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Brottsofferjourernas riksförbund - en inflytelserik organisation
Intersectional Emotionality - Re-thinking Reflexivity within Research Practices & Training in Academia
On-going debates within feminist and social science research are increasingly highlighting the need for reflexive scholarship (particularly within qualitative research) – both in terms of considering the emotionality of the research process (Brownlie 2014, Burkitt 2012, Doucet 2008, Holland 2005, Mauthner and Doucet 2003) and in terms of applying an intersectional lens and discussing researchers’
Necker’s Cube, Rubin’s Vase, the Devil’s Turning Fork, the Duck/Rabbit and the Cat/Coffee Pot Revisited. : On Pseudo-Dilemmas of the Lifeworld and the Picture.
Discontinuously supervised aerobic training vs. physical activity promotion in the self-management of type 2 diabetes in older Italian patients : design and methods of the 'TRIPL-A' randomized controlled trial
BACKGROUND: Physical activity (PA) has health benefits for people with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Indeed, regular PA is considered an important part of any T2D management plan, yet most patients adopt a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise referral schemes (ERS) have the potential to effectively promote physical activity among T2D patients, and their effectiveness may be enhanced when they are supported by c
Anticholinergic sensitivity in the aging rat septohippocampal system as assessed in a spatial memory task
The effects of central cholinergic blockade on spatial memory were tested in aged and basal forebrain-lesioned rats using the Morris Water Maze. In Experiment 1, aged rats (18-21 months old) were characterized as behaviorally impaired or nonimpaired based on water maze performance prior to an atropine sulfate challenge. In the atropine test (50 mg/kg, IP), both the impaired and the nonimpaired rat
Samsara (e57), for twenty strings
#057. Samsara, for twenty strings (2000)
Observation of Exclusive Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering in Polarized Electron Beam Asymmetry Measurements
We report the first results of the beam-spin asymmetry measured in the reaction →ep→epγ at a beam energy of 4.25 GeV. A large asymmetry with a sinφ modulation is observed, as predicted for the interference term of deeply virtual compton scattering (DVCS) and the Bethe-Heitler process. The amplitude of this modulation is α=0.202±0.028. In leading-order and leading-twist perturbative QCD, the α is d
Claes Crona Trio ”American Standards Volume 2” with special guest Scott Hamilton
Integrated enzymatic reactions and analysis
Enzymatic reactions were performed in a modified auto-injector unit of a Shimadzu HPLC system. The reactions were analyzed by automated injections directly into the HPLC separation system. Two reactions were studied, and the enzymes mandelonitrile lyase and α-chymotrypsin were immobilized by adsorption onto a solid support, e.g., Celite and Chromosorb. The reactions were performed in various organ
Inter-observer reliability of clinical hip impingement tests
Medio-lateral knee position during knee flexion tests is predictive of hip kinematics during running
Balance in single-limb stance in patients with anterior cruciate ligament injury. Relation to proprioception, knee laxity, muscle strength, and subjective evaluation
Effect of confined polymer on the properties of lyotropic lamellar mesophases
This thesis deals with the effect of the incorporation of the adsorbing polymer polyethylene glycole (PEG) on the structural and elastic properties of lyotropic lamellar mesophases. In particular, these polymer doped-lamellar phases are of great interest for understanding the intermembrane interactions mediated by the macromolecule. Firstly, the bending elastic modulus of the membranes has been in
Sensitivity of a Greenland ice sheet model to atmospheric forcing fields
Predicting the climate for the future and how it will impact ice sheet evolution requires coupling ice sheet models with climate models. However, before we attempt to develop a realistic coupled setup, we propose, in this study, to first analyse the impact of a model simulated climate on an ice sheet. We undertake this exercise for a set of regional and global climate models. Modelled near surface
Generation of new enzyme inhibitors using imprinted binding sites : The anti-idiotypic approach, a step toward the next generation of molecular imprinting
Standards of Review in International Tribunals for the Law of the Sea
A 9-Year Follow-Up of Women and Men Reporting Pain: Results from The Swedish National Study Of Aging And Care - Blekinge
Background and aim: Pain is common in older adults, but its relationship with ageing is unclear. The aim was toinvestigate pain among adults aged 72 years and older by means of a population-based sample followed for aperiod of nine years.Methods: The Swedish National study on Aging and Care (SNAC) is conducted at four research centres. AtSNAC-Blekinge (B), 609 (60.6%) women and 396 (39.4%) men wer