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Norms in Perspective: Norms about norms - a Hartian perspective

My purpose in this article is to make a contribution to what the legal philosopher H.L.A. Hart (1907-1992) has to say about providing a sociological understanding of law and to apply Hart's theory in relation to a specific area of law. The specific legal area consists of the violation compensation that victims of crime can obtain from the Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority in Sweden.

Pollen, luftföroreningar och väderlek

Abstract in Undetermined Pollenallergiker kan få ett bättre liv om de får information om tillståndet i luften. Det är till och med deras medborgerliga rättighet, enligt EU-direktiv, att få det. Därmed kan de förebygga symptom och planera sina aktiviteter. Avsikten med vår rapport är att bidra till underlaget för sådan en information, och att belysa hur de allergiska symptomen varierar med miljöfak

Two loop partially quenched and finite volume chiral perturbation theory results

This talk presents some results relevant for lattice QCD at higher order in ChPT. First we discuss the finite volume corrections at two loops for the quark condensate as well as a Luscherlike finite volume formula for it. The latter allows for an alternative determination of meson sigma terms. The second set of results presented here are the calculations at two loops in partially quenched chiral p

Flexible baseband transmitter for OFDM

To fully utilize the available spectrum for a wireless communication system it is feasible to adapt to different situations on the channel. In this paper a flexible OFDM transmitter is presented together with basic theory behind OFDM transmission. It is shown that high flexibility can be obtained with a reasonable amount of additional hardware. Part of the design, the FFT-processor, has already be