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Överlåtbarhetsbegränsningar i bolagsordningen - Särskilt om hembudsförbehåll

Denna uppsats undersöker möjligheterna att inskränka aktiers fria överlåtbarhet. Syftet är att identifiera, redogöra, undersöka och diskutera viktiga rättsfrågor som uppkommer i samband med överlåtelseförbehåll. Fokus ligger särskilt på hembudsförbehållet. Uppsatsen belyser även skillnader och likheter mellan förbehållen samt varför inskränkningar i den fria överlåtbarheten tillåts. Frågorna som uThis essay examines the possibilities of restricting the free transferability of shares. The aim is to identify, explain, investigate and discuss important legal issues that arise in connection with transfer reservations. The focus is particularly on the home bid reservation. The essay also highlights differences and similarities between the reservations and why restrictions on free transferabilit

The Paradoxical Development of Liberal Governance : International Adoption Policy and Professional Social Work in Authoritarian South Korea, 1953–1976

This article explores the development of international adoption policy in post-liberation South Korea, emphasizing the roles of American and Korean professional social workers. By analyzing the orphan registry and a pivotal international adoption law, it reveals how international adoption in South Korea presents a unique opportunity to observe the formation of modern social policy in a newly liber

Butoh and Embodied Transformation

The Japanese avant-garde dance form butoh, founded by Hijikata Tatsumi in the late 1950s, is known for its marked physicality. The choreographic methodology of butoh, however, is not focused primarily on instructing the dancers how to move their bodies. Instead, the dancers work with verbal and mental imagery to transform into butoh-tai, the “butoh body,” a special form of embodiment from which thThe Japanese avant-garde dance form butoh, founded by Hijikata Tatsumi in the late 1950s, is known for its marked physicality. The choreographic methodology of butoh, however, is not focused primarily on instructing the dancers how to move their bodies. Instead, the dancers work with verbal and mental imagery to transform into butoh-tai, the “butoh body,” a special form of embodiment from which th

Routines, Rituals and Reflexes : The Powerful Undercurrents in Everyday Life

Small routines and ingrained cultural reflexes as well as micro-rituals form an often unnoticed or ignored flow in everyday life. They acquire their power by being taken for granted and embodied. In situations of conflict, crisis or change, they may suddenly be noticed and become problematic. This chapter looks at how moves, affect, sensations and stuff interact in the making and unmaking of routi

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Abstract in FrenchLa superstition et la pensée magique sont omniprésentes dans le football, quel que soit le contexte culturel. Afin de mieux comprendre le lien étroit entre ce jeu et les croyances irrationnelles, l’article mobilise, en partant de l’analyse de quelques confessions de fans superstitieux, les réponses fournies par l’anthropologie, la philosophie de l’absurde, et la sociologie des reSuperstition and magical thinking are omnipresent in football, whatever the cultural context. In order to gain a better understanding the origin of the irrational beliefs that seem closely linked to the game, starting with some confessions of superstitious fans, the article draws on the tentative responses provided by anthropology, the philosophy of absurdism, and the sociology of religion. It con

The Trade Theory of Money : External Exchange and the Origins of Money

For over a century, scholars have debated the merits of two competing theories for the origins of money. The commodity theory of money has traditionally held that money developed as a medium of exchange in order to increase the economic efficiency of barter economies. Alternatively, chartalist explanations have given causal primacy to the role of state taxation in standardizing money as a unit of

Contraceptive Counselling for Immigrant Women Provided by Midwives in Sweden

Background: Immigrant women in Sweden face unique challenges in accessing sexual and reproductivehealth and rights (SRHR ) services, particularly in contraceptive counselling. Despite a well-establishedsystem led by midwives, barriers related to cultural sensitivity, health literacy, and the healthcaresystem's adaptability to diverse needs persist. Understanding immigrant women's perspectives on S

Kind of Folk VOL 5 - Poland : concert with Groupa

Groupa started the new project 'Kind of Folk VOL 5 - Poland'. A collaboration with polish musicians: Grzech Piotrowski - sax, Marta Matuszna - vocalsThis day there was a concert at the Skansen museum nearby Olsztyn.

