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Inflammatory Mediators in the Urine During Infection and Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
Development after pediatric brain tumor-a longitudinal study
Background: Patients treated for Pediatric Brain Tumors (PBTs) often experience a decline/stagnation in their cognitive functioning.Anumber of potential risk factors for cognitive decline have been identified including gender (female), young age-at-diagnosis, higher baseline IQ, hydrocephalus at diagnosis, treatment with Whole Brain Radiation Therapy (WBRT), and larger radiation field and/or dose.
High-contrast imaging through scattering media using structured illumination and Fourier filtering
We show in this Letter a novel approach for high-contrast imaging through scattering media by combining structured illumination and Fourier filtering (SIF). To assess the image contrast enhancement at different image spatial frequencies, the modulation transfer function is calculated for four detection schemes: (1) no filtering, (2) Fourier filtering, (3) structured illumination, and (4) SIF filte
Threshold π - production on the deuteron
An experiment that aims to measure the π- photoproduction cross-section σ(E) on the deuteron γ + 2H → π- + 2p near threshold is discussed. The main concepts of the experimental technique are presented alongside some preliminary signals.
On a fixed-point algorithm for structured low-rank approximation and estimation of half-life parameters
We study the problem of decomposing a measured signal as a sum of decaying exponentials. There is a direct connection to sums of these types and positive semi-definite (PSD) Hankel matrices, where the rank of these matrices equals the number of exponentials. We propose to solve the identification problem by forming an optimization problem with a misfit function combined with a rank penalty functio
Longitudinal changes in CSF alpha-synuclein species reflect Parkinson's disease progression
Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) diagnosis is mainly based on clinical criteria, with a high risk of misdiagnosis. The identification of reliable biomarkers for disease diagnosis and progression has a key role for developing disease-modifying therapies. In this article, we investigated the longitudinal changes of CSF α-synuclein species in early PD patients and explored the potential use of th
Characterisation of a flavonoid ligand of the fungal protein Alt a 1
Spores of pathogenic fungi are virtually ubiquitous and cause human disease and severe losses in crops. The endophytic fungi Alternaria species produce host-selective phytotoxins. Alt a 1 is a strongly allergenic protein found in A. alternata that causes severe asthma. Despite the well-established pathogenicity of Alt a 1, the molecular mechanisms underlying its action and physiological function r
Infection of a total knee replacement following repeated joint aspiration - A case report
The nervous system and its transmitters in the crayfish.
The test beamline of the European Spallation Source – Instrumentation development and wavelength frame multiplication
The European Spallation Source (ESS), scheduled to start operation in 2020, is aiming to deliver the most intense neutron beams for experimental research of any facility worldwide. Its long pulse time structure implies significant differences for instrumentation compared to other spallation sources which, in contrast, are all providing short neutron pulses. In order to enable the development of me
From genome-wide arrays to tailor-made biomarker readout – Progress towards routine analysis of skin sensitizing chemicals with GARD
Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) initiated by chemical sensitizers is an important public health concern. To prevent ACD, it is important to identify chemical allergens to limit the use of such compounds in various products. EU legislations, as well as increased mechanistic knowledge of skin sensitization have promoted development of non-animal based approaches for hazard classification of chemic
Social desirability and self-reported anxiety in children: An analysis of the RCMAS lie scale
There are important applied and theoretical reasons for research into the association between social desirability and self-reported anxiety in young people. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between anxiety and social desirability in a large normative sample of 7- to 14- year-olds (N = 1,786). Participants Completed the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale and their teache
DSM-III-R anxiety disorders in children: Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics
This study investigated the characteristics of each of the specific DSM- III-R (American Psychiatric Association, 1987) anxiety disorders in a clinic sample of 188 anxiety disordered children. Characteristics examined included sociodemographic variables (age-at-intake, gender, and race of the child, and family marital and socioeconomic status) and clinical variables (disorder age-at-onset and seve
Källkritik och nya publiceringsformer
Monoform vs Subversion : The Swedish Peace Movement and the Transnational Production of Peter Watkins’ The Journey (1987)
The Cathedral of Lund : A journey trough time
Vernacular architecture Reflections : Challenges and Future
Interest in vernacular structures has grown steadily over the past two decades. Vernacular structures around the world are the amalgamation of accumulated cultural, social and religious beliefs as well as practices. The valuable heritage embodied in the vernacular structures has served as sources of inspiration for centuries not only for architects, but also for a diverse, multi-disciplinary commu
Minus carbon and plus energy refugee shelter
This study discusses a proposal for a 37 m² refugeeearth shelter that could be built with the help of sevenpeople in 11 working days. The study is an experimental, participatory, living lab methodology for creating an eco-cycle shelter. The building’s skeleton is made from a minus carbon earth mix and is equipped with renewables that produce more energy than what the building consumes. No waste is
Baring it all- undressing Cambrian ´Orsten´phosphatocopine arthropods using synchrotron X-ray tomographic microscopy
Synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM) was used to virtually dissect and peel the shields off of the microscopic, bivalved phosphatocopine crustaceans in the Cambrian ‘Orsten’ type of preservation of Sweden. Doing so opened up for an array of concealed internal structures to be observed in a fully enclosed specimen of Hesslandona ventrospinata and a semi-enclosed specimen of He