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Your search for "*" yielded 533489 hits

Beneficial effect of oral semaglutide for type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease : A prospective, multicentre, observational study

AIMS: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of oral semaglutide for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD).MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a single-arm, multicentre, prospective study. Among 80 consecutive patients with MASLD and T2DM who newly received oral semaglutide, 70 completed 48-week oral semaglutide treatment as sche

Dysregulation of MMP2-dependent TGF-ß2 activation impairs fibrous cap formation in type 2 diabetes-associated atherosclerosis

Type 2 diabetes is associated with cardiovascular disease, possibly due to impaired vascular fibrous repair. Yet, the mechanisms are elusive. Here, we investigate alterations in the fibrous repair processes in type 2 diabetes atherosclerotic plaque extracellular matrix by combining multi-omics from the human Carotid Plaque Imaging Project cohort and functional studies. Plaques from type 2 diabetes

Glucose regulation and association with Vitamin D and parathyroid hormone – differences across Middle Eastern and Caucasian ethnicities

Background: Middle Eastern (ME) immigrants to Europe have a heavy burden of metabolic disorders including a higher prevalence of insulin resistance, T2D and obesity as compared to native-born Europeans. Vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency are prevalent conditions in people originating from the ME. Aims: To study the differences in the levels of 25(OH)D and parathyroid hormone (PTH) across ME an

Engaging with young professionals in transfusion medicine : Insights from a needs assessment survey targeting an international cohort

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Professionals who work or study in transfusion medicine under 40 years of age are considered young professionals (YPs) by the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT). While the ISBT provides opportunities for YPs, their needs have to be assessed to customize initiatives in a way that could potentially improve their engagement. This survey aimed to assess the ne

Educational and professional development in Swedish higher education

We invite all interested participants into an exploratory workshop about possible research designs for studying the relationship between educational and professional development in Swedish higher education. The authors’ experience from working in Swedish higher education for a long time is that there are some stories about this relationship that are more frequent than others. The aim of our planne

Definite article use with generic reference in German : an empirical study

This study is concerned with the distribution of the definite article inGerman with plural nominals that have a generic reading. In Standard German,genericity is typically expressed by bare nouns (Tiger sind gefährlich‘Tigers aredangerous’). Many researchers have claimed that there is variation in articleuse in the expression of generic reference in German (e.g., Brugger 1993; Longobardi 1994; Kri

Targeting MarA N-terminal domain dynamics to prevent DNA binding

Efflux is one of the mechanisms employed by Gram-negative bacteria to become resistant to routinely used antibiotics. The inhibition of efflux by targeting their regulators is a promising strategy to re-sensitize bacterial pathogens to antibiotics. AcrAB-TolC is the main resistance-nodulation-division efflux pump in Enterobacteriaceae. MarA is an AraC/XylS family global regulator that regulates mo

Risk of colorectal cancer associated with frequency of colorectal polyp diagnosis in relatives

BACKGROUND & AIMS: We aimed to evaluate the association of frequency of polyp diagnosis in relatives with the risk of overall and early-onset colorectal cancer (CRC).METHODS: We leveraged data from nationwide Swedish family cancer datasets (1964-2018) to calculate standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) for individuals with a family history of polyp by frequency of polyp diagnosis in family membe

Nondeterminacy, two-step models and justified choice

This article analyzes approaches to nondeterminacy (e.g., incommensurability, indeterminacy, parity) that suggest that one can make justified choices when primary criteria fail to fully determine a best alternative by introducing a secondary criterion. It is shown that these approaches (in the article called “two-step models”) risk violating Basic Contraction Consistency. Some ways of adjusting tw

"Samhället accepterar inte våld i nära relation” En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av projektet Trygg relation – fri från våld i Malmö stad

Intimate partner violence is a widespread problem both globally and in Sweden. A method called Intimate partner violence intervention (IPVI) was developed in the United States and has been introduced in Sweden, where it is currently being implemented in Malmö. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the implementation of the project Trygg relation - fri från våld in Malmö stad. The chosen method fo

