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The N-terminal Helix-Turn-Helix Motif of Transcription Factors MarA and Rob Drives DNA Recognition

DNA-binding proteins play an important role in gene regulation and cellular function. The transcription factors MarA and Rob are two homologous members of the AraC/XylS family that regulate multidrug resistance. They share a common DNA-binding domain, and Rob possesses an additional C-terminal domain that permits binding of low-molecular weight effectors. Both proteins possess two helix-turn-helix

Modeling the Role of a Flexible Loop and Active Site Side Chains in Hydride Transfer Catalyzed by Glycerol-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase

Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is a biomedically important enzyme that plays a crucial role in lipid biosynthesis. It is activated by a ligand-gated conformational change that is necessary for the enzyme to reach a catalytically competent conformation capable of efficient transition-state stabilization. While the human form (hlGPDH) has been the subject of extensive structural and biochemical

Engineering organs, hopes and hybridity : considerations on the social potentialities of xenotransplantation

The development of replacing human organs with those from genetically modified pigs holds immense potential for alleviating the shortage of organs necessary for patients in need of transplants. This medical advancement is also accompanied by significant social changes, including the emergence of a bioeconomy, new modes of biotechnology governance, altered human-animal relations and increased publi

Louise Lawler / Fredrik Værslev : Edited and with an essay by Pavel Pyś, Designed by Lorenzo Mason Studio

Conceived as a catalogue and an artist’s book, the publication was made on occasion of the eponymous 2022 exhibition at Indipendenza Roma. Deeply responsive to the space, the exhibition brought together works by Louise Lawler and Fredrik Værslev to explore the tension between an artwork and its surrounding architectural context, spurring questions of taste, value, function, and decoration.

Continuity of Short-Time Dynamics Crossing the Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Charge-Tuned Protein Solutions

Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) constitutes a crucial phenomenon in biological self-organization, not only intervening in the formation of membraneless organelles but also triggering pathological protein aggregation, which is a hallmark in neurodegenerative diseases. Employing incoherent quasi-elastic neutron spectroscopy (QENS), we examine the short-time self-diffusion of a model protein un

Associations between dietary mycotoxins exposures and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in a European cohort

Mycotoxins have been hypothesized to contribute to a diversity of adverse health effects in humans, even at low concentrations. Certain mycotoxins are established human carcinogens, whereas for others research suggests potential carcinogenic effects. The aim of this study was to determine the association between dietary exposure to mycotoxins and hepatobiliary cancers in the European Prospective I

Rättighetsperspektiv på tvångsinlösen av minoritetsaktier - Särskilt om förenligheten med egendomsskyddet och minoritetsaktieägarnas möjlighet till edition

Enligt aktiebolagslagen (ABL) har en ägare till mer än 90 % av aktierna i ett aktiebolag rätt att påkalla tvångsinlösen av resterande så kallade minoritetsaktier. Tvister med anledning av ett sådant tvångsinlösensförfarande ska med grund i tvingande bestämmelser i ABL avgöras genom skiljeförfarande. I uppsatsen görs en kritisk analys av sådana tvångsinlösenförfaranden utifrån den enskilde minoriteAccording to the Swedish Companies Act (ABL), an owner holding more than 90% of the shares in another limited company has the right to demand compulsory redemption of the remaining minority shares. Disputes arising from such procedures must be resolved through arbitration. This thesis constitutes a critical investigation of such compulsory redemption procedures from the perspective of the individu

Vilket folk förtjänar ett land? - En undersökning av statssuveränitetsprincipens utveckling mellan Förenta Nationerna och Nationernas Förbund

Statssuveränitet har länge varit en central princip i folkrätten, men dess tolk-ning och tillämpning har varierat stort genom historien: från romarrikets ius gentium till vår moderna folkrätt har många förändringar skett ekonomiskt, politiskt, kulturellt och inte minst rättsligt. En av de mest intressanta tidspe-rioderna i statssuveränitetens utveckling skedde mellan upprättandet av Nat-ionernas FThe principle of state sovereignty has long been a central principle in public international law, but its interpretation and application have varied greatly through history. One of the most interesting time periods for the develop-ment of state sovereignty can be seen between the establishment of the League of Nations and the foundation of the United Nations. The League of Nations was an attempt t

