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Combined leaching and steam explosion pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for high quality feedstock for thermochemical applications
A novel pretreatment approach was developed in the present study to simultaneously reduce the content of inorganic troubling elements (TEs) and improve biomass energy density, i.e., combined leaching and steam explosion (SE) pretreatment with mechanical pressing. Three different high-ash-containing biomass feedstocks were studied – wheat straw (WS), spruce bark (SB), and empty fruit bunches of oil
Akutvårdspersonalens erfarenheter av stöd på arbetsplatsen efter traumatisk händelse - En systematisk litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: Ambulanspersonal och akutvårdssjuksköterskor arbetar under pressande förhållanden, där de ofta utsätts för stressfaktorer som dödsfall, våld och traumatiska händelser. Studier visar att en stor del av ambulanspersonalen anser att deras arbete är psykiskt påfrestande, och problem som akut och kronisk stress, sömnsvårigheter och PTSD är vanliga bland dem. Det har blivit tydligt att detta a
Being Momo : Algorithmic Imaginary and Resistance
This thesis explores the algorithmic imaginaries and practices of the momo community, a spontaneously formed anonymous group on the Chinese social media platform RED. By adopting a cultural perspective on algorithms, this study investigates how momo users conceptualize algorithms, their practices influenced by these conceptualizations, and how these practices manifest as a form of algorithmic resi
Peripherally administered TNF inhibitor is not protective against α-synuclein-induced dopaminergic neuronal death in rats
The underlying cause of neuronal loss in Parkinson's disease (PD) remains unknown, but evidence implicates neuroinflammation in PD pathobiology. The pro-inflammatory cytokine soluble tumor necrosis factor (TNF) seems to play an important role and thus has been proposed as a therapeutic target for modulation of the neuroinflammatory processes in PD. In this regard, dominant-negative TNF (DN-TNF) ag
Enlarged airspaces in the distal lung in adolescents born very preterm as measured by aerosol
RATIONALE: Preterm infants diagnosed with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) are thought to have fewer and larger alveoli than their term peers, but it is unclear to what degree this persists later in life.OBJECTIVES: To investigate to what degree the distal airspaces are enlarged in adolescents born preterm and to evaluate the new Airspace Dimension Assessment (AiDA) method in investigating this gr
The fundamentals of eye tracking part 1 : The link between theory and research question
Eye tracking technology has become increasingly prevalent in scientific research, offering unique insights into oculomotor and cognitive processes. The present article explores the relationship between scientific theory, the research question, and the use of eye-tracking technology. It aims to guide readers in determining if eye tracking is suitable for their studies and how to formulate relevant
“I could no longer be their teacher” : Online education as a negation of the teaching profession
Research topic/aim:The digitalization of education is a prioritized field for governments and policymakers all over the world, not least in the Nordic countries. The educational sector is expected to play an important role in the digitalization of society and in fostering digital citizens, and to harness the potential of technology for improving its own practices (ITU, UNESCO & Unicef, 2020).
Optimizing rare disorder trials: a phase 1a/1b randomized study of KL1333 in adults with mitochondrial disease
Over the past two decades there has been increased interest in orphan drug development for rare diseases. However, hurdles to clinical trial design for these disorders remain. This phase 1a/1b study addressed several challenges, while evaluating the safety and tolerability of the novel oral molecule KL1333 in healthy volunteers and subjects with primary mitochondrial disease.KL1333 aims to normali
Mitral E-wave to stroke volume ratio displays stronger diagnostic performance to identify elevated left ventricular filling pressures than mitral E/e’ during passive leg lift : A cross-sectional study employing simultaneous echocardiography and catheterization
Background: Elevated filling pressure is a hallmark of heart failure (HF) and portends poor prognosis. Accurate diagnosis is challenging, given that patients with normal filling pressure at rest develop disproportionate elevation with sudden preload increase. We aimed to test the accuracy of the ratio between mitral inflow velocity (E) and left ventricular stroke volume (SV) to identify patients w
PVT1 interacts with polycomb repressive complex 2 to suppress genomic regions with pro-apoptotic and tumour suppressor functions in multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma is a heterogeneous hematological disease that originates from the bone marrow and is characterized by the monoclonal expansion of malignant plasma cells. Despite novel therapies, multiple myeloma remains clinically challenging. A common feature among patients with poor prognosis is the increased activity of the epigenetic silencer EZH2, which is the catalytic subunit of the PRC2.
Sex differences in expression of CGRP family of receptors and ligands in the rat trigeminal system
Background: Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is part of the calcitonin peptide family, which includes calcitonin (CT), amylin (AMY), and adrenomedullin (ADM). CGRP and its receptor are highly present in the trigeminovascular system (TVS). Recent research suggests that other members of the calcitonin family could be feasible therapeutic targets in the treatment of migraine. The present study
Classifying comparability problems in a way that matters
Climate-Change-Driven Shifts in Aegilops tauschii Species Distribution : Implications for Food Security and Ecological Conservation
Climate change has diverse effects on the planet’s environment, including changes and shifts in the distribution and abundance of species. In this paper, we present a robust prediction ensemble algorithm for the current and future species distribution of Aegilops tauschii. Four modeling approaches were trained using various environmental variables (bioclimatic and soil variables) to accurately pre
Sweden is a nearly cashless society – here’s how it affects people who are left out
Niklas Antonsson : För samhällets bestånd och Guds rikes förkovran. Prästerskapets undervisning kring hushåll, barn och äktenskap i svenska postillor 1686–1770
‘A woman is not a baby-making machine’ : a brief history of South Korea’s 4B movement – and why it’s making waves in America
Combination and summary of ATLAS dark matter searches interpreted in a 2HDM with a pseudo-scalar mediator using 139 fb−1 of s=13 TeV pp collision data
Results from a wide range of searches targeting different experimental signatures with and without missing transverse momentum (ETmiss) are used to constrain a Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM) with an additional pseudo-scalar mediating the interaction between ordinary and dark matter (2HDM+a). The analyses use up to 139 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy s=13 TeV recorde
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Bridging silos through governance innovations: the role of the EU cities mission
Cities and local governments are increasingly under pressure to accelerate transformative change in energy and climate transitions. To help cities in their climate actions, the European Commission (EC) has established the EU Cities Mission, which aims for climate neutrality by 2030 for participating cities. The literature argues that one of the main obstacles to accelerating decarbonization lies i