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Results of risk-adapted therapy in acute myeloid leukaemia. A long-term population-based follow-up study

In 1997-2003, a protocol for treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) (except promyelocytic leukaemia) was activated in four Swedish health care regions covering 50% of the national population. Based on cytogenetics and clinical findings, patients aged 18-60 yr were assigned to one of three risk groups. In this report we account for the long-term clinical outcome of enrolled patients. Patients r

Li-7 NMR measurements of polymer gel electrolytes

Ion conducting polymer gels prepared from (ethylene oxide)(n) grafted methacrylates, ethylene carbonate (EC), gamma butyrolactone (gBL), and lithium hexafluorophosphate are studied by means of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, This study shows that there are at least two possible lithium sites with different mobility. The lithium-ions with lower mobility dominate at room temperature, but th

On the induction of cold acclimation in carrots (Daucus carota L.) and its influence on storage performance

We investigated the role of cold acclimation in carrot plants with respect to its influence on the storage performance of the harvested taproots. The induction of cold acclimation was followed in plants cultivated in a growth chamber under strict climate control and in taproots harvested from two separate field cultivations where the plants had been exposed to the natural variations in climate. Un

Reflecting on reflexivity: Reflexive textual practices in organization and management theory

This paper identifies four sets of textual practices that researchers in the field of organization and management theory (OMT) have used in their attempts to be reflexive. We characterize them as multi-perspective, multi-voicing, positioning and destabilizing. We show how each set of practices can help to produce reflexive research, but also how each embodies limitations and paradoxes. Finally, we

Differentiation of the RN33B Cell Line into Forebrain Projection Neurons after Transplantation into the Neonatal Rat Brain.

The rat neural cell line RN33B has a remarkable ability to undergo region-specific neuronal differentiation after transplantation into the CNS. To further study its neurogenic properties in vivo, we used a recombinant lentiviral vector to genetically label the cells with the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) gene before implantation into the striatum/cortex, hippocampus, or mesencephalon of newborn

Generation of a mature streptococcal cysteine proteinase is dependent on cell wall-anchored M1 protein

In the present study, we have generated a mutant strain of Streptococcus pyogenes, MC25, which lacks M protein on its surface, and we demonstrate that this strain is unable to generate a mature 28 kDa cysteine proteinase. Furthermore, we show that S. pyogenes bacteria of M1 serotype are dependent on cell wall-anchored M protein to cleave the secreted zymogen into a mature cysteine proteinase. We a

Expression of the AMBP gene transcript and its two protein products, alpha(1)-microglobulin and bikunin, in mouse embryogenesis

The expression pattern of the alpha(1)-microglobulin/bikunin precursor (AMBP) gene, and its two protein products were studied in mouse embryos of 8.5-15.5 days of embryonic development by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. AMBP mRNA is strongly transcribed in liver parenchyma, pancreas, and intestine epithelium. Sites of weaker expression are the vessels of the umbilical cord, the dev

Neutrophil recruitment and resistance to urinary tract infection

This study examined the role of neutrophil leukocytes for the antibacterial defense at mucosal infection sites. Urinary tract infection (UTI) was established by injection into the bladder lumen of Escherichia coli 1177, a fully virulent clinical isolate. Infection of C3H/HeN (lpsn, lpsn) mice recruited neutrophils into the urinary tract, and bacteria were cleared from kidneys and bladders. The neu

Computational Analysis of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow with Relevance for IC-Engine Cooling

Modern IC-engines produce more power per displaced volume and operate at higher combustion pressures and temperatures. In addition, engine structure materials such as aluminium and magnesium alloys, which are more sensitive to thermal loads, are more commonly used. These two parameters might lead to problems such as thermal fatigue, knock, high fuel consumption and emissions, performance loss, bor

Validation of a new automated method for analysis of gated-SPECT images

We recently presented a new method for quantification of CArdiac FUnction - denoted CAFU - as the first step in the development of an automated method for integrated interpretation of gated myocardial perfusion single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images. The aim of this study was to validate CAFU in the assessment of global and regional function of the left ventricle. Quantitative g

Collagen type II (CII)-specific antibodies induce arthritis in the absence of T or B cells but the arthritis progression is enhanced by CII-reactive T cells.

Antibodies against type II collagen (anti-CII) are arthritogenic and have a crucial role in the initiation of collagen-induced arthritis. Here, we have determined the dependence of T and B cells in collagen-antibody-induced arthritis (CAIA) during different phases of arthritis. Mice deficient for B and/or T cells were susceptible to the CAIA, showing that the antibodies induce arthritis even in th

Laser-accelerated protons with energy dependent beam direction

The spatial distribution of protons, accelerated by intense femtosecond laser pulses interacting with thin target foils under oblique irradiation are investigated. Under certain conditions, the proton beams are directed away from the target normal. This deviation is towards the laser forward direction, with an angle that increases with the level and duration of the amplified spontaneous emission p

DNA encapsulation by biocompatible catanionic vesicles

The encapsulation of DNA by catanionic vesicles has been investigated; the vesicles are composed of one cationic surfactant, in excess, and one anionic. Since cationic systems are often toxic, we introduced a novel divalent cationic amino-acid-based amphiphile, which may enhance transfection and appears to be nontoxic, in our catanionic vesicle mixtures. The cationic amphiphile is arginine-N-lauro

LES of supersonic combustion in a scramjet engine model

In this study, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) has been used to examine supersonic flow and combustion in a model scramjet combustor. The LES model is based on an unstructured finite volume discretization, using total variational diminishing flux reconstruction, of the filtered continuity, momentum, enthalpy, and passive/reactive scalar equations, used to describe the combustion process. The configura

Attovial-based antibody nanoarrays.

Antibody array-based technology is a powerful emerging tool in proteomics, but to enable global proteome analysis, antibody array layouts with even higher density has to be developed. To this end, we have further developed the first generation of a nanoarray platform, based on attoliter sized vials, attovials, which we have characterized and used for the detection of complement factor C1q in human