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A Study of Entrepreneurial Teams in University Spin-offs

Using a self-observation method in an autoethnography style, this paper is a study on entrepreneurial teams based on personal experience. It relates my personal learning outcomes from the master’s program in entrepreneurship at Lund University to the main theories from the field of team entrepreneurship.

Affärsdefinition i ett konsultföretag - om att skapa rätt förutsättningar för strategisk måluppfyllelse

The Swedish technical consultancy firms are today facing a number of exciting challenges. A majority of the firms’ larger customers have already established themselves in the international market. Simultaneously they have also begun to appreciate the need of a closer cooperation with a selected number of their suppliers. Hence, opportunities arise for the technical consultants to take on a larger

Inköpsstrategi - En portföljanalys av inköpsartiklar

The company, Aimpoint, most important products are red dot sights which are produced in Malmö and Gällivare. These production plants had a demand of doubling their production capacity during 2003 and during 2004 there is a demand of additionally doubling the capacity. The purchasing department has been under large pressure due to the great increase in production volume. Much of the present work at

Intern Benchmarking inom affärsenheten Global Services

This Master Thesis has been done at Business Unit Global Service at Ericsson Ltd in Stockholm. It is written by a student who is studying a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and it is done in co-operation with the institution of Production Management at Lund Institute of Technology. The Master Thesis examine whether it is possible to make a general cost distribution, towards which each M

Introduktion av den svenska limpan på den spanska marknaden: Studie av acceptans och lönsamhet

Problem description: There is a big difference between the Swedish and the Spanish bread culture. In Spain they normally buy their baguette-looking “barra” in the bakery and then break it to eat together with the food. As the bread should be eaten the same day it’s baked, the Spaniards need to visit the bakery every day. Maybe the Swedish ryemeal bread, with a durability of many days, would be app

Stronger together: Small and medium sized tour operators in a horizontal network

This master thesis aims at deepening the understanding of actors interacting with competitors from the same business field within the tourism sector. Special attention is paid to small and medium sized enterprises. In order to increase the knowledge of the phenomenon the German network forum anders reisen consisting of small and medium sized tour operators has been used as the case to conduct empi

Code of Conducts hos B2B och B2C - Skillnader eller likheter?

Vi vill visa vad företag tar upp i sina code of conducts, vilka aspekter man väljer att ha med, och om det finns skillnader eller likheter mellan B2B och B2C. Vi vill samtidigt undersöka hur man följer upp sina code of conducts hos underleverantörer. Slutsatser: Mänskliga rättigheter, arbetsrätt, miljö och korruption är de vanligast förekommande aspekterna som tas upp i företags code of conducts.

Funding Model Strategies – a Case Study on a German MEMS Start-up

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the strategic consequences of using strategic alliance, as an alternative to private equity to satisfy SMI’s short and long term funding and growth. Methodology: The thesis is based on a single case study within the sponsor company. Action research with a scenario based questionnaire was used to collect empirics, primarily from the management g

När kris kräver förändring - En fallstudie om strategisk turnaround på Doro

Syfte: Studien syftar i första hand till att analysera på vilket sätt ett krisdrabbat företag genomfört en strategisk turnaround. Som delsyfte med denna studie vill vi även belysa vilka faktorer som ligger bakom en sådan turnaround. Metod: Utifrån studiens explorativa syfte valde vi att genomföra en kvalitativ fallstudie med en abduktiv ansats. Teoretiska perspektiv: Det teoretiska ramverk som vi

Tolkningen av goodwill i ett principbaserat regelverk

Syftet med denna studie är att granska hur ett principbaserat regelverk och tolkningen av detsamma påverkar uppkomsten och nedskrivningen av goodwill. Studien söker redogöra för den diskurs som omger frågan samt finna en förståelse för hur tillsynen tolkar regelverket och hur det skiljer sig från företagens tolkning. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod har använts eftersom en betydande del av det empiri

Tax consequences when transferring company seat - a comparison between Sweden and Germany

This essay deals with the possibility for companies within the European Union to transfer their seat, special focus will be on the primary freedom of establishment and the regulations in Sweden and Germany. The transfer of company seat can be achieved through the transfer of the effective management because the OECD-MC assesses the tax liability on this criterion. As a result of the lost revenues

The process of developing a business model: a one year auto ethnographic reflection

This auto ethnographic article reflects the process of developing a business model for a fermium photography service in Lund, Sweden. With the support of theory and by making use of own experiences the development steps as well as the three fundaments of the business model are analysed. Further the current business model will be defined along a theoretical typology. The article will give a basic u

Business idea analysis: knowing when to pull the plugg on your ugly baby

In this paper, I reflect on the way entrepreneurs evaluate business ideas to either pursue them or let them go. I reflect on the efficacy of the current theoretical proposals in the field of Entrepreneurship when applied on their own and combined, in the context of new business ventures. The motivation behind writing this reflection comes from the several occasion when I have had to evaluate the f


Theoretical reflections from selfperspective regarding importance of legitimacy and a business plan.

Intellectual Property and the Entrepreneurial Process

This paper uses an autoethnographic approach to analyze the work of an entrepreneur on a the new venture, AirOhMail, in regards to intellectual property and product protection. By comparing AirOhMail with the failed start-up, SurPrise - both companies attempting to commercialize the same product - this paper demonstrates how a low-level innovation product can better achieve success in the start-up

Value Adding Strategies for a Tier 3 Automotive Supplier. How Stainless Steel can make a difference.

This Master Thesis has as purpose to provide information about the automotive industry. The perspective is from the stainless steel wire producer Sandvik Materials Technology Wire. The Network Approach, as formulated by the International Marketing and Purchasing Group, serves as theoretical base for the thesis. The study concerns the general trends in the automotive industry as a whole. A deeper e

Principle of Proportionality and the Prevention of Evasion, Avoidance or Abuse

VAT fraud exists in different forms, ranging from the black economy to internal fraud and carousel fraud if intra-Union transactions are involved. It effects the financial interest of both the Member State in question and the European Union within the meaning of Article 325 TFEU. Both Member States and the Commission take measures to prevent the potential tax evasion or avoidance and abuse of law.

Sociala medier som marknadsföringsverktyg åt musikartister

Sociala medier är idag en stor mötesplats för människor över hela världen. Användningsområden för sociala medier har ökat de senaste åren. Från att ha använts nästan exklusivt för kommunikation mellan vänner och bekanta har nu företag, organisationer och även musikartister börjat använda sociala medier som ett verktyg för marknadsföring. Denna uppsats lägger fokus på musikartisters användande av s

Kinesiska skolmjölksprogrammet – Förutsättningar för en framtida leverantör

Oatly is a company that produces and sells oat based products. Their most selling product is the oat drink, which is a substitute to milk, and over 80 percent of the annual sales volume comes from this product. Since the foundation of Oatly, the main idea has been to sell their products on markets with low milk availability and milk consumption. Most recently, Oatly identified the Chinese market a