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Impact of direct oral anticoagulants on ROTEM® variables; a sample size-calculated experimental study

Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) are increasingly common, with bleeding events associated with elevated plasma concentrations. Rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM), a point-of-care tool for assessing secondary hemostasis, has demonstrated a correlation with increasing concentrations of DOAC. However, previous studies have only partially explored this relationship. The primary aim in the current

Misär, mörker, Malmö: Henrik Möller, nya digitala medier och kultfilm

This paper explores how the conditions of zero-budget filmmaking in Sweden have changed in the context of new digital media and participatory culture, by using the Malmö-based filmmaker Henrik Möller as a case study. Möller is known for his dark, absurd and humorous zero-budget cartoons and live action short films, which he has been uploading on YouTube since 2006. Some of the short films have sur

Utvecklingsbedömning av små barn: En jämförelse mellan testinstrumentenBayley-4 och Griffiths-III

Studiens syfte var att undersöka förhållandet mellan de två av de mest använda standardiserade testinstrumenten för utvecklingsbedömning av små barn i Sverige idag: Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Fourth Edition (Bayley-4) och Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales, Third Edition (Griffiths-III). Tjugo barn i åldrarna 2:0 till 2:3 år genomgick testning med båda skalorna. Hälften avThe aim of this study was to explore the relationship between the two of the most commonly used standardized tests for the developmental assessment of infants and toddlers in Sweden today: the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Fourth Edition (Bayley-4) and the Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales, Third Edition (Griffiths-III). Twenty children between the ages of 2:0 and 2:3 years

Ångcentralen Konsthall

I kursen "Arkitektur - I tid och rum" utforskas befintliga byggnader och dess potential att transformeras för att fylla nya framtida syften. I kursen har vi identifierat befintliga värden och kvaliteter för att sedan addera nya eller anpassa byggnaden efter ett nytt användningsområde. Transformation blir allt mer relevant för att vi ska kunna ställa om till ett mer hållbart byggande samt

En plats mellan klossar och träd: Ett förslag till transformationen av Lokstallarna i Malmö

Kursen Arkitektur i tid och rum handlar om transformation; att utgå från befintlig arkitektur för att skapa någonting nytt. Målet är att lära oss av byggnader; och att värna om existerande kvalitéer för att se hur de kan användas i en ny kontext. I den här kursen är det Lokstallarna, ett tågverkstadsområde från 1910-talet i östra Malmö som undersöks. Lokstallarna kännetecknas av tegelbyggnader som

Inflammatory and subtype-dependent serum protein signatures predict survival beyond the ctDNA in aggressive B cell lymphomas

BackgroundBiological heterogeneity of large B cell lymphomas (LBCLs) is poorly captured by current prognostic tools, hampering optimal treatment decisions.MethodsWe dissected the levels of 1,463 serum proteins in a uniformly treated trial cohort of 109 patients with high-risk primary LBCL ( NCT01325194) and correlated the profiles with molecular data from tumor tissue and circul

Top-Down Methods for Estimating the European Carbon Budget : Towards Independent Monitoring and Verification of Carbon Emissions

This thesis investigates the role of advanced atmospheric inversion techniques and ∆¹⁴CO₂ observations in improving the accuracy of regional CO₂ flux estimates across Europe. Accurate quantification of fossil fuel emissions and biospheric fluxes is essential for understanding regional carbon budgets and supporting climate policy. However, significant uncertainties persist due to limited observatio

Early-Life Diet Diversity and the Subsequent Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Findings From Two Scandinavian Birth Cohorts

BackgroundDiet diversity in early childhood promotes microbial diversity, influences the developing immune system, and has been linked to a reduced risk of immune-mediated diseases. This study aimed to determine the association between childhood diet diversity and later inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), for which data are limited.MethodsQuestionnaire data from the population-based birth cohorts Al

Potential alternative and novel biomarkers for paediatric MAFLD : exploratory evidence from a Chinese cohort

BACKGROUND: While the associations between pediatric non-obese metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) and multiple diagnostic biomarkers are well-established, the role of a broader range of blood-based, urine-based, and body composition-based biomarkers for monitoring MAFLD are needed.METHODS: A pediatric cohort was established in Wuxi, China. We measured body composition bio

