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Micro mass flow controller for a mini-HCCI-motor driven power generator

A piezoelectric micro mass flow controller (MMFC) for liquid fuel injection into a mini-HCCI-motor for power generation is introduced. Piezoelectric actuation ensures negligible power consumption for fuel injection allowing self-sustaining operation. A pressurized fuel tank is connected to the MMFC which is designed like a normally-closed, on-/off-operating valve. Integrated piezoresistors are use

Risks of breast, ovarian, and contralateral breast cancer for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers

IMPORTANCE The clinical management of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers requires accurate, prospective cancer risk estimates. OBJECTIVES To estimate age-specific risks of breast, ovarian, and contralateral breast cancer for mutation carriers and to evaluate risk modification by family cancer history and mutation location. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Prospective cohort study of 6036 BRCA1 and

Utvärdering av utvecklingsstatus för fuktanalysmetoder : Utvärdering och uppföljning av projektet CONMOD del II

Rapporten avser följa upp och utvärdera de resultat som kom från projektet CONMOD rörande fuktanalyser. I de sju rapporterna som har utgjort underlag för denna undersökning har står det generellt sett väldigt lite om fukt med två undantag. De två rapporter där det står mest om fukt och fuktmodellering, är dels i bilaga A5.4, i rapporten ”Barsebäck NPP- Material testing project”, Materialanalyser a

Combining shock barometry with numerical modeling : Insights into complex crater formation—The example of the Siljan impact structure (Sweden)

Siljan, central Sweden, is the largest known impact structure in Europe. It was formed at about 380 Ma, in the late Devonian period. The structure has been heavily eroded to a level originally located underneath the crater floor, and to date, important questions about the original size and morphology of Siljan remain unanswered. Here we present the results of a shock barometry study of quartz-bear

How hythane with 25% Hydrogen can affect the Combustion in a 6-Cylinder Natural-Gas Engine

Using alternative fuels like Natural Gas (NG) has shown good potentials on heavy duty engines. Heavy duty NG engines can be operated either lean or stoichiometric diluted with EGR. Extending Dilution limit has been identified as a beneficial strategy for increasing efficiency and decreasing emissions. However dilution limit is limited in these types of engines because of the lower burnings rate of

Polynomial Reconstruction of 3D sampled Curves Using Auxiliary Surface Data

This paper proposes a method for structural enhancement of a 3D sampled curve. The curve is assumed to be organized, but corrupted with low frequency noise. The proposed method approaches the notion of curve reconstruction in a novel way, where information about the structure in a scanned surface is used to reconstruct the curve. Principal Component Analysis is carried out on successive neighborho

Evaluation of the operating range of partially premixed combustion in a multi cylinder heavy duty engine with extensive EGR

Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) is a combustion concept by which it is possible to get low smoke and NOx emissions simultaneously. PPC requires high EGR levels and injection timings sufficiently early or late to extend the ignition delay so that air and fuel mix extensively prior to combustion. This paper investigates the operating region of single injection diesel PPC in a multi cylinder heav

Pressure oscillations during rapid HCCI combustion

This work has focused on studying the in-cylinder pressure fluctuations caused by rapid HCCI combustion and determine what they consist of. Inhomogeneous autoignition sets up pressure waves traversing the combustion chamber. These pressure waves induce high gas velocities which causes increased heat transfer to the walls or in worst case engine damage. In order to study the pressure fluctuations a

Strategies for bringing stem cell-derived dopamine neurons to the clinic : A European approach (STEM-PD)

The treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD) has for over 50 years relied on dopaminergic therapies that are highly effective especially in the early years of the condition, but ultimately are limited by the development of side effects that relate to the nonphysiological stimulation of dopamine receptors including in nonstriatal areas. Targeted regenerative therapies designed to restore specifically

Invisible detergents for structure determination of membrane proteins by small-angle neutron scattering

A novel and generally applicable method for determining structures of membrane proteins in solution via small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) is presented. Common detergents for solubilizing membrane proteins were synthesized in isotope-substituted versions for utilizing the intrinsic neutron scattering length difference between hydrogen and deuterium. Individual hydrogen/deuterium levels of the d

Gotlands – Nationen som försvann

Kort historik om den på 1700-talet verksamma Gotlands nation vid Lunds universitet samt uppgifter om några av dess medlemmars senare öden.

Metabolic and functional characterization of effects of developmental temperature in Drosophila melanogaster

The ability of ectotherms to respond to changes in their thermal environment through plastic mechanisms is central to their adaptive capability. However, we still lack knowledge on the physiological and functional responses by which ectotherms acclimate to temperatures during development, and in particular, how physiological stress at extreme temperatures may counteract beneficial acclimation resp

No trade-off between high and low temperature tolerance in a winter acclimatized Danish Drosophila subobscura population

Coping with cold winter conditions is a major challenge for many insects.In early spring we observed newly emerged Drosophila subobscura, which had overwintered as larvae and pupae. As temperatures increase during spring these flies are faced with higher minimum and maximum temperatures in their natural microhabitat. Thus, there is a potential costly mismatch between winter and early spring acclim

Interplay between isoscalar and isovector correlations in neutron-rich nuclei

The interplay between isoscalar and isovector correlations in the 1- states in neutron-rich (N≠Z) even-even nuclei is studied, taking as examples of the nuclei, O14822 and O16824. The excitation modes explored are isovector dipole and isoscalar compression dipole modes. The self-consistent Hartree-Fock plus the random-phase approximation with the Skyrme interaction, SLy4, is solved in coordinate s