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Användningen av deepfakes inom pornografi : En etnografisk studie kring medvetenheten om och följderna av deepfakes i pornografi

Studiens fokus ligger i att undersöka unga kvinnors medvetenhet kring användningen av deepfakes inom pornografi samt hur unga kvinnor och deras beteende på sociala medier påverkas av fenomenet. Studien utfördes med en kvantitativ metod i form av en webbenkät samt en kvalitativ metod i form av fem intervjuer. Till skillnad från tidigare forskning ämnar studien att förstå kvinnors agerande på socialThe phenomenon deepfake was created in 2017 and has since developed and received a lot of attention, especially in pornography thus the absolute majority of all deepfakes on the internet are of pornographic content, with 90% of those who are exposed to deepfakes are woman. The purpose of this essay is to investigate young women’s awareness of deepfakes as well as how the phenomenon used in porn co

Cooperative Electrostatic Interactions Drive Functional Evolution in the Alkaline Phosphatase Superfamily

It is becoming widely accepted that catalytic promiscuity, i.e., the ability of a single enzyme to catalyze the turnover of multiple, chemically distinct substrates, plays a key role in the evolution of new enzyme functions. In this context, the members of the alkaline phosphatase superfamily have been extensively studied as model systems in order to understand the phenomenon of enzyme multifuncti

Understanding the structural and dynamic consequences of DNA epigenetic modifications : Computational insights into cytosine methylation and hydroxymethylation

We report a series of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of up to a microsecond combined simulation time designed to probe epigenetically modified DNA sequences. More specifically, by monitoring the effects of methylation and hydroxymethylation of cytosine in different DNA sequences, we show, for the first time, that DNA epigenetic modifications change the molecule's dynamical landscape, increasi

Catalytic promiscuity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa arylsulfatase as an example of chemistry-driven protein evolution

In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that many enzymes are catalytically "promiscuous". This can provide a springboard for protein evolution, allowing enzymes to acquire novel functionality without compromising their native activities. We present here a detailed study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa arylsulfatase (PAS), which catalyzes the hydrolysis of a number of chemically distinct subst

The epithelial era of asthma research : knowledge gaps and future direction for patient care

The Epithelial Science Expert Group convened on 18–19 October 2023, in Naples, Italy, to discuss the current understanding of the fundamental role of the airway epithelium in asthma and other respiratory diseases and to explore the future direction of patient care. This review summarises the key concepts and research questions that were raised. As an introduction to the epithelial era of research,

Eligibility for lipid-lowering therapy when applying systemic coronary risk estimation 2 according to guidelines on apparently healthy middle-Aged individuals

Aims: To estimate the proportion eligible for lipid-lowering therapy (LLT) when using the systemic coronary risk estimation 2 (SCORE2) on apparently healthy individuals. Methods and results: Individuals aged 50-64 years were randomly invited to The Swedish Cardiopulmonary Bioimage Study (n = 30 154). Participants with previous atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes mellitus, or chr

Associations between structural brain changes and blood neurofilament light chain protein in treatment-resistant schizophrenia

Objective: Around 30% of people with schizophrenia are refractory to antipsychotic treatment (treatment-resistant schizophrenia). Abnormal structural neuroimaging findings, in particular volume and thickness reductions, are often described in schizophrenia. Novel biomarkers of active brain pathology such as neurofilament light chain protein are now expected to improve current understanding of psyc

A novel nature-based intervention rehabilitation program including equine-assisted therapy (the NBI-RP) for people with severe stress-related mental health problems. Outcomes on health, personal recovery, and activity level.

Objective: Stress-related mental health problems (MHP) are increasing worldwide. It has been shown that people with stress-related MHP may benefit from nature-based interventions (NBI), and equine-assisted therapy (EAT) to support their health, recovery, and activity level of daily life. However, the evidence-base to support this is still weak and there is a knowledge gap concerning health-, recov

Textilvarvet - en undersökning om framtida urban textilproduktion

Dagens textilindustri är starkt präglad av fast fashion, en global industri som bygger på stora inköp och små marginaler vilket leder till en överproduktion där 40 procent av de textilier som tillverkas globalt aldrig kommer ut på marknaden. Detta resulterar i bristande arbets- och levnadsförhållanden i produktionsländer samt enorma utsläpp. Med hjälp av politiska incitament och teknologiska framsToday's textile industry is strongly characterized by fast fashion, a global industry based on large purchases and small margins, leading to overproduction where 4 percent of the textiles produced globally never reach the market. This results in poor working and living conditions in producing countries and huge emissions. With policy incentives and technological advances, we can move towards l

The fundamentals of eye tracking part 4 : Tools for conducting an eye tracking study

Researchers using eye tracking are heavily dependent on software and hardware tools to perform their studies, from recording eye tracking data and visualizing it, to processing and analyzing it. This article provides an overview of available tools for research using eye trackers and discusses considerations to make when choosing which tools to adopt for one's study.

Survival in Thyroid Cancer in Sweden From 1999 To 2018

Introduction: Thyroid cancer (TC) is diagnosed in several histological types which differ in their clinical characteristics and survival. We aim to describe how they influence TC survival in Sweden. Methods: Cancer data were obtained from the Swedish cancer registry between years 1999 and 2018, and these were used to analyze relative survival. Results: Relative survival for all TC improved when an

The Unintentional Lecture : The place of large-class teaching in contemporary Higher Education

This thesis uses a critical realist theoretical framework to explore the complexinterplay between curriculum theory, policy, and teaching practice in the context oflarge-class lectures in higher education. The study is anchored in an analysis of thecoherence between universities espoused educational values and their observableteaching practice.A substantial proportion of face-to-face teaching in h

Catalytic stimulation by restrained active-site floppiness--the case of high density lipoprotein-bound serum paraoxonase-1

Despite the abundance of membrane-associated enzymes, the mechanism by which membrane binding stabilizes these enzymes and stimulates their catalysis remains largely unknown. Serum paraoxonase-1 (PON1) is a lipophilic lactonase whose stability and enzymatic activity are dramatically stimulated when associated with high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles. Our mutational and structural analyses, co

Synergistical assistance - combining artefactual and human assistive resources to reach desired outcomes

PURPOSE: Assistance from artefacts and humans are traditionally viewed as separate, and it is often up to the individual to try to combine the different kinds of assistance to suit their needs and preferences. The purpose of this study was to gain new insights into the co-existence of and synergies between artefactual and human assistance in the everyday lives of persons with physical and cognitiv