The Progression of Mycosis Fungoides During Treatment with Mogamulizumab: A BIO-MUSE Case Study of the Tumor and Immune Response in Peripheral Blood and Tissue

Background/objectives: Mycosis fungoides (MF) is a rare malignancy, with an indolent course in the early stages of the disease. However, due to major molecular and clinical heterogeneity, patients at an advanced stage of the disease have variable responses to treatment and considerably reduced life expectancy. Today, there is a lack of specific markers for the progression from early to advanced st

Hydrophilic Polymer Embolization-A Scoping Review of the Available Literature with Focus on Organ Involvement and Outcomes

Background: Hydrophilic polymer embolization (HPE) is a scarcely reported complication associated with endovascular procedures where the hydrophilic coating dislodges and disseminates to more distal vascular beds, leading to ischemic complications. The aim of this study is to assess the clinical outcomes associated with HPE in the literature and try to quantify it in a scoping manner. Methods: All

Inclusion, characteristics and methodological limitations of systematic reviews in doctoral theses: A cross-sectional study of all universities in Sweden

Abstract Intro A systematic review (SR) attempts to find, assess and summarize all the empirical evidence to answer a specific research question. We aim to explore to what extent reviews are included in doctoral theses from all universities with a medical faculty in Sweden, and to describe the type, topic and assess the methodological quality of the reviews. Methods Duplicate assessors independent

Do we trust the news? A cognitive-semiotic exploration of how people engage with news and media in South Africa

In an era of widespread disinformation, understanding how individuals navigate diverse media is critical. To address this, this thesis investigates how South Africans engage with news across different media formats, focusing on the role of semiotic systems, sensory modalities, and trust in shaping news engagement behaviours. The study poses four research questions: 1) What kind of media do South A

The Halo Effect Revisited: Unpacking the Influence of Attractiveness on Trustworthiness

The current study investigated the halo effect and its connection to trustworthiness by examining whether perceived physical attractiveness affects perceived trustworthiness. Two hypotheses were proposed, one regarding how individuals perceived as more physically attractive are also perceived as more trustworthy and one regarding whether perceived physical attractiveness has a greater positive imp

Teater med torget som kuliss

Med projektet och kandidatuppsatsen, Teater med torget som kuliss, undersöks möjligheterna att omvandla ångcentralen i det historiska verkstadsområdet Lokstallarna i Kirseberg, Malmö till en scen för en ny stadsdel. Projektet syftar till att se till den befintliga bebyggelsens kvaliteter och använda dem för att lyfta platsens framtida potential. Med Ångcentralen som central byggnad föreslås en tea

The Evolution of International Environmental Bureaucracies : How the Climate Secretariat is Loosening Its Straitjacket

Focusing on three initiatives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat – the Momentum for Change Initiative, the Lima–Paris Action Agenda, and the Non-state Actor Zone for Climate Action – this chapter studies how an international environmental bureaucracy can evolve from a low-key and servant-like secretariat to an actor in its own right. It argues that in

Conflict or Coherence in the EU Green Transition? - A Critical Analysis of the Interplay between the Critical Raw Materials Act and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive in relation to Sami Indigenous Rights

In 2023, the Swedish state-owned enterprise LKAB garnered global attention by announcing the discovery of Europe’s largest rare earth elements deposit in Kiruna, Sweden’s northernmost town. This discovery is highly symbolic for the European Union (EU), given the critical role rare earth metals play in advancing clean energy technologies. However, as the deposit is situated on Indigenous land, it h

Rättsregel eller rättsgåta? – En utredning av regeln om samma eller likartad verksamhet och behovet av en regeländring

Regeringen hade redan tillsatt en kommitté med uppdrag att lämna förslag med syftet att förenkla och förbättra fåmansföretagsreglerna när ett förvånande förhandsbesked från Skatterättsnämnden medförde att kommitténs uppdrag utvidgades till att särskilt omfatta regeln om samma eller likartad verksamhet. Kommittén landade slutligen i att regeln om samma eller likartad verksamhet bör lämnas oförändraThe government had already appointed a committee to propose measures for simplifying and improving the rules on closely held companies when an unexpected ruling from the Council for Advance Tax Rulings led to an expansion of the committee’s mandate to specifically include the rule on same or similar business. However, the committee concluded that the rule should remain unchanged. The committee cit