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Your search for "*" yielded 532530 hits

Dineopentyl phosphate hydrolysis : evidence for stepwise water attack

Phosphate ester hydrolysis is ubiquitous in biology, playing a central role in energy production, signaling, biosynthesis, and the regulation of protein function among other things. Although the mechanism of action of the enzymes regulating this reaction has been the focus of intensive research in the past few decades, the correct description of this apparently simple reaction remains controversia

"A Halal Happy Ever After" : Envisioning Muslim Futures in Islamically Minded Children's Literature

What future aspirations have informed the incentives for producing children's literature in Muslim minority communities? What social dynamics and theological debates have accompanied its visions of Islamic futures? What narrative tropes, visual-aesthetics norms and literary genres has it appropriated, while maturing into an innovative religious-pedagogic-literary expression? Probing such questions

"Persona non Greta" - En kritisk diskursanalys av svensk medias rapportering om Greta Thunberg

This thesis studies the different discourses prevalent in Swedish mass media, regarding climate activist Greta Thunberg and her stance in support for Palestine in the late autumn of 2023. The study is done using the methodology and theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis, CDA, stating that language never is neutral and can be used to exercise power over groups of people. In the case o

Improving the sustainability of biopharmaceutical downstream processing through buffer recycling

The production of biopharmaceuticals is a chemical- and water-intensive process. The consumption of water and chemicals is partly due to the need for many different buffers in large volumes during the downstream process, typically consisting of several chromatography steps. Given the global commitment to the goals for sustainable development and the anticipated growth of the biopharmaceutical mark

Häkta eller skydda? - Två motstridiga intressen vid häktning av unga

Häktning beskrivs ofta som det mest ingripande tvångsmedlet inom den svenska strafflagstiftningen. Att frihetsberöva en människa bör därför göras med stor omsorg, i synnerhet när den misstänkte är under 18 år. Unga lagöverträdare tillerkänns en särbehandling som gör sig märkbar redan vid inledningsstadiet av ett brott. I takt med en allt mer grov och organiserad brottslig-het blir häktning ett effDetention is often described as the most intrusive coercive measure within the Swedish criminal legislation. Therefore, the deprivation of liberty should be carried out with great care, especially when the suspect is under 18 years of age. Young offenders are treated differently, which becomes apparent already at the initial stage of an offense. As crimes become increasingly more serious and organ

Upphovsrätt till brukskonst och bruksanvisningar - I ljuset av konsumentens rätt till reparation

Den svenska regeringen presenterade år 2023 en strategi för hur vi ska ställa om till en cirkulär ekonomi. Samtidigt har ett antal nya EU-direktiv år 2024 trätt i kraft som tar sikte på regler för hur fler konsumentprodukter kan repareras för att få en förlängd livscykel. En aspekt att beakta vid strävan mot en mer cirkulär ekonomi genom nya konsumentregler för produkter är hur upphovs-rätten tillIn 2023 the Swedish government presented a strategy for how to implement a circular economy. At the same time, several EU directives have come into force during 2024 that aims to regulate how more consumer products can be repaired to prolong their life cycle. One aspect to consider when pursuing a more circular economy through reparation is how copyright to products and user manuals affects the po

Misstagsbetalningar till konkursbon - Om möjligheten att återfå misstagsbetalningar

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera de juridiska möjligheter som finns för en borgenär att återfå en felaktig betalning som gjorts till ett konkursbo. I uppsatsen analyseras hur konkursrätten och avtalsrätten samverkar för att lösa dessa frågor. Uppsatsen utgår från ett specifikt fall där en borgenär, som av misstag betalat en skuld till ett konkursbo istället för att använda kvittningsrätteThe purpose of this thesis is to analyze the legal avenues available for a creditor to reclaim an erroneous payment made to a bankruptcy estate, focusing on how Swedish bankruptcy law and contract law intersect to address these issues. The thesis is based on a specific case in which a creditor mistakenly paid a debt to a bankruptcy estate instead of exercising the right of set-off and later attemp

Farerekvisitets gränsmarker - En kritisk granskning av underrättsavgöranden 2020-2024 gällande ringa fara och konkret fara i farebedömningen vid förberedelse till mord

Förberedelsebrottet infördes i svensk rätt med syfte att förhindra allvarlig brottslighet genom att kriminalisera vissa brott redan på planeringsstadiet. Förberedelsebrottet består av ett uppsåtsrekvisit, ett gärningsrekvisit och ett farerekvisit. Dessa tre delar av skuldbedömningen måste vara uppfyllda. Konkret fara måste sedermera föreligga för att straffansvar ska kunna utdömas, motsatsvis föraPreparation to commit an offence was introduced into Swedish law with the aim of preventing serious criminal activity by criminalizing certain crimes at the preparation stage. Preparation to commit an offence consists of three elements in the culpability assessment: intent, conduct, and the danger element. These three components must all be fulfilled for criminal liability to apply. Concrete dange

Carbohydrate, dietary glycaemic index and glycaemic load, and colorectal cancer risk: a case-control study in China

A carbohydrate-rich diet results in hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinaemia; it may further induce the carcinogenesis of colorectal cancer. However, epidemiological evidence among Chinese population is quite limited. The aim of this study was to investigate total carbohydrate, non-fibre carbohydrate, total fibre, starch, dietary glycaemic index (GI) and glycaemic load (GL) in relation to colorectal c

