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The Altar of the Dead: a Temporary Space for Memory and Meaning in the Contemporary Urban Landscape

The week following Halloween in 2006, a cultural event called ‘The altar of the dead’ was held in an urban park in the centre of the Swedish city of Malmö. Encouraging people to contemplate a deceased loved one by leaving gifts, by reciting poems, or simply by reminiscing at a confessionless altar placed in the public park, this event invited an inquiry into the relation between nature, space, and

Prebiotic Oligosaccharides from Xylan: Heat Pretreatment, Xylanase Hydrolysis, Utilization by Potential Probiotics and Evaluation in a Mouse Study

Modulation of the gut microbiota with prebiotic oligosaccharides from partially hydrolyzed xylans can be part of the solution for reducing the occurrence of many health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Prebiotics are carbohydrates that selectively stimulate health beneficial bacteria in the colon, restoring homeostasis to the gut environment. Xylans are hemicelluloses

Suicide in Severe Depression: A Longitudinal Case-Control Study

Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Personer som är deprimerade löper större risk att begå självmord än de som har andra psykiska störningar. Studier har visat att cirka 6-15% av alla patienter med affektiv sjukdom begår självmord. Vidare har det visat sig att cirka hälften av alla människor som tar livet av sig har haft en depression. Man har därför sökt efter riskfaktSuicide in Severe Depression. A Longitudinal Case-Control Study. The present thesis is based on a case-control study of suicide victims with a severe depression/ melancholia. All patients admitted to the Department of Psychiatry 1956-1969 who received this diagnosis on a multiaxial schedule (1206 patients) were followed up in two sessions to 1984 and to 1998 concerning suicide and general mortali

On the Scalability of Visualization in Manufacturing

Computer graphics plays an important role in modern engineering of manufacturing systems, both during design using virtual engineering environments and also as part of user interfaces to various machines. Existing and emerging systems today make use of software components, usually providing a graphical view to the user. In manufacturing, 3D graphics is desirable to visualize geometries of equipmen

Toward ontologies and services for assisting industrial robot setup and instruction

Achieving rapid, intuitive, and error-free robot setup and instruction is a challenge. We present our work towards an assistive infrastructure for robot setup and instruction that attempts to address it. In this paper, we describe the ongoing development of a system that automatically generates multimodal dialogue interaction from product and process ontologies. The prototype currently generates t

Geophysical Applications of Vegetation Modeling

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen beskriver utvecklingen och utvalda tillämpningar av en global vegetationsmodell, BIOME4. Modellen kan appliceras på frågeställningar kring vegetationsfördelning och klimat på höga latituder, produktion av spårgaser, och isotopers biogeokemi. Den demonstrerar hur en teoretisk modell, baserad på växtfysiologins och ekologins principer, kan tillämpas på interdThis thesis describes the development and selected applications of a global vegetation model, BIOME4. The model is applied to problems in high-latitude vegetation distribution and climate, trace gas production, and isotope biogeochemistry. It demonstrates how a modeling approach, based on principles of plant physiology and ecology, can be applied to interdisciplinary problems that cannot be adequa

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Abstract in Spanish El desarrollo turístico de la isla de Mallorca no puede entenderse sin la construcción del aeropuerto en 1960. Una vez saturada su capacidad de acogida y ante la ralentización de la llegada de turistas, se optó por ampliar dicha infraestructura como tabla de salvación del modelo turístico de masas mallorquín (la propuesta fácil frente a la difícil de repensar el modelo turístic

Choral Singing. Histories and Practices

Choral practice can be seen as a field of simultaneous (re)presentation, (re)production and (re)creation. These three aspects and discourses interact on both collective and individual levels. They bring to the fore questions about how the collective voice represents societal development and change at the same time as it is conceived as an individual source of entertainment, relaxation or the exper

The Gastrin-ECL Cell Axis. Functional Aspects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Mag-tarmkanalen utgör kroppens största hormon-producerande organ. Många av de hormon-producerande cellernas funktion är ännu okänd och mycket lite är känt om den betydelse de kan ha vid olika sjukdomar i mag-tarmkanalen. I magsäckens syraproducerande del (fundus) finns 4 hormon-producerande celler, av vilka ECL cellen (65 %) och A-lika cellen (25 %) tillsammans utgör caThe ECL cells constitute a prominent endocrine cell population in the acid-producing part of the stomach. They are controlled by circulating gastrin released from G-cells in the antrum. In response to gastrin, they secrete histamine, that in turn stimulates the parietal cell to secrete acid. The first aim of the study was to prepare isolated ECL cells of high purity and to study and identify regul