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Your search for "*" yielded 532238 hits

Controls on dissolved organic carbon export through surface runoff from loamy agricultural soils

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is one of the most active and mobile carbon pools, and thus an important component of the global carbon cycle. Previous research on DOC transport in the soil and on factors controlling DOC export towards the river system focused mainly on forest and wetland areas, with only limited information available from agricultural soils. We carried out rainfall simulations on

The preferred conformation of dipeptides in the context of biosynthesis

Globular proteins are folded polypeptide structures comprising stretches of secondary structures (helical (alpha- or 3(10) helix type), polyproline helix or beta-strands) interspersed by regions of less well-ordered structure ("random coil"). Protein fold prediction is a very active field impacting inte alia on protein engineering and misfolding studies. Apart from the many studies of protein refo

Age at smoking initiation and self-rated health among second grade high school boys and girls in Scania, Sweden, a cross-sectional study.

Smoking is usually initiated early in life and most adult regular smokers have started smoking before 18 years of age. A younger age at smoking initiation is associated with risk taking behaviours and worse health outcomes regarding psychological and somatic conditions, suggested to be caused by exposure during critical developmental periods. The present study aims to investigate self-rated health

Induced subgraph isomorphism: Are some patterns substantially easier than others?

The complexity of the subgraph isomorphism problem where the pattern graph is of fixed size is well known to depend on the topology of the pattern graph. Here, we present two results which, in contrast, provide evidence that no topology of an induced subgraph of fixed size can be substantially easier to detect or count than an independent set of related size. We show that any fixed pattern graph h

Inhibition of WNT5A Signaling and Function in Malignant Melanoma

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hudcancerformen malignt melanom är en utav de cancerformer som är på starkast frammarsch idag, där runt 200,000 människor drabbas varje år runt om i världen. Sjukdomen uppkommer p.g.a. förändringar i arvsmassan (DNA) hos en speciell typ av celler som finns i huden, de så kallade melanocyterna. Under normala förhållanden har dessa celler till uppgift att producera det brThe life-threatening disease of malignant melanoma is one of the fastest growing forms of cancer, affecting an estimated number of 200,000 patients worldwide every year. Although highly curable if detected early, once the melanoma has metastasized there are few treatment options and a median survival rate of only 6-9 months. Consequently, there is an imperative need to identify the factors that dr

Up-regulation of cell cycle arrest protein BTG2 correlates with increased overall survival in breast cancer, as detected by immunohistochemistry using tissue microarray

Background: Previous studies have shown that the ADIPOR1, ADORA1, BTG2 and CD46 genes differ significantly between long-term survivors of breast cancer and deceased patients, both in levels of gene expression and DNA copy numbers. The aim of this study was to characterize the expression of the corresponding proteins in breast carcinoma and to determine their correlation with clinical outcome. Meth

Estimating surface flow paths on a digital elevation model using a triangular facet network

This study attempts to develop a method for the simulation of surface flow paths on a digital elevation model (DEM). The objective is to use a facet-based algorithm to estimate the surface flow paths on a raster DEM. A grid DEM was used to create a triangular facet network (TFN) over which the surface flow paths were determined. Since each facet in the network has a constant slope and aspect, the

Effects of nonuniform Mn distribution in (Ga,Mn)As

Resonant in situ photoemission from Mn 3d states in Ga1-xMnxAs is reported for Mn concentrations down to the very dilute level of 0.1%. Concentration-dependent spectral features are analyzed on the basis of first-principles calculations for systems with selected impurity positions as well as for random alloys. Effects of direct Mn-Mn interaction are found for concentrations as low as 2.5%, and are

A new formulation of the water wave problem for Stokes waves of constant vorticity

We consider steady symmetric gravity water waves on finite depth with constant vorticity and a monotone surface profile between crests and troughs. The problem is transformed into one concerning the vertical velocity. A representation formula for the stream function in terms of the surface and the vorticity is presented, and we show that the surface can be determined from the vertical velocity.

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This thesis explores different aspects of the syntax and discoursepragmatics of predicative anaphors(i.e. proforms and ellipsis)in German and Swedish. The types of anaphoric constructions considered in the analysis are: (i) overt predicative proform expressions, instantiated by the neuter proform "es"/"das" in German and "det" in Swedish, and (ii) covert elliptical instantiations, reminiscent of t

Nuclear Structure Addressed At GSI/RISING

Nuclear structure spectroscopy studies at GSI recently gained increased momentum within a broad international community with the installation of the Rare Isotopes Spectroscopic INvestigation at GSI (RISING) project. A wide range of physical phenomena has been addressed by high-resolution in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments with radioactive beams. Relativistic radioactive beams are implanted

Luscus: molecular viewer and editor for MOLCAS.

The novel program for graphical display and editing of molecular systems, luscus, is described. The program allows fast and easy building and/or editing different molecular structures, up to several thousands of atoms large. Luscus is able to visualise dipole moments, normal modes, molecular orbitals, electron densities and electrostatic potentials. In addition, simple geometrical objects can be r

Towards Undistorted Fluorescence for Tissue Diagnostics and Therapy Monitoring

Fluorescence techniques for applications in tissue diagnostics and therapy monitoring were investigated and developed in the work presented in this thesis. The aim was to develop fluorescence diagnostics for the detection of malignant tumors and better delimitation of the tumor margins, using the enhanced contrast in fluorescence between tumor and surrounding healthy tissue. Fluorescence may be ge

A Link Loss Model for the On-body Propagation Channel for Binaural Hearing Aids

Binaural hearing aids communicate with each other through a wireless link for synchronization. A propagation model is needed to estimate the ear-to-ear link loss for such binaural hearing aids. The link loss is a critical parameter in a link budget to decide the sensitivity of the transceiver. In this paper, we have presented a model for the deterministic component of the ear-to-ear link loss. The

Low-frequency and rare exome chip variants associate with fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes susceptibility.

Fasting glucose and insulin are intermediate traits for type 2 diabetes. Here we explore the role of coding variation on these traits by analysis of variants on the HumanExome BeadChip in 60,564 non-diabetic individuals and in 16,491 T2D cases and 81,877 controls. We identify a novel association of a low-frequency nonsynonymous SNV in GLP1R (A316T; rs10305492; MAF=1.4%) with lower FG (β=-0.09±0.01

Laos in 2009. Recession and Southeast Asian Games

Laos in 2009 was colored by the Southeast Asian Games held in December, and by the effects of the global financial crisis. Growth rates declined as foreign investment, primarily in hydroelectric power and infrastructure, was postponed. Simultaneously, efforts were made to strengthen the reputation of the country internationally.

Latitudinal-Related Variation in Wintering Population Trends of Greylag Geese (Anser Anser) along the Atlantic Flyway: A Response to Climate Change?

The unusually high quality of census data for large waterbirds in Europe facilitates the study of how population change varies across a broad geographical range and relates to global change. The wintering population of the greylag goose Anser anser in the Atlantic flyway spanning between Sweden and Spain has increased from 120 000 to 610 000 individuals over the past three decades, and expanded it