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Why Sarus Cranes epitomize Karunarasa in the Ramayana

By correlating literary evidence, avian ethology and neurophysiology I will try to demonstrate why Valmiki chose a pair of Sarus Cranes, and not any other avian species, to epitomise grief and sorrow in the Ramayana. This choice illustrates the importance of personal experience of the living reality (behaviour of Sarus Cranes); but the grief, soka, as experienced by Valmiki, became in later critic

Right temporal lobe activation when listening to emotionally significant music

The cerebral activation when normal elderly participants (6 women, 6 men, M age = 70 years) listened to self-selected emotionally significant music was investigated. Musical memories and preferences were discussed in an interview, and a piece of music with great emotional significance to the participant was selected and later played during measurement of the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). Me

Konservering och digitalisering av breven till Tegnér

Bland alla kulturskatter i Lunds universitetsbiblioteks samlingar finns breven till Esaias Tegnér. Många forskarhänder har under årens lopp bläddrat bland de drygt 2700 breven. De har slitit och nött på de sköra pappersarken. För att bevara breven och tillgängliggöra dem för framtida forskare har ett digitaliseringsprojekt startat vid Universitetsbiblioteket. I samband med digitaliseringsarbetet f

Noise and full counting statistics of incoherent multiple Andreev reflection

We present a general theory for the full counting statistics of multiple Andreev reflections in incoherent superconducting-normal-superconducting contacts. The theory, based on a stochastic path integral approach, is applied to a superconductor-double-barrier system. It is found that all cumulants of the current show a pronounced subharmonic gap structure at voltages V=2Δ/en. For low voltages V≪Δ/

Tympanic pressure gradients and otoacoustic emissions

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the immediate effects of tympanic over- and under-pressure, induced by variations in ambient pressure on click-evoked otoacoustic emissions (CEOAEs) in healthy individuals. It was of particular interest to elucidate whether changes in the CEOAE response in both spectral and time domains could be attributed not only to tympanic, but also to co

Relation between cutaneous receptive fields and muscle afferent input to climbing fibres projecting to the cerebellar C3 zone in the cat

Inferior olivary cells projecting as climbing fibres to the forelimb area of the cerebellar C3 zone were investigated with respect to their cutaneous and muscle afferent input in barbiturate-anaesthetized cats. Climbing fibre responses were recorded from single cerebellar cortical Purkinje cells on natural stimulation of the skin and on electrical stimulation of nerves to m. biceps brachii, m. tri

Ab initio characterization of C-5

In this paper, the structure and spectroscopic parameters of the C-5 cluster are determined using multiconfigurational quantum chemical methods as implemented in the MOLCAS software. A number of spectroscopic properties (band center positions, l-doubling parameters, and rotational constants) have been characterized. From the new results, the assignments of previous astrophysical observations [J. G

Glibenclamide and L-NG-nitro-arginine methyl ester modulate the ocular and hypotensive effects of calcitonin gene-related peptide

Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) given i.v. to rabbits induced hypotension and a breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier. Glibenclamide, a blocker of ATP-sensitive K+ (K+ATP) channels antagonized both these effects. The K+ATP channel opener diazoxide reduced blood pressure but did not damage the blood-aqueous barrier. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase antagonized the effects of CGRP on the

BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in ovarian cancer : Covariation with specific cytogenetic features

We analyzed 37 primary invasive carcinomas for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations by screening the entire coding regions of both genes. Seven predicted truncating mutations (four in BRCA1 and three in BRCA2) and one novel BRCA1 missense variant (S1542C) were identified (8/37, 22%). Two of the BRCA1 mutations were somatic changes, whereas the remaining three BRCA1 changes and all mutations of BRCA2 were fou

Analysis of Computational Algorithms for Linear Multistep Methods

Linear multistep methods (LMMs) constitute a class of time-stepping methods for the solution of initial value ODEs; the most well-known methods of this class are the Adams methods (AMs) and the backward differentiation formulae (BDFs). For the fixed stepsize LMMs there exists an extensive error and stability analysis; in practical computations, however, one always uses a variable stepsize. It is w

Om gäddor, 'oxöron' och nostalgi i Lennart Williams journalistik

Som journalist och fotograf var Lennart Williams framför allt knuten till Ljungby-Tidningen Smålänningen, men han publicerade sig flitigt som naturskribent även i många andra publikationer. Den här uppsatsen tar fasta på ett nostalgiskt tema i de naturkrönikor han skrev i Göteborgs-Posten under åren 1957-87.

Translating Foreign Ideas into Domestic Practices : Pharmaceutical Policies in Laos and Vietnam

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur kommer det sig att liknande reformprogram återfinns i olika länder? Varför väljs vissa idéer framför andra? Avhandlingen syftar till att öka förståelsen av så kallad policydiffusion, spridning av olika typer av policy, och den dynamik som omgärdar spridningen. Detta görs genom att undersöka hur externa, eller utländska, idéer integreras och översätts i en ny omgivniSimilar policies may be found in different countries. This, in turn, is an indication that policies travel. But why are certain policies imitated while others are not? The author seeks to further our understanding of policy diffusion and its dynamics by investigating how foreign ideas are integrated and translated into new contexts, and how these imported ideas influence national policymaking and

Increasing prevalence of overweight, obesity and physical inactivity: two population-based studies 1986 and 1994.

Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the 1986-1994 trend in obesity, overweight and sedentary leisure-time physical activity status, and the educational gradient in overweight and obesity in the city of Malmö, Sweden. Material/Methods: The public health surveys in Malmö 1986 and 1994 are cross-sectional studies. A total of 4,800 and 5,600 individuals aged 20–80 years were randoml

On the potential of human sinus cavity diagnostics using diode laser gas spectroscopy

A method for studying human sinus cavities and inflammation status is described. Diode laser spectroscopy of molecular oxygen gas in the cavity is performed at 760 nm through the strongly scattering facial tissue in a backscattering geometry. Model experiments on tissue-like scattering plastics were made to elucidate the possible penetration depths and the expected signal levels. Measurements on t