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Bootstrapping the augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root using the MDIC
In this paper, we consider the bootstrap procedure for the augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test by implementing the modified divergence information criterion (MDIC, Mantalos et al. [An improved divergence information criterion for the determination of the order of an AR process, Commun. Statist. Comput. Simul. 39(5) (2010a), pp. 865-879; Forecasting ARMA models: A comparative study of info
Immunizations With IFN gamma Secreting Tumor Cells can Eliminate Fully Established and Invasive Rat Gliomas
Immunotherapy of malignant primary brain tumors holds the potential to improve the dismal prognosis after current clinical therapy. Although immunotherapy of experimental gliomas has been demonstrated to have the capacity to cure intracerebral tumors no convincing effects of immunotherapy have been shown in clinical trials. One reason for this could be that some of the models used do not display f
Image analysis of prostate cancer tissue biomarkers
Popular Abstract in English Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world and the second most common in men. The western world has the highest incidence rates. The causes of prostate cancer are not yet clear, however a number of risk factors have been identified such as familial history, ethnicity, diet and genetic events. Prostate cancer affects primarily elderly men with the majProstate cancer is the second most common cancer in men. In order to improve diagnosis and prognosis, new sensitive and specific biomarkers are needed. Tissue biomarkers carry expression and morphological information of the tissue where they are expressed. However their use is still limited by technological problems, lack of standardized procedures and inadequate interpretation. In this work we in
Luther’s Theology of Music
Människokunskap och långa tidsaxlar
Referring to historiographical tendencies and philosophical discourses on the use of history, the article presents a personal argument for the usefulness of the historian's craft today. Drawing on the research on violence, friendship, and silences in history, it would seem we need penetrating methods when examining the information and disinformation spread widely by the mass media and the Internet
Organic farming at local and landscape scales benefits plant diversity
Agri-environment schemes (AES) have been suggested to counter negative effects of agricultural intensification and enhance farmland biodiversity, but evaluations have produced inconsistent results. We suggest that this is partly a consequence of scale-dependence, i.e. that the consequence of organic farming will differ depending on the scale of uptake in a particular landscape. To test our hypothe
Development of graphitization of μg-sized samples at Lund University
To be able to successfully measure radiocarbon with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) in atmospheric aerosol samples, graphitization of small sample sizes (< 50 µg carbon) must provide reproducible results. At Lund University, a graphitization line optimized for small samples has been constructed. Attention has been given to minimize the reduction reactor volume and each reactor is equipped with
Long-term effects from bacterial meningitis in childhood and adolescence on postural control.
Bacterial meningitis in childhood is associated with cognitive deficiencies, sensorimotor impairments and motor dysfunction later in life. However, the long-term effects on postural control is largely unknown, e.g., whether meningitis subjects as adults fully can utilize visual information and adaptation to enhance stability. Thirty-six subjects (20 women, mean age 19.3 years) treated in childhood
TransCom model simulations of hourly atmospheric CO2 : analysis of synoptic-scale variations for the period 2002-2003
The ability to reliably estimate CO2 fluxes from current in situ atmospheric CO2 measurements and future satellite CO2 measurements is dependent on transport model performance at synoptic and shorter timescales. The TransCom continuous experiment was designed to evaluate the performance of forward transport model simulations at hourly, daily, and synoptic timescales, and we focus on the latter two
The Voice of the Patient
Popular Abstract in Swedish Allergiska besvär från luftvägarna utgör ett stort och växande folkhälsoproblem. Det finns idag ingen bot mot dessa sjukdomar och de kan, om de inte behandlas, utgöra ett betydande hinder i vardagen. Även om dagens mediciner i de allra flesta fall kuperar symtomen väl, vet man, att många patienter är odiagnostiserade eller saknar behandling trots diagnos. Målet med behAllergic diseases, which constitute a global health problem, have been defined as one of the epidemics of the twenty-first century. Since there are no cures for allergic diseases today, the goal of treatment is to get the disease under control so that the patient can live a normal life with optimal chances of development. Patient-reported outcomes for control assessment have been a focus of attent
Historien kunde tagit en annan väg
Recension av Dennis E. Showalter & Harold C. Deutsch (red.), Om Tyskland segrat – 53 alternativa scenarier.
Om stater nu och förr - särskilt Danmark under tidigmodern tid
A discussion of the concept and form of the state in early modern Europe, with Danish exemples, in a theme issue on conceptual history.
Adoption Reasons for Enterprise Systems as a Service - A Recap of Provider Perspectives
In 2003 the concept of Application Service Provision (ASP) as a way to provide Enterprise Systems (ES) to Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), “hyped”. In 2013 we saw the same “hype” but now with the Software as a Service (SaaS) model. Even if labelled differently, these concepts seem to mean the same and so, in this paper, we explore if providers perspective for the adoption of external pro
Accentuation and deaccentuation in Russian – a functional account
The present article is a functional analysis of intonation in Russian declarative utterances. Pragmatically relevant tonal patterns and their functions are identified and described. Utterances are analysed in terms of theme and rheme. Theme is signalled by a tonal rise and rheme by a falling tonal gesture. Beside thematic and rhematic tonal gestures, other rising accents in the utterance are ident
Re: Activity and Safety of ODM-201 in Patients with Progressive Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer (ARADES): An Open-label Phase 1 Dose-escalation and Randomised Phase 2 Dose Expansion Trial
Serine/arginine protein-specific kinase 2 promotes leukemia cell proliferation by phosphorylating acinus and regulating cyclin A1
Serine/arginine (SR) protein-specific kinase (SRPK), a family of cell cycle-regulated protein kinases, phosphorylate SR domain-containing proteins in nuclear speckles and mediate the pre-mRNA splicing. However, the physiologic roles of this event in cell cycle are incompletely understood. Here, we show that SRPK2 binds and phosphorylates acinus, an SR protein essential for RNA splicing, and redist