Power and Political Culture: The Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) and the Decline of the New Order (1986-98)
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under Indonesiens auktoritära regim Den nya ordningen under president Suharto, avsågs det lilla nationalistkristna koalitionspartiet Indonesiska demokratiska partiet, PDI, spela rollen av ett regeringstroget statskorporatismiskt parti, vars existens skulle demonstrera regimens påstådda demokratiska karaktär. Från den senare hälften av 1980-talet började partiet emellertUnder Indonesia's authoritarian New Order regime of President Suharto, the role envisaged for the small nationalist-Christian coalition the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) was that of a pliant state corporatist party, the existence of which was meant to demonstrate the ostensibly democratic character of the regime. From the second half of the 1980s, however, the party began to develop in a criti