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MRI-only radiotherapy from an economic perspective : Can new techniques in prostate cancer treatment be cost saving?

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyze a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-only radiotherapy workflow from an economic perspective in terms of reduced time, costs and systematic uncertainties.MATERIAL/METHODS: A documented Swedish clinical implementation of MRI-only radiotherapy was used as template for cost assessments compared to a combined computed tomography (CT)/MRI workf

A numerical human brain phantom for dynamic glucose-enhanced (DGE) MRI : On the influence of head motion at 3T

PURPOSE: Dynamic glucose-enhanced (DGE) MRI relates to a group of exchange-based MRI techniques where the uptake of glucose analogues is studied dynamically. However, motion artifacts can be mistaken for true DGE effects, while motion correction may alter true signal effects. The aim was to design a numerical human brain phantom to simulate a realistic DGE MRI protocol at 3T that can be used to as

Är det fel eller är det fel på felbegreppet? Det är det garanterat! Om innebörden av entreprenörens ansvar för fel under garantitiden i AB 04 kap. 5 § 5

I svensk rätt saknas lagstiftning som reglerar kommersiella entreprenadavtal. Istället regleras sådana avtal genom särskilda standardavtal som utarbetats av branschföreträdare under flera decennier. AB 04 är ett av de mest centrala standardavtalen på den kommersiella entreprenadrättens område. Syftet med denna framställning är att utreda innebörden av garantiansvaret i AB 04 kap. 5 § 5. Enligt deThere is no legislation regulating construction contracts between commercial parties in Sweden. Instead, these types of contracts are governed by special standard-form contracts that have been developed by industry representatives over several decades. AB 04 (General conditions of contract for building and civil engineering works and building services) has gained a central position in the field of

Quantitative Proteomics Indicate Radical Removal of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Predict Outcome

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is associated with low survival rates, often due to late diagnosis and lack of personalized medicine. Diagnosing and monitoring NSCLC using blood samples has lately gained interest due to its less invasive nature. In the present study, plasma was collected at three timepoints and analyzed using proximity extension assay technology and quantitative real-time polym

Digital resource abundance : How social media shapes success and failure of online mobilisation

This article explores how and why some online protests manage to gain digital resource abundance, that is, mobilising large numbers of people and attracting wide interest and support in a short space of time. The study focuses on the case of the Swedish Petrol Uprising 2.0 which after a few months managed to mobilise 630,000 members on Facebook. The article expands established theories on online m

Asynclitism and Its Ultrasonographic Rediscovery in Labor Room to Date : A Systematic Review

Asynclitism, the most feared malposition of the fetal head during labor, still represents to date an unresolved field of interest, remaining one of the most common causes of prolonged or obstructed labor, dystocia, assisted delivery, and cesarean section. Traditionally asynclitism is diagnosed by vaginal examination, which is, however, burdened by a high grade of bias. On the contrary, the recent

Energy efficiency at building sites: barriers and drivers

The construction industry is an important societal sector and a major consumer of energy. Improved energy efficiency is important for this sector, but energy efficiency at construction sites has so far been under-researched. The aim of this article is to analyse the drivers of and barriers to improved energy efficiency at construction sites, as perceived by professional actors. The peer-reviewed r

The Influence and Potential Use of Values in Swedish Forestry - From the perspective of private forest owners and interactive methods

SKOGSÄGARES RELATIONER TILL SKOGEN ÄR VIKTIGA FÖR BIOLOGISK MÅNGFALD OCH LAGRING AV KOLDIOXID. Privata skogsägare äger ungefär 50% av den svenska skogen. Att skogen behövs för att minska klimatpåverkan är de flesta överens om, men hur den bäst ska göra det har varit föremål för debatt. Ska den avverkas med kalhyggen för att ersätta fossila material och bränslen, eller ska den stå kvar för att lagThe starting point of this study is the perspective of Swedish private forest owners. From that point of view, I aimed to discover the possible influences of values on climate mitigation and biodiversity in Swedish forests. The focus of both climate mitigation and biodiversity is of great importance as these are two major crises the world faces, and yet solutions are often seen as conflicting. By

My dog and I, or Paradise lost : An autoethnographic reflection on the clash between different ambitions and needs within an asymmetric relationship built on significant otherness

Through an autoethnographical reflection the aim of this paper is to explore the clash between high ethical ambitions in educative relationships and demandingbehaviours. What happens when the map does not resemble reality, when, forexample, someone in the educative relation does not behave as expected and themethods are challenged? What increases or decreases the risk that the teacher (orsimilar)

Honey bees are the most abundant visitors to Australian watermelon but native stingless bees are equally effective as pollinators

Despite the benefits of a diverse approach to crop pollination, global food production remains reliant on a low diversity of managed pollinators, especially the European honey bee (Apis mellifera). To facilitate more robust pollinator management and improve the resilience of the production system, it is necessary to understand regional variation in the pollination ecology of global food crops. Wat

High-quality N-polar GaN optimization by multi-step temperature growth process

We report growth optimization of Nitrogen (N)-polar GaN epitaxial layers by hot-wall metal–organic vapor phase epitaxy on 4H-SiC (000) with a misorientation angle of 4° towards the [110] direction. We find that when using a 2-step temperature process for the N-polar GaN growth, step bunching is persistent for a wide range of growth rates (7 nm/min to 49 nm/min) and V/III ratios (251 to 3774). This