Marknadsföringslagens tillämplighet för ingripanden mot könsdiskriminerande reklam

Uppsatsen undersöker huruvida marknadsföringslag (2008:486) är tillämplig lag vid ingripanden mot könsdiskriminerande reklam. Lagen förbjuder otillbörlig marknadsföring. Enligt lagens inledande paragraf är skyddsintresset konsumenter och näringsidkares ekonomiska intressen. Marknadsföringslag (2008:486) saknar ett specifikt lagrum som förbjuder könsdiskriminerande reklam. För att utreda om ingriThis thesis examines whether or not the Swedish Marketing Act (Marknadsföringslag (2008:486)) is the applicable law for possible measures against gender-discriminating marketing. The law prohibits unfair business practices. According to its first section, the protective interests of the law are the economic interests of consumers and businesses. The Swedish Marketing Act does not entail specific

Multiplex genome editing eliminates lactate production without impacting growth rate in mammalian cells

The Warburg effect, which describes the fermentation of glucose to lactate even in the presence of oxygen, is ubiquitous in proliferative mammalian cells, including cancer cells, but poses challenges for biopharmaceutical production as lactate accumulation inhibits cell growth and protein production. Previous efforts to eliminate lactate production in cells for bioprocessing have failed as lactate

Farliga flickor eller flickor i fara? En tematisk analys av hur flickor placerade på SiS särskilda ungdomshem konstrueras i svensk nyhetsmedia

This study aims to investigate how girls within SiS special residential homes for youths are constructed in Swedish news media. The study is based on the social constructivist perspective and Yvonne Hirdman's gender theory. The theory choices have been made to make visible how words in news media construct both gender and the overall image of girls within SiS special residential homes for yout

Lessons from early life : understanding development to expand stem cells and treat cancers

Haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) self-renewal is a process that is essential for the development and homeostasis of the blood system. Self-renewal expansion divisions, which create two daughter HSCs from a single parent HSC, can be harnessed to create large numbers of HSCs for a wide range of cell and gene therapies, but the same process is also a driver of the abnormal expansion of HSCs in diseases

Machine learning-derived asthma and allergy trajectories in children : a systematic review and meta-analysis

INTRODUCTION: Numerous studies have characterised trajectories of asthma and allergy in children using machine learning, but with different techniques and mixed findings. The present work aimed to summarise the evidence and critically appraise the methodology.METHODS: 10 databases were searched. Screening, data extraction and quality assessment were performed in pairs. Trajectory characteristics w

Neuronal and glial responses to dopaminergic denervation

Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterised by severe degeneration of dopamine (DA) neurons innervating the striatum. Spiny projection neurons (SPNs), are the principal type of striatal neuron and belong to either of two classes: the D2 receptor-positive indirect pathway SPNs (iSPNs) and the D1 receptor-positive direct pathway SPNs (dSPNs). The thesis aims at investigating dynamic changes of SPNs an

From Funding to Financing: Complementary Pathways, Refugee Finance and the Emergence of the Refugee Entrepreneur

As part of the implementation of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework and the Global Compact on Refugees we are witnessing the promotion of refugee responses aimed at creating an enabling environment for sustainable investments. This marks a paradigmatic shift “from funding to financing” which sees the role of financial markets becoming central to the way in which refugee responses are man

Essential Functional Interplay of the Catalytic Groups in Acid Phosphatase

The cooperative interplay between the functional devices of a preorganized active site is fundamental to enzyme catalysis. An in-depth understanding of this phenomenon is central to elucidating the remarkable efficiency of natural enzymes and provides an essential benchmark for enzyme design and engineering. Here, we study the functional interconnectedness of the catalytic nucleophile (His18) in a