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The informational value and usefulness of serum retinoid measurements. Studies on biological variation, including infancy and pregnancy, and influence of fasting, antiepileptic drugs and ethanol

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vitamin A är nödvändigt för kroppen. Det behövs för synen och för normal utveckling av foster och celler. Vitamin A krävs t. ex. också för optimalt immunförsvar och för fortplantningen. Ett stort globalt problem är vitamin A-brist i tredje världen, framför allt hos barn och gravida. Vitamin A-brist hos dessa grupper ger upphov till bl. a. blindhet och ökad dödlighet i The aims of these studies were to evaluate retinoid measurements, more specifically the performance of all-trans and 13-cis retinoic acids methods in clinical experimental settings and to evaluate the informational value of these measurements in relation to S-Retinol. Biological and analytical variations for retinoids were evaluated for healthy subjects. The performance of the retinoic acid measur

Acrylamide in Potato Crisps - A Three-year Study on Swedish-grown Potatoes

Acrylamide, a probable human carcinogen, has been found at mg/kg levels, in heat-treated carbohydrate-rich foods. Acrylamide is formed via the Maillard reaction as a result of the reaction between the amino acid asparagine and reducing sugars (glucose and fructose). Potatoes contain relatively high levels of both asparagine and reducing sugars and therefore potato products such as crisps, French f

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The article analyses the Nazi socialist construction of "Nordic Music" and gives examples of it's use in the years 1933-1945. It focusses on the funktionalization of musicians and composers of the Nordic countries by the Nazis and on the politization of musical ideas. In order to create and to uplift a worldwide image of German cultural superiority the semantics of Nazi music terminology changed.

High-spin structure of normal-deformed bands in Zr-84

The reaction Ni-58(S-32,alpha2p) at E-lab=135 MeV was used to populate high-spin states in Zr-84. The complete GAMMASPHERE and MICROBALL arrays were used to obtain clean gamma-gamma-gamma line shapes to be analyzed by the Doppler shift attenuation method and to determine 27 lifetimes in the ground-state band and in two excited bands. Side-feeding times were also measured by comparing the line shap

Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transfer

Providing invaluable information for both graduate researchers and R & D engineers in industry and consultancy, this book focuses on the modeling and simulation of fluid flow and thermal transport phenomena in turbulent convective flows. Its overall objective is to present state-of-the-art knowledge in order to predict turbulent heat transfer processes in fundamental and idealized flows as wel

Demokrati och lagprövning : om rättfärdigandet av en positiv respektive negativ inställning till lagprövning

This article focuses on the justification of a positive and a negative attitude respectively towards judicial review. The analysis is performed by textual analysis of the texts of four authors with different opinions on the subject matter: Robert Dahl and Jeremy Waldron who have a negative attitude towards judicial review, and Erwin Chemerinsky and Ronald Dworkin who have a positive attitude. A th

Leg ulcer management in primary care with special reference to pinch grafting

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kroniska bensår utgör en av våra folksjukdomar, där 1% av befolkningen någon gång drabbas. Uppkomsten av sår kan ha en mängd olika orsaker. Den största gruppen är venösa sår, dvs sådana som orsakats av vensjukdom. Behandling av sår har i långa tider betraktats som komplicerad, då såren ofta varit svårläkta och återkommit efter läkning. För den enskilde patienten innebärWound management in primary and community care was investigated throughout a period of 12 years within a well-defined population in one county in Southern Sweden. The estimated prevalence of chronic leg and foot ulcers was 0.19% in 1998 and the mean prevalence was 0.20% during the years 1994-1998. Venous ulcers were the most common (38%) and 7% of the nurses’ workload was devoted to ulcer care. Du

Parameterisation invariant statistical shape models

In this paper novel theory to automate shape modelling is described. The main idea is to develop a theory that is intrinsically defined for curves, as opposed to a finite sample of points along the curves. The major problem here is to define shape variation in a way that is invariant to curve parametrisations. Instead of representing continuous curves using landmarks, the problem is treated analyt