 1816

A fast 2D tissue motion estimator based on the phase of the intensity enables visualization of the propagation of the longitudinal movement in the carotid artery wall

A fast 2D motion estimator has been developed and evaluated. The method does not utilize block-matching or iterative solutions and is thus more computationally efficient and suitable for real-time motion estimation over the entire image. The method has been evaluated on 1) phantom measurements and 2) in vivo on the carotid artery wall of 17 subjects, where measurements of the longitudinal displace

High isolation compact four-port MIMO antenna systems with built-in filters as isolation structure

In this work, we present a built-in filter method to enhance the isolation level between closely packed MIMO antennas. The built-in filter is composed of several slits etched on the ground of the antenna structure. The number and length of slits depend on both the resonance frequency and the structure of the MIMO antenna system. To illustrate its usefulness, two designs of compact planar four-port

Subversion of Toll-like receptor signaling by a unique family of bacterial Toll/interleukin-1 receptor domain-containing proteins

Pathogenic microbes have evolved sophisticated molecular strategies to subvert host defenses. Here we show that virulent bacteria interfere directly with Toll-like receptor (TLR) function by secreting inhibitory homologs of the Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain. Genes encoding TIR domain containing–proteins (Tcps) were identified in Escherichia coli CFT073 (TcpC) and Brucella melitensis (Tc

Biases in Visual Selective Attention : Trait Anxious Individuals Avert Their Gaze From Unpleasant Stimuli

Popular Abstract in Swedish Enligt vissa teorier så har individer med ångest en benägenhet att rikta sin uppmärksamhet mot negativa emotionella stimuli i omgivningen, medan de inte uppmärksammar positiva stimuli. Detta kan ta sig i uttryck i att de tittar mer på eller blir mer distraherade av till exempel arga ansikten, otäcka bilder eller negativa ord. Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen varCognitive models of anxiety postulate that anxious individuals are inclined to pay more attention to negative than to positive emotional visual stimuli. The main aim of the present dissertation was to test this prediction, employing a measure of the direction of gaze. In studies I, II and III the participants were shown pairs of angry and happy faces on a screen. In Study IV the stimuli were pleas

Physical activity and regional bone mass

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste decennierna har osteoporos (benskörhet) erhållit allt större uppmärksamhet eftersom allt fler individer drabbas av åkomman. Osteoporos är en sjukdom som ökar med stigande ålder och framför allt drabbar kvinnor. Sjukdomen leder till ökad risk för fraktur (benbrott) och antalet osteoporosrelaterade frakturer har ökat markant under senaste halvan av 1900-tThis thesis considers the effect of physical activity on bone mass in weight-loaded and unloaded regions of the skeleton. Bone mass was measured by Dual X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) and by Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS). In a cross-sectional study 67 male soccer-players, on different levels of the Swedish national league, were compared with 24 male controls. No differences were demonstrated between s

Development and Characterisation of a Laser-Based Hard X-Ray Source

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling presenteras en ny typ av röntgenkälla baserad på ett laser-producerat plasma. Röntgenstrålning alstras genom att fokusera laserpulser på ett strålmål. Energin i de enskilda laserpulserna blott är cirka 150 mJ, men tack vare den extremt korta pulstiden 100 fs (10E-13 s), blir laserns toppeffekt mer än 1 TW (10E12 W). Den extremt intensiva laserstrålninA laser-produced plasma was generated by focusing 100 fs laser pulses, with an energy of 150 mJ, onto metal targets. The laser intensity was expected to reach 10E17 W/cm2. Radiation was emitted from the created plasma, with photon energies extending up to the MeV regime. The laser-based X-ray source was optimised, with the purpose of making it a realistic source of hard X-rays (>10 keV). Dedicated

IS technologies constraining and enabling powers in budgeting

Budgeting is one of the oldest and the most popular organisational decisionmaking and controlling mechanisms. Although not new, information system (IS) technologies are not developed to support the process fully. Based on the structuration theory, this paper uses the concept of human agencies to examine how users interpret different types of IS technology, which are commonly used in budgeting, suc

Design of global production and distribution networks: A literature review and research agenda

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to systematically and critically review the extant literature on the design of global production and distribution networks to identify gaps in the literature and identify future research opportunities. The design aspects deal with strategic and structural decisions such as: opening or closing of manufacturing plants or distribution centres, selection of locat

Bengt Högrells dagbok från Seglora 1860–1862. (Göteborgs stiftshistoriska sällskaps skriftserie 6)

I denna edition med inledning och kommentar berätta den nyprästvigde prästen Bengt Högrell (1832–1922) om sina upplevelser av sin första tjänstetid som adjunkt hos prosten Schånberg. Den ger en bred inblick i villkoren för en adjunkt som bodde hos sin förman, avlönades av denne och var beroende av de offer han fick ta upp av församlingarna, samt av inkomsterna från den privatskola han själv drev.