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Your search for "*" yielded 533082 hits

Vitamin K1 Administration Increases the Level of Circulating Carboxylated Osteocalcin in Critically Ill Patients

Abstract: Background/Objectives: Vitamin K-dependent proteins (VKDPs) all commonlypossess specially modified γ-carboxyglutamic acid residues created in a vitaminK-dependent manner. Several liver-derived coagulation factors are well characterisedVKDPs. However, much less is known about extrahepatic VKDPs, which are more diversein their molecular structures and functions, and some of which have beenBackground/Objectives: Vitamin K-dependent proteins (VKDPs) all commonly possess specially modified γ-carboxyglutamic acid residues created in a vitamin K-dependent manner. Several liver-derived coagulation factors are well characterised VKDPs. However, much less is known about extrahepatic VKDPs, which are more diverse in their molecular structures and functions, and some of which have been impli

Body dysmorphic disorder

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is an obsessive–compulsive disorder-related psychiatric condition characterized by an intense preoccupation with perceived physical flaws that are not observable by others. BDD affects ~2% of the adult population but is underdiagnosed, partly owing to limited clinician awareness, and undertreated, partly due to limited access to treatment. Research on the aetiology o

Conceptualization of Supplier Involvement in Product Development Based on a Systematic Review of 47 Definitions

Background: Supplier involvement in product development has proven beneficial for companies and is a phenomenon researched in various domains. The definitions of supplier involvement represent points of origin and dimensions addressed in research. Still, there is no overview of these definitions and dimensions. This study reviews current definitions of the phenomenon of supplier involvement in pro

Hydrogeological Dynamics of the Dalköpinge River: Investigating the Dry Spell Anomaly in a Hydrogeological Context

Dalköpingeån, en icke-perenn å med ett avrinningsområde på 66 km² beläget i Söderslätt, södra Skåne, upplever en säsongsbunden torka längs en 3 km lång sträcka av dess totala längd på 15,4 km under sommaren. På den plats där ån torkar ut observerades ett slukhål 1976, vilket tros bidra till torrperioden. För att undersöka detta fenomen och få insikter i det hydrogeologiska systemet genomfördes en The Dalköpinge River, a non-perennial river with a 66 km² catchment area located in Söderslätt, southern Scania, Sweden, experiences a seasonal dry phase along a 3 km stretch of its 15.4 km length during summer. At the location where it runs dry a sinkhole was observed in 1976, believed to contribute to the dry spell. To investigate this phenomenon and gain insights into the hydrogeological system

Towards enhanced cancer therapy; Leveraging bioresorbable optical fibers for improved treatment outcomes

Bioresorbable photonic implants are emerging as potential material choice for interstitial theranostic and monitoring applications. They gradually dissolve within the physiological environment in a clinically relevant period, eliminating the need for extraction surgeries. In the present study, we tested the suitability of in-house fabricated bioresorbable optical fibres based on calcium phosphate

The Impact of Urbanization-Induced Land Use Change on Land Surface Temperature

Rapid urbanization can change local climate by increasing land surface temperature (LST), particularly in metropolitan regions. This study uses two decades of remote sensing data to investigate how urbanization-induced changes in land use/land cover (LULC) affect LST in the Beijing Region, China. By focusing on the key issue of LST and its contributing variables through buffer zones, we determined

Catalysis by dihydrofolate reductase and other enzymes arises from electrostatic preorganization, not conformational motions

The proposal that enzymatic catalysis is due to conformational fluctuations has been previously promoted by means of indirect considerations. However, recent works have focused on cases where the relevant motions have components toward distinct conformational regions, whose population could be manipulated by mutations. In particular, a recent work has claimed to provide direct experimental evidenc

Paradynamics : an effective and reliable model for ab initio QM/MM free-energy calculations and related tasks

Recent years have seen tremendous effort in the development of approaches with which to obtain quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) free energies for reactions in the condensed phase. Nevertheless, there remain significant challenges to address, particularly, the high computational cost involved in performing proper configurational sampling and, in particular, in obtaining ab initio QM/MM

Multiscale modeling of biological functions

Recent years have witnessed a tremendous explosion in computational power, which in turn has resulted in great progress in the complexity of the biological and chemical problems that can be addressed by means of all-atom simulations. Despite this, however, our computational time is not infinite, and in fact many of the key problems of the field were resolved long before the existence of the curren

