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Non-sporulating ftsZ mutants in Streptomyces coelicolor reveal amino acid residues critical for FtsZ polymerization dynamics.

During sporulation of Streptomyces coelicolor, the cytokinetic protein FtsZ is assembled into dozens of regularly spaced Z rings, which orchestrate the division of aerial hyphae into spores. We have previously found that a missense allele of ftsZ, ftsZ17(Spo), primarily affects sporulation septation rather than formation of cross-walls in vegetative mycelium. To clarify what aspect of FtsZ functio

Defibrotide for prophylaxis of hepatic veno-occlusive disease in paediatric haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation: an open-label, phase 3, randomised controlled trial

Background Hepatic veno-occlusive disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality after haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT). We aimed to assess whether defibrotide can reduce the incidence of veno-occlusive disease in this setting. Methods In our phase 3 open-label, randomised controlled trial, we enrolled patients at 28 European university hospitals or academic medical centres. El

Electromechanical Behavior of Interdigitated SiO2 Cantilever Arrays

Bending and first flexural mode vibration behavior of electrostatic actuated nanometer-sized interdigitated cantilever arrays are characterized under vacuum conditions. The "pull-in" effect in dc driving and the "hard spring effect" in ac driving are observed. A mass sensitivity of 20 fg is expected for our devices due to the ultra-small mass of the arm and relative high.. factor. The mass-spring

Eight plate should not be used for treating leg length discrepancy.

The Blount staple has been widely used for treating angular deformities and leg length discrepancy (LLD) of the lower limbs. In recent years, the Eight plate has replaced the Blount staple for treating angular deformities in many centres. Although not described in the literature, it has been proposed that the Eight plate could also be used for treating LLD. We studied the effectiveness of the devi

Multivesicular exocytosis in rat pancreatic beta cells

To establish the occurrence, modulation and functional significance of compound exocytosis in insulin-secreting beta cells. Exocytosis was monitored in rat beta cells by electrophysiological, biochemical and optical methods. The functional assays were complemented by three-dimensional reconstruction of confocal imaging, transmission and block face scanning electron microscopy to obtain ultrastruct

Exploring variation in binding of Protein A and Protein G to immunoglobulin type G by isothermal titration calorimetry

Bacterial Protein A (PrtA) and Protein G (PrtG) are widely used for affinity purification of antibodies. An understanding of how PrtA and PrtG bind to different isotypes of immunoglobulin type G (IgG) and to their corresponding Fc fragments is essential for the development of PrtA and PrtG mimetic ligands and for the establishment of generic processes for the purification of various antibodies. In

Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Chromatography of Lipids in Bilberry.

A supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) method has been developed for the extraction of lipids in bilberry. Experimental design was used to optimize pressure, temperature and extraction time using CO2 as solvent. Best SFE condition for total lipids was 450 bar, 60 °C and 45 min. The SFE method was compared to conventional Bligh & Dyer (B&D) extraction. The amount of fatty acid methyl esters

Kinesin Light Chain 1 Gene Haplotypes in Three Conformational Diseases

A functional intracellular transport system is essential to maintain cell shape and function especially in elongated cells, e.g. neurons and lens fibre cells. Impaired intracellular transport has been suggested as a common pathological mechanism for age-related diseases characterised by protein aggregation. Here, we hypothesise that common genetic variation in the transport protein kinesin may inf

Word accents and morphology - ERPs of Swedish word processing

Results are presented which indicate that high stem tones realizing word accents activate a certain class of suffixes in on-line processing of Central Swedish. This supports the view that high Swedish word accent tones are induced onto word stems by particular suffixes rather than being associated with words in the mental lexicon. Using Event-Related Potentials, effects of mismatch between word ac

Brain inflammation induces post-synaptic changes during early synapse formation in adult-born hippocampal neurons.

An inflammatory reaction in the brain is primarily characterized by activation of parenchymal microglial cells. Microglia regulate several aspects of adult neurogenesis, i.e. the continuous production of new neurons in the adult brain. Hippocampal neurogenesis is thought to be important for memory formation, but its role in brain diseases is not clear. We have previously shown that brain inflammat

Experimentally induced deep cervical muscle pain distorts head on trunk orientation.

We wanted to explore the specific proprioceptive effect of cervical pain on sensorimotor control. Sensorimotor control comprises proprioceptive feedback, central integration and subsequent muscular response. Pain might be one cause of previously reported disturbances in joint kinematics, head on trunk orientation and postural control. However, the causal relationship between the impact of cervical

Neonatal outcome after trial of labor or elective cesarean section in relation to the indication for the previous cesarean delivery.

OBJECTIVE: To compare the neonatal outcome after a trial of labor (TOL) with that after an elective cesarean section (CS) following one previous cesarean delivery, considering the indication for the first CS. DESIGN: Population-based cohort study. SETTING: Sweden. POPULATION: Women with their first two deliveries 1992-2007 registered in the Swedish Medical Birth Registry. METHODS: The risk of low

Activated MCTC mast cells infiltrate diseased lung areas in cystic fibrosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Background: Although mast cells are regarded as important regulators of inflammation and tissue remodelling, their role in cystic fibrosis (CF) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) has remained less studied. This study investigates the densities and phenotypes of mast cell populations in multiple lung compartments from patients with CF, IPF and never smoking controls. Methods: Small airways, pu

Bone density and health-related quality of life in adult patients with severe haemophilia.

Summary. Severe haemophilia and reduced bone density can negatively influence perception of patient's health-related quality of life (HRQoL), especially considering future aspects, the risk of losing independence or pain suffering. The aim of this study was to assess levels of HRQoL in severe haemophilia patients and to compare HRQoL to those of the general population as well as to determine wheth

Demographic patterns and trends in patenting: Gender, age, and education of inventors

Using population-wide data on inventors and their demographic characteristics, the paper analyzes trends and patterns by technologies in age, the level of education, and gender gap. We find that the education level of inventors has risen over time. We also find that the gender gap is closing but at slower pace than in other comparable areas of society. Much to our surprise, the average age of inve