Views of swedish elder care personnel on ongoing digital transformation : Cross-sectional study

Background: Swedish municipalities are facing demographic challenges due to the growing number of older people and the resulting increased need for health care services. Welfare technologies are being launched as possible solutions for meeting some of these challenges. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the perception, experimentation, evaluation, and procurement of welfare technology

Performance Analysis of the Doho Rice Irrigation Scheme in Uganda

The study analyzed the performance of Doho Rice Irrigation Scheme (DRIS), the largest public irrigation scheme in Uganda, using (1) water supply indicators comprising relative water supply (RWS), relative irrigation supply (RIS), and water delivery capacity (WDC) related to water supply from the system in relation to scheme crop water demand for the 2018–2019 growing season; and(2) water balance r

The Frog That Leaped: : Systemic design at the crossroads – options, constraints and design criteria for methodological development

The family of methodologies and approaches used and developed by the systemic design community has several characteristics that could play a vital role in supporting collective visioning and concerted action for sustainability transitions. It offers heuristics for bridging scales and domains, and tools for constructing spaces of joint reflection, visioning and decision-making. These methodologies

IPECAD Modeling Workshop 2023 Cross-Comparison Challenge on Cost-Effectiveness Models in Alzheimer's Disease

Objectives: Decision-analytic models assessing the value of emerging Alzheimer's disease (AD) treatments are challenged by limited evidence on short-term trial outcomes and uncertainty in extrapolating long-term patient-relevant outcomes. To improve understanding and foster transparency and credibility in modeling methods, we cross-compared AD decision models in a hypothetical context of disease-m

Transition metal transporting P-type ATPases : terminal metal-binding domains serve as sensors for autoinhibitory tails

Copper is an essential micronutrient and yet is highly toxic to cells at elevated concentrations. P1B-ATPase proteins are critical for this regulation, providing active extrusion across cellular membranes. One unique molecular adaptation of P1B-ATPases compared to other P-type ATPases is the presence of metal-binding domains (MBDs) at the cytosolic termini, which however are poorly characterized w

Green Oil - An investigation of the environmental narratives of ‘Profits & Principles’

This paper examines the ways in which carbon majors like Shell may present and identify themselves as ‘green’ alternatives whilst undermining the credibility of climate change science by investigating the construction of these narratives and how they differ between internal (employees) and external (general public) audiences. Focus is paid primarily to their rebranding of the late 1990s, analysing

Skamfläck eller föredöme? – Rättshjälp i förvaltningsprocessen: en komparativ studie av rättshjälp vid överprövning av förvaltningsbeslut i Sverige, Finland och Norge

Detta arbete behandlar frågan om enskildas möjligheter att erhålla allmän rättshjälp vid överprövningen av förvaltningsbeslut. Det övergripande syftet har varit att sätta den svenska rättshjälpen och dess förhållande till förvalt-ningsprocessen i ett komparativt perspektiv. En komparativ metod har därför använts för att undersöka likheterna och skillnaderna mellan den allmänna rättshjälpen i SveriThis paper examens the possibility of obtaining legal aid when appealing against administrative decisions. The overall aim has been to put the Swe-dish legal aid system and its relationship to the administrative procedure in a comparative perspective. A comparative method has therefore been used to examine the similarities and differences between the legal aid systems in Sweden, Finland and Norway

Bankernas ansvar vid bedrägerier - Om gränsdragningen mellan obehöriga och behöriga transaktioner enligt betaltjänstlagen och förhållandet till 30 § avtalslagen

Den tekniska utvecklingen på betalningsmarknaden har resulterat i att bedragare använder alltmer sofistikerade metoder för att lura sina offer på pengar. I Sverige har särskilt bankbedrägerier genom social manipulation ökat de senaste åren. Enligt 5a kap. 1 § betaltjänstlagen bär banken som huvudregel det ekonomiska ansvaret för obehöriga transaktioner. För att bestämmelsen ska vara tillämplig kräTechnological developments in the payment market have resulted in fraudsters using increasingly sophisticated methods to defraud their victims of money. In Sweden, bank fraud through social engineering has increased in recent years. According to Chapter 5a, Section 1 of the Payment Services Act, the bank bears, as a general rule, the financial responsibility for unauthorized transactions. However,

Disablised or Ablised?: Linguistic Categorisations of Dis/ability in Swedish Print Media Over Time

Which linguistic labels we use to name ourselves and others – such as disabled and non-disabled – make a difference regarding how we see ourselves and each other. Such labels may also say something about how we view society and the roles of people in it, as illustrated by the choice between people-first and identity-first labels. In the present study, we use a sample of 56,666 articles published b

Trivsamt eller lönsamt? En kvantitativ studie om socialt stöd och arbetstillfredsställelse på arbetsplatsen

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka fenomenet socialt stöd och huruvida det har en inverkan på den upplevda arbetstillfredsställelsen hos kontorsmedarbetare inom den privata sektorn. Studien tar även hänsyn till andra eventuella faktorer som främst lön men även kön. Variablerna mättes genom en webbenkät (N=78) och de statistiska analyserna genomfördes genom korrelationer och multipel regressionThis study aims to examine the phenomenon of social support and whether it relates to the perceived job satisfaction of white collar workers in the private sector. The study also considers other potential influencing factors, salary and gender. The variables were measured through a web-based survey (N=78) and statistical analyses were conducted using correlations and multiple regression. The resul