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Your search for "*" yielded 531041 hits

Modulation of diabetes in NOD mice by GAD65-specific monoclonal antibodies is epitope specific and accompanied by anti-idiotypic antibodies

Type 1 diabetes is caused by the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells. Here we show that administration of a human monoclonal antibody (b96.11) specific to the 65-kDa isoform of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD65) to prediabetic non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice significantly delays the onset of autoimmune diabetes. We found this effect to be epitope-specific, as only b96.11 showed this therape

Diagnosis and management of individuals with Fetal Valproate Spectrum Disorder; A consensus statement from the European Reference Network for Congenital Malformations and Intellectual Disability

Background: A pattern of major and minor congenital anomalies, facial dysmorphic features, and neurodevelopmental difficulties, including cognitive and social impairments has been reported in some children exposed to sodium valproate (VPA) during pregnancy. Recognition of the increased risks of in utero exposure to VPA for congenital malformations, and for the neurodevelopmental effects in particu

In vivo magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. Technological advances and opportunities for applications continue to abound

Over the past decades, the field of in vivo magnetic resonance (MR) has built up an impressive repertoire of data acquisition and analysis technologies for anatomical, functional, physiological, and molecular imaging, the description of which requires many book volumes. As such it is impossible for a few authors to have an authoritative overview of the field and for a brief article to be inclusive

Canonicity, canon, canonizable and the implications of transcultural communication

Harold Bloom, in the Western Canon, selected only twenty-six sine qua non writers and, invoking Giambattista Vico’s New Science, where human history was distributed in three phases – Theocratic, Aristocratic, and Democratic – introduced another one, the Chaotic Age (represented by Freud, Proust, Joyce, and Kafka).1 Bloom did not expel this newly proposed Age, as it was also the container of beauty

PARK2 mutation causes metabolic disturbances and impaired survival of human iPSC-derived neurons

The protein parkin, encoded by the PARK2 gene, is vital for mitochondrial homeostasis, and although it has been implicated in Parkinson’s disease (PD), the disease mechanisms remain unclear. We have applied mass spectrometry-based proteomics to investigate the effects of parkin dysfunction on the mitochondrial proteome in human isogenic induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons with and withou

The epidemiology and clinical features of portal vein thrombosis : A multicentre study

Background Reliable epidemiological data for portal vein thrombosis are lacking. Aims To investigate the incidence, prevalence and survival rates for patients with portal vein thrombosis. Methods Retrospective multicentre study of all patients registered with the diagnosis of portal vein thrombosis between 1995 and 2004. Results A total of 173 patients (median age 57 years, 93 men) with portal vei

Circulating monocytes and plasma inflammatory biomarkers in active Crohn's disease : Elevated oxidized low-density lipoprotein and the anti-inflammatory effect of artorvastatin

We investigated inflammatory biomarkers in plasma and in circulating monocytes obtained from patients with Crohn's disease and healthy individuals. Additionally, we assessed the effects of atorvastatin, 10 μM, ex vivo on monocytes cultured for 18 hours from the same subjects. Plasma and blood monocytes from eight patients with active Crohn's disease and eight healthy individuals were analyzed by e

Measuring the Capabilities of the Swedish Fire Service to Save Lives in Residential Fires

The ability of the fire service to save lives in building fires has a profound impact on planning. However, very little empirical data are available on how different factors affect this capability—or even how many that are rescued annually. The current paper aims to partly fill this gap with an assessment of all rescues performed by the fire departments in Sweden during 2017. A combination of inci

Review of studies on outdoor thermal comfort in warm humid climates : challenges of informal urban fabric

In warm humid climate regions where majority of the population spend most of the time outdoors, an adequate outdoor thermal environment is crucial. A number of studies on outdoor thermal comfort in warm humid climates were carried out in the past decade. However, most of these studies focused on the formal urban fabric and left the informal urban fabric, where typically 30 to 85% of the population

Biogödsel i Skåne : en inventering och marknadsanalys

I dagsläget produceras ungefär 300 - 350 000 ton biogödsel i Skåne och med tanke på att det planeras för en mycket stor biogasanläggning1 i regionen kommer biogödselhanteringen och biogödselavsättningen bli en ännu större utmaning i framtiden. Detta kommer också att ställa höga krav på en fungerande logistikkedja, på infrastrukturen (vägnät och lagerkapacitet) och på spridningstekniken.2 I denna u

Report on improved use of individual metering concept

In a low temperature district heating (LTDH) system the importance of well performing network and customer installations are essential due to reduced operation margins. The use of low-value waste heat in the production sets limitations on the supply temperature. New piping materials sets limitations on the supply temperature and the pressure level. All in all, this means an increased focus on ensu

En syntes av Fjärrsyn 2013-2017

”Bortom förnybart” är rapportens underrubrik men också en sammanfattning av en av de viktigaste slutsatserna från syntesarbetet. Fjärrvärmesverige har nästan uppnått sin vision om en fossilfri värmetillförsel. Detta är en fantastisk prestation som behöver ersättas av nya framtida miljö-, klimat- och samhällsmål att sträva efter. Framtida forskning kring fjärrvärme bör utgå från en tydligare vision

The “Discovery” of White‐Collar Crime: The Legacy of Edwin Sutherland

This chapter examines the very beginning of the criminology of white-collar and corporate crime by focusing on Edwin Sutherland and his "discovery" of the concept of white-collar crime. Sutherland's contributions to the criminology of white-collar crime, beginning with his 1939 American Sociological Society presidential address and culminating with the publication of his book White Collar Crime, c