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Exploiting enzyme evolution for computational protein design
Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in understanding the physicochemical parameters that shape enzyme evolution, as well as substantial advances in computational enzyme design. This review discusses three areas where evolutionary information can be used as part of the design process: (i) using ancestral sequence reconstruction (ASR) to generate new starting points for enzyme design eff
Academic motherhood - what happens when you can't make it happen?
We need more openness about age-related infertility as it is a particular risk for many female scientists in academia who feel that they have to delay having children.
Divide and Surrender: Exploiting Variable Division Instruction Timing in HQC Key Recovery Attacks
We uncover a critical side-channel vulnerability in the Hamming Quasi-Cyclic (HQC) round 4 optimized implementation arising due to the use of the modulo operator. In some cases, compilers optimize uses of the modulo operator with compiletime known divisors into constant-time Barrett reductions. However, this optimization is not guaranteed: for example, when a modulo operation is used in a loop the
In South Korea, the mere mention of feminism can end a conversation
In South Korea, feminism is more than just a controversial topic.
Australia hurting itself with cap on international students
Därför kom revolutionen just till Storbritannien
Semi-Secular Worldviews and the Belief in Something Beyond
An increasingly large part of the population in the West identifies as religious Nones. Contrary to what might be assumed, most of them are not outright atheists. They reject traditional religion, but many pursue different forms of spirituality, and many entertain supernatural ideas. This element concerns the worldview of these “semi-secular” Nones. When asked about whether they believe in God, th
Meanings of Identity of the Post-2000s Inland Tibet Class : An Interview with Jinyan Zeng
What identity does the post-2000s Inland Tibet Class (ITC) generation mean? How do Sinophone-Tibetan films articulate the expression of such identity? How does affective visuality mediate the cultural, political, and gender identity formation of female artists of the post-2000s ITC generation?Jinyan Zeng, a researcher at the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University, Sweden, in
Managing Coronavirus Disease 2019 Spread With Voluntary Public Health Measures : Sweden as a Case Study for Pandemic Control
BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic has spread globally, causing extensive illness and mortality. In advance of effective antiviral therapies, countries have applied different public health strategies to control spread and manage healthcare need. Sweden has taken a unique approach of not implementing strict closures, instead urging personal responsibility. We analyze the res
Higher-order epistasis shapes the fitness landscape of a xenobiotic-degrading enzyme
Characterizing the adaptive landscapes that encompass the emergence of novel enzyme functions can provide molecular insights into both enzymatic and evolutionary mechanisms. Here, we combine ancestral protein reconstruction with biochemical, structural and mutational analyses to characterize the functional evolution of methyl-parathion hydrolase (MPH), an organophosphate-degrading enzyme. We ident
Merit Hemmingson skickar effektivt musiken över scenkanten
Recension av Merit Hemmingsons konsert på Malmö Live
Recent Advances in Understanding Biological GTP Hydrolysis through Molecular Simulation
GTP hydrolysis is central to biology, being involved in regulating a wide range of cellular processes. However, the mechanisms by which GTPases hydrolyze this critical reaction remain controversial, with multiple mechanistic possibilities having been proposed based on analysis of experimental and computational data. In this mini-review, we discuss advances in our understanding of biological GTP hy
Short and simple sequences favored the emergence of N-helix phospho-ligand binding sites in the first enzymes
The ubiquity of phospho-ligands suggests that phosphate binding emerged at the earliest stage of protein evolution. To evaluate this hypothesis and unravel its details, we identified all phosphate-binding protein lineages in the Evolutionary Classification of Protein Domains database. We found at least 250 independent evolutionary lineages that bind small molecule cofactors and metabolites with ph
Errors in DFT integration grids and their potential impact on chemical shift calculations
Structural consequence of the most frequently recurring cancer-associated substitution in DNA polymerase ε
The most frequently recurring cancer-associated DNA polymerase ε (Pol ε) mutation is a P286R substitution in the exonuclease domain. While originally proposed to increase genome instability by disrupting exonucleolytic proofreading, the P286R variant was later found to be significantly more pathogenic than Pol ε proofreading deficiency per se. The mechanisms underlying its stronger impact remained
Fira Öresundsbrons 25 år med att slopa gränskontrollerna
“Men bara att hon lyssnade betyder så mycket” En reflexiv tematisk analys av ungdomars upplevelse av att leva med postcovid
Många tillfrisknar helt efter sjukdom i covid-19 men vissa får kvardröjande symtom i sådan omfattning att det påverkar deras vardagliga funktion. Tillståndet benämns postcovid. Viss forskning är gjord kring vuxnas upplevelse av att leva med postcovid men det saknas kunskap om hur barn drabbas. Studiens syfte var att fördjupa förståelsen kring ungdomars upplevelser av att leva med postcovid. Sju seMany patients recover from a COVID-19 infection but some develop long lasting symptoms, which severeness has an impact on their daily function. This condition is now known as post-COVID. Studies have been conducted on adults' experiences of living with post-COVID, however little is known about how post-COVID impacts children. The current study therefore aimed to expand our understanding of ado
Barnets bästa som formalitet - en framställning av barns rättigheter vid LVU
The Convention on the Rights of the Child was incorporated into Swedish law in 2020 to strengthen children's social rights. Since its incorporation, researchers have investigated how the Convention has affected work with children's rights. There are still knowledge gaps on how to interpret these principles. This study aims to understand how the child's best interests, the child's o
Prenatal genetic screening and the evolving quest for "perfect babies" : at what cost for genetic diversity?
Commercial screening services for inheritable diseases raise concerns about pressure on parents to terminate "imperfect babies".