From support to obligation: A content analysis of the welfare recipient's role in Swedish activation policy

This research aims to analyze the development of activation policies in Sweden from the 1990s to the present, with a particular focus on how legislative proposals and public inquiries (SOU) have redefined the perception of welfare recipients. The study investigates how recipients have been described in policy documents and how their rights and obligations have evolved. By examining these changes,

Using residue interaction networks to understand protein function and evolution and to engineer new proteins

Residue interaction networks (RINs) provide graph-based representations of interaction networks within proteins, providing important insight into the factors driving protein structure, function, and stability relationships. There exists a wide range of tools with which to perform RIN analysis, taking into account different types of interactions, input (crystal structures, simulation trajectories,

Site selection for nature-based solutions for stormwater management in urban areas : An approach combining GIS and multi-criteria analysis

In recent years, particularly following the definition of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) have gained considerable attention, capturing the interest of both the scientific community and policymakers committed to addressing urban environmental issues. However, the need for studies to guide decision-makers in identifying suitable locations for NBS i

Modelling the power threshold and optimum thermal deformation of indirectly liquid-nitrogen cryo-cooled Si monochromators

Maximizing the performance of crystal monochromators is a key aspect in the design of beamline optics for diffraction-limited synchrotron sources. Temperature and deformation of cryo-cooled crystals, illuminated by high-power beams of X-rays, can be estimated with a purely analytical model. The analysis is based on the thermal properties of cryo-cooled silicon crystals and the cooling geometry. De

Vävnader uppåt väggarna : Hemslöjdspionjären Lilli Zickerman i Vittsjö

Hemslöjdspionjären Lilli Zickerman (1858–1949), som tog initiativ till bildandet av Föreningen för svensk hemslöjd, var under nära fyra decennier bosatt i Vittsjö. Det var därifrån som hon tillsammans med flera familjemedlemmar, som också flyttat dit, arbetade med en stor inventering av svensk folklig textilkonst. Inventeringsmaterialet, som bär namnet ”Föreningen för svensk hemslöjds samlingsverk

Prioritizing the “worse off” under attainability constraints: An indeterminacy problem for distributive fairness

Numerous theories of distributive fairness promote the idea that we ought to give extra weight to benefits to the worse off and can thereby be seen as promoting gap closures. This paper underlines the relevance of making a distinction between attainable and ideal target levels for individuals in populations affected by distributive fairness and show that in cases of scarce resources, theories that

Diagnosing Monogenic Stroke at Younger Age

BACKGROUND: An increasing number of monogenic conditions underlying stroke are being identified. We explored the possibilities of increasing the diagnostic yield of monogenic stroke in a population under 56 years of age. METHODS: Fifty probands ≤55 years at their first stroke episode were characterized clinically and investigated by whole genome sequencing. Probands had one or more of: (1) one or

PIONEER big data platform for prostate cancer: lessons for advancing future real-world evidence research

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Enhancement through the Power of Big Data in Europe (PIONEER) is a European network of excellence for big data in prostate cancer. PIONEER brings together 34 private and public stakeholders from 9 countries in one multidisciplinary research consortium with the aim of positively transforming the field of prostate cancer clinical care by answering pressing que

Tensor-valued diffusion MRI detects brain microstructural abnormalities in HIV infected individuals with cognitive impairment

Despite advancements, the prevalence of HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment remains at approximately 40%, attributed to factors like pre-cART (combination antiretroviral therapy) irreversible brain injury. People with HIV (PWH) treated with cART do not show significant neurocognitive changes over relatively short follow-up periods. However, quantitative neuroimaging may be able to detect ongo

Drug therapy versus placebo or usual care for comatose survivors of cardiac arrest; a systematic review with meta-analysis

Background: In Europe, approximately 291,000 cardiac arrests occur annually. Despite critical care therapy, hospital mortality remains high. This systematic review assessed whether, in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest, any drug therapy, compared to placebo or usual care, improves outcomes. Methods: We searched Medline, EMBASE, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and The Interna