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Your search for "*" yielded 531825 hits

Safety of formoterol in children and adolescents: experience from asthma clinical trials

Background The safety of long-acting beta(2) agonist (LABA) therapy in asthma remains controversial but no large scale analyses have been published of LABA safety in children. Methods The frequency of asthma-related deaths and hospitalisations following formoterol use in children (4-11 years) and adolescents (12-17 years), compared with non-LABA treatment, was assessed in all AstraZeneca-sponsored

Localization of sunitinib, its metabolites and its target receptors in tumor bearing mice: a MALDI mass spectrometry imaging study

A functional blood vessel network is essential for maintaining the necessary oxygen and nutrient levels in solid tumors. Thus, the inhibition of blood vessel growth by different antiangiogenic agents has become one of the most important topics in cancer research over the past few decades. The in vitro studies of these drugs are promising, but both the in vivo and the clinical experiences are contr

Increased risk of both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease in a population suffering from COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by chronic inflammation of the airways. In the majority of cases, the inflammation is triggered by tobacco smoke. Smoking also affects the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), protecting against ulcerative colitis (UC) and promoting development of Crohn's disease (CD). The present study was undertaken to investigate occurre

Mitos, ciudades y cine: un viaje de ida y vuelta.

Myth, from the Greek mythos: “Mar-velous narration situated outside historic time told by divine or heroic characters. Often interprets the world’s origin or great human events”. The dragon, ex-cept for in China, has always been a symbol of “evil”, but, at the same time, the fire and power represented by the dragon are essential elements for hu-mankind. The modern city, symbolically under-stoo

Thrombolysis for lower extremity bypass graft occlusion

Background: Thrombolysis is a common method in the treatment of lower extremity bypass graft occlusion. The purpose of this study was to investigate the results of thrombolytic therapy in the management of acute bypass graft occlusion and to identify risk factors for technical failure and amputation. Methods: All patients at two tertiary referral centers undergoing thrombolysis for acute graft occ

Quantitative X-ray phase-contrast microtomography from a compact laser-driven betatron source.

X-ray phase-contrast imaging has recently led to a revolution in resolving power and tissue contrast in biomedical imaging, microscopy and materials science. The necessary high spatial coherence is currently provided by either large-scale synchrotron facilities with limited beamtime access or by microfocus X-ray tubes with rather limited flux. X-rays radiated by relativistic electrons driven by we

Adjuvant radiotherapy in retroperitoneal sarcomas. A Scandinavian Sarcoma Group study of 97 patients

Background. Currently there is no consensus on the use of adjuvant radiotherapy (RT) in retroperitoneal sarcoma (RPS). We have analysed clinical outcomes in patients with localised RPS treated at two Scandinavian Sarcoma Group (SSG) centres: Haukeland University Hospital (HUH), Bergen, Norway and Skane University Hospital (SUH), Lund, Sweden to clarify the effects of adjuvant RT on local control a

Family caregiving, a long and winding road. Aspects on burden and life satisfaction among caregivers from the general population study 'Good Aging in Skåne' and effects of psychosocial intervention

Popular Abstract in Swedish Anhöriga – aspekter på börda, livstillfredsställelse och effekter av stöd. Med en ökande befolkning av äldre och en samtidig minskning av möjligheter till hjälpinsatser inom såväl kommunalt som landstingsstyrd vård och omsorg, kommer många av oss ta hand om äldre familjemedlemmar, släktingar och vänner. Hur kommer detta att påverka oss? Ungefär 20 % av den vuxna befolWith an aging population and a reduction in social services provided by the municipality, a huge majority of us will take care of elderly family members, relatives and friends in need of assistance. How will this affect our lives? Approximately 20% of the adult population in Sweden, mainly middle-aged persons, identify themselves as family caregivers. Many of these caregivers are working and, at

Lower risk of stent thrombosis and restenosis with unrestricted use of onew-generation' drug-eluting stents: a report from the nationwide Swedish Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty Registry (SCAAR)

To compare the long-term outcome after percutaneous coronary intervention with onew-generation' drug-eluting stents (n-DES) to oolder generation' DES (o-DES), and bare-metal stents (BMS) in a real-world population. We evaluated 94 384 consecutive stent implantations (BMS, n 64 631; o-DES, n 19 202; n-DES, n 10 551) in Sweden from November 2006 to October 2010. All cases of definite stent thrombosi

Sound, mind and emotion - research and aspects

Sound, mind and emotion Rapport nr 8 (seminarier 1 jan, 11 april resp 25 maj 2008) Innehåll: Patrik Juslin: Sound of music - Seven ways in which the brain can evoke emotions from sounds, Ulf Rosenhall: Auditory problems - not only an issue of impaired hearing, Sören Nielzén, Olle Olsson, Johan Källstrand & Sara Nehlstedt: The role of psychoacoustics for the research on neuro-psychiatric states

A Theory of Innovation: Market Transition, Property Rights, and Innovative Activity

The aim of this paper is to specify a theory to explain why transitions to a market economy cause a shift to a higher level of innovation. Marketization increases the power of economic actors relative to political actors, increases inter-firm competition, creates new opportunities for entrepreneurship, and subsequently motivates innovative activity. For our empirical application, we focus on China

Lifestyle Intervention from a Health Economics Perspective

Abstract The aim of this thesis was to perform health economic analyses of lifestyle intervention for people at a high risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The results can help decision-makers to make informed decisions over implementing lifestyle intervention, taking several dilemmas into consideration. Paper I provides evidence on the cost-effectiveness of

On the exact and approximate distributions of the product of a Wishart matrix with a normal vector

In this paper we consider the distribution of the product of a Wishart random matrix and a Gaussian random vector. We derive a stochastic representation for the elements of the product. Using this result, the exact joint density for an arbitrary linear combination of the elements of the product is obtained. Furthermore, the derived stochastic representation allows us to simulate samples of arbitra

Self-awareness of heart failure in the oldest old-an observational study of participants, ≥ 80 years old, with an objectively verified heart failure.

One of the primary reasons for hospitalisation among elderly individuals with heart failure (HF) is poor self-care. Self-awareness of having HF may be a key-element in successful self-care. The prevalence of self-awareness of HF, and how it is affected by age-and HF-related factors, remains poorly understood. The aims of the present study were to determine the prevalence of self-awareness of HF in