Right ventricular dyssynchrony predicts outcome in pulmonary arterial hypertension when assessed in multiple cardiac magnetic resonance views

Background: Right ventricular (RV) dyssynchrony or post systolic contraction (PSC) causes inefficient pumping and has not been investigated as a prognostic marker in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). The objective was to investigate if RV dyssynchrony and PSC are prognostic markers of transplantation-free survival in PAH and if multiple RV views improve prognostication. Methods: Patients with

The EVB as a quantitative tool for formulating simulations and analyzing biological and chemical reactions

Recent years have seen dramatic improvements in computer power, allowing ever more challenging problems to be approached. In light of this, it is imperative to have a quantitative model for examining chemical reactivity, both in the condensed phase and in solution, as well as to accurately quantify physical organic chemistry (particularly as experimental approaches can often be inconclusive). Simi

Coarse-grained (multiscale) simulations in studies of biophysical and chemical systems

Recent years have witnessed an explosion in computational power, leading to attempts to model ever more complex systems. Nevertheless, there remain cases for which the use of brute-force computer simulations is clearly not the solution. In such cases, great benefit can be obtained from the use of physically sound simplifications. The introduction of such coarse graining can be traced back to the e

At the dawn of the 21st century : Is dynamics the missing link for understanding enzyme catalysis?

Enzymes play a key role in almost all biological processes, accelerating a variety of metabolic reactions as well as controlling energy transduction, the transcription, and translation of genetic information, and signaling. They possess the remarkable capacity to accelerate reactions by many orders of magnitude compared to their uncatalyzed counterparts, making feasible crucial processes that woul

Are mixed explicit/implicit solvation models reliable for studying phosphate hydrolysis? : A comparative study of continuum, explicit and mixed solvation models

Phosphate hydrolysis is ubiquitous in biology. However, despite intensive research on this class of reactions, the precise nature of the reaction mechanism remains controversial. Herein, we have examined the hydrolysis of three homologous phosphate diesters. The solvation free energy was simulated by means of either an implicit solvation model (COSMO), hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanica

Associative versus dissociative mechanisms of phosphate monoester hydrolysis : on the interpretation of activation entropies

Phosphate monoester and anhydride hydrolysis is ubiquitous in biology, being involved in, amongst other things, signal transduction, energy production, and the regulation of protein function. Therefore, this reaction has understandably been the focus of intensive research. Nevertheless, the precise mechanism by which phosphate monoester hydrolysis proceeds remains controversial. Traditionally, it

Playful work

This entry reflects on the meaning and significance of playful work in contemporary organizations. In recent years, playful work has become a prominent managerial technique to combat employee disengagement and low morale in organizations. This trend has its roots in positive psychology, especially Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of flow and Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory. Developments such a

Enhancement effect of urea toward electroporation-mediated plasmid transfection efficiency in the HEK-293 cell line

Intracellular delivery is crucial in biological and medical studies. Although many molecular tools have been created for cell-based gene therapies, it remains challenging to introduce external molecules into cells. As one of the most popular non-viral transfection methods, electroporation induces transient pores in the cell membrane by applying an external electric field. Unsatisfactory transfecti

Quark spin effects in e+e- annihilation : A Monte Carlo event generator study

Quark spin effects in e+e- annihilation to pseudoscalar and vector mesons are implemented for the first time in the pythia Monte Carlo event generator. The spin-dependent fragmentation of the string stretched between the produced quark-antiquark pair with correlated spin states is described by the string+P30 model implemented in the string fragmentation routine of pythia by using the StringSpinner

Ungdomar i utsatta områden: En oväntad hälsobild. En jämförelse i psykisk hälsa mellan ungdomar i utsatta områden och områden med goda socioekonomiska förutsättningar i Sverige

Att leva med begränsade socioekonomiska förutsättningar har tidigare visat sig ha ett samband med psykisk ohälsa. I Sverige finns områden med låg socioekonomisk status och utbredd kriminalitet, så kallade utsatta områden enligt Polisen. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka hur ungdomar i dessa områden rapporterar sin psykiska hälsa, i jämförelse med ungdomar i områden med goda socioekonomiska fLiving with limited socioeconomic conditions has previously been shown to be associated with mental health issues. In Sweden, areas with low socioeconomic conditions and widespread crime are referred to as disadvantaged areas by the Police. This study aimed to examine how adolescents in disadvantaged areas report their mental health compared to adolescents in areas with advantageous socioeconomic