Posttraumatic stress disorder and its cross-generational familial relationship with drug use disorder and alcohol use disorder : an extended Swedish adoption study

Objective: Information on how parental risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) relates to their children’s risk for drug use disorder (DUD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) is limited. This study is the first to utilize an extended adoption design which can address questions about the degree of, and sources of, cross-generational and cross-disorder transmission of PTSD and substance use disord

Nya bud kring carried interest - En undersökning av beskattningen av carried interest och om Skatteverkets beslut från 2023 är förenliga med gällande rätt.

Frågan om hur carried interest ska beskattas har länge varit föremål för både en debatt inom skatteområdet och upprepade prövningar i domstol. Grunden i denna problematik är huruvida den asymmetriska vinstutdelning som uppkommer i riskkapitalfonder, det vill säga carried interest, ska ses som en inkomst av investeringar och därmed beskattas enligt 3:12-reglerna, eller om den i stället ska betraktaThe question of how carried interest should be taxed has long been the subject of both debate within the tax field and repeated court proceedings. The core of this issue is whether the asymmetric profit distribution that arises in private equity fund, carried interest, should be regarded as an income from capital gains and thus be taxed under the rules for close companies, or whether it should ins

Klientmedelskonto hos advokatbyrå i företagshypotek - En undersökning av undantaget för kassa- och bankmedel i 2 kap. 1 § lagen (2008:990) om företagshypotek

Företagshypotek är en typ av säkerhet som innebär att lös egendom i näringsverksamhet används som säkerhet för ett lån. Den lösa egendom som bildar underlag för näringsidkarens verksamhet, hypoteksunderlaget, utgör säkerhet utan att den behöver överlämnas till kreditgivaren. Företagshypotek regleras genom lagen (2008:990) om företagshypotek, FHL. Av 2 kap. 1 § första stycket FHL framgår att ett föA business mortgage is a type of collateral where working assets in a business is used as collateral for a loan. The working assets that form the basis of the trader’s business, the mortgage basis, constitutes collateral without it having to be handled over to the creditor. Corporate mortgages are regulated by the Act (2008:990) on Business Mortgages, FHL. Chapter 2, Section 1, first paragraph, FH

Får man ÄTA utan att bjuda in? En studie av ÄTA-arbetens förenlighet med undantagsregeln om ändrings- och optionsklausuler i LOU

Byggsektorn präglas av ett behov av flexibilitet för att hantera de föränderliga förutsättningar som kännetecknar projektens vardag. Samtidigt ställs beställaren inför strikta krav på transparens och likabehandling enligt offentlig upphandlingslagstiftning, vilket kan skapa en konflikt mellan praktiska behov och rättsliga regler. Detta väcker flera frågor. Hur kan ändringar i byggprojekt genomföraThe construction sector is characterized by a need for flexibility to manage the dynamic conditions that define the daily reality of projects. At the same time, contracting authorities face strict requirements for transparency and equal treatment under public procurement legislation, which can create a conflict between practical needs and legal regulations. This raises several questions. How can c

Rätt till materiell prövning? - En analys av det civilprocessrättsliga medgivandets förhållande till enskildas rätt till ett effektivt domstolsskydd mot bakgrund av Braathens-fallet

Inom den svenska civilprocessrätten kan svaranden välja att antingen medge eller bestrida kärandens yrkande. För det fall kärandens yrkande medges ska den prövande domstolen, i ett dispositivt mål, meddela dom med anledning av medgivandet utan att pröva grunden för yrkandet. Detta följer av dispositionsprincipen, vilken är en grundläggande princip som innebär att rätten inte får meddela dom över mIn Swedish civil procedure, the respondent can choose to either concede or contest the plaintiff's claim. If the plaintiff's claim is conceded, the court must, in a case amenable to out-of-court settlements, give judgment based on the respondent’s concession without examining the grounds for the claim. This follows from the dispositionsprincipen (principle of disposit-ion): a fundamental p