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Reflection and Transmission Properties of a Wall-Floor Building Element: Comparison between Finite Element Model and Experimental Data

Lightweight structures made of timber material have a number of advantages; they may become cost effective in the future and they demand relatively short production duration. However, one of the main drawbacks is related to the sound transmission, as it is becoming an increasing nuisance. The differences in weight, stiffness, density and repartition compared to traditional materials have repercuss

Load Balancing and Admission Control of a Parlay X Application Server

To increase the number of services and applications in the telecommunication networks a new service architecture has been proposed and specified. The consortia that initiated the new service architecture is called Parlay. Since then, there has been a continued development and 3GPP the standardization group for 3G networks, is now cooperating with Parlay. 3GPP and Parlay are together specifying the

Glutathione peroxidase and selenium in meat - Tissue and species variation, thermal stability and selenium speciation

Lipid oxidation is a major problem in muscle foods, leading to a loss in quality and nutritional value. It occurs in raw meat but is usually more pronounced in cooked meat. Since the demands of consumers for ready-to-eat foods have increased, the control of off-flavour in cooked meat is an important industrial problem. One way of minimising the development of lipid oxidation is to optimise the act

Investigation of Modified Cellulose and Starch via Hydrolysis and Mass Spectrometry

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stärkelse och cellulosa är naturligt förekommande polymerer av glukos. Dessa polymerer har varit viktiga resurser för människan genom historien. Stärkelse är en viktig näringskälla som det finns rikligt av i sädessorter och potatis. Cellulosa är en viktig komponent i byggmaterial (t.ex. trä), textilier (t.ex. bomullsfibrer), och papper. Stärkelse används dessutom som baStarches and celluloses can be chemically modified in order to affect their physiochemical properties. Modification of these carbohydrate polymers entails derivatising their free hydroxyl groups with functional groups. Which properties are obtained depends on the nature of the functional groups as well as on how they are distributed throughout the polymeric structure of the carbohydrate. Unfortuna

Impedance Tuning Unit for DVB-H Front-End

When implementing low frequency antennas in small devices, e.g., mobile phones using DVB-H, a large mismatch is inevitable. If a impedance tuning unit is introduced reflection losses and noise are reduced while gain is improved. A ITU consisting of 6 switched capacitances and 2 fixed LTCC inductors is studied. Simulations show that since a VSWR = 10 mismatch is reduced to better than VSWR = 2, the

Distribution of solar radiation in glazed spaces and adjacent buildings. A comparison of simulation programs

Energy simulation programs are commonly used to calculate the climate and energy requirements in glazed spaces and adjacent buildings. However, these programs have usually been developed to study buildings with ordinary window sizes. Comparisons of four simulation programs were carried out for a sunspace with an adjacent room. The distribution of solar radiation between the glazed space and the ad

Coupling elements for substructure modelling of lightweight multi-storey buildings

Abstract in UndeterminedAccurately modelling the dynamic behaviour of multi-storey buildings in wood requires the geometry involved to be represented in great detail, resulting in systems having many millions of degrees of freedom. Consequently, there is a need for model order reduction and the methodology of substructure modelling is employed here to create reduced models for analysis of low-freq

Innovating on Educational Collaboration

The purpose of this paper is three-fold. Firstly, to present a unique collaborative project in a graduate course module on Technology strategy between the biotech company Biogaia and the Faculty of Engineering, Lund university in Sweden. Secondly, to present and discuss some key findings for working and collaborating with this company in university education. Thirdly, to present and discuss the im

Optimal antenna currents

Antenna current optimization offers performance bounds and suggestions for the distribution of the desired antenna currents. Many current optimization problems can be formulated as convex optimization problems that are solved efficiently with explicit error bounds. The formulations as convex optimization problems are also illuminating as they can easily be generalized to specific antenna problems

2.8. Structural changes in Collembola populations following replanting of birch forest with spruce in North Norway.

The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate possible effects on Collembola populations by changes in tree composition in natural birch forest in coastal North Norway. In the study area (Dønnes, Nordland County) parts of the natural mixed birch forest has been replanted with Norway spruce and Sitka spruce. Soil samples were collected in June and October 2004. A total of 52 species of Colle

How long is ‘now’? The Christian eschatological concept of time within international laws of, in, and after war: a critique of law and of our Nordic societies

The epitome of this article is the reflection upon the question of “How long is now?” This question is interpreted within the context of the Iraq war, 2003 and onwards, as the enduring now specified. Drawing on parallels from the European World War II experience and the use of “Auschwitz” as a metaphor for a specifically Christian guilt articulated in relation to the Pauline eschatological hope of

The genetics of empathy and its disorders

he lack of ability to emphathise is central to many psychiatric conditions. Empathy is affected by neurodevelopment, brain pathology and psychiatric illness. Empathy is both a state and a trait characteristic. Empathy is measurable by neuropsychological assessment and neuroimaging techniques. This book specifically focuses on the role of empathy in mental illness. It starts with the clinical psych

Singular Perturbations of Differential Operators

Singular perturbations of Schrödinger type operators are of interest in mathematics, e.g. to study spectral phenomena, and in applications of mathematics in various sciences, e.g. in physics, chemistry, biology, and in technology. They also often lead to models in quantum theory which are solvable in the sense that the spectral characteristics (eigenvalues, eigenfunctions, and scattering matrix) c

Specification of the unified conceptual space, for purposes of empirical investigation

Abstract Recent years have seen a number of competing theories of concepts within philosophy of mind, supplanting the classical definitionist and imagist accounts: among them, Jerry Fodor's informational atomism, Jesse Prinz's proxytypes theory, and -- of course -- Peter Gärdenfors' (2004) conceptual spaces theory (CST). On the whole there has been little empirical investigation into the competing