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Extended Producer Responsibility in Cleaner Production: Policy Principle to Promote Environmental Improvements of Product Systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Produkternas miljöpåverkan har varit en av de stora nya frågorna sedan 10-15 år tillbaka. Att det uppstår betydande miljöproblem under en varas hela livscykel förstod man snart, men frågan var vad man kunde göra åt det. Jag kom att arbeta med återvinningsfrågor under senare hälften av 1980-talet. Det var också vid den tiden som förebyggande miljöskyddsstrategier börjadeThe focus of the environmental policy-making has shifted noticeably during the last decade. From having played a fairly insignificant role in the 1980s and earlier, product-related environmental problems have attracted an ever-increasing interest from policy-makers, especially in industrialised countries in North-Western Europe. Considerable attention has been devoted to the concept of extended pr

Preference among preferences as a method for obtaining a higher ordered metric scale

A method is presented for collecting data which yield a scale on which the entities are ranked in preference and all combinations of value distances are ranked (higher-ordered metric scale). The method is based on the concept of secondary preference, i.e. preference among preferences. This method is compared with a classical method based on 50–50 game comparison. Two empirical studies are presente

Family structure in the Siberian Jay as revealed by microsatellite analyses

The Siberian Jay (Perisoreus infaustus) lives in resident, territorial family groups outside the breeding season, but does not breed cooperatively. Thereby it offers an opportunity to study the evolution of territorial group living, without confounding effects of reproductive cooperation. During a long-term study in Finland 1974-2000, we observed Siberian Jay group composition in autumn. Using mic

Methane yield in source-sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste

Treating the source-separated organic fraction of municipal solid waste (SS-OFMSW) by anaerobic digestion is considered by many municipalities in Europe as an environmentally friendly means of treating organic waste and simultaneously producing methane gas. Methane yield can be used as a parameter for evaluation of the many different systems that exist for sorting and pre-treating waste. Methane y

Intrinsic apodization effect in a compact two-mirror system with a spherical primary mirror

In so-called compact two-mirror focusing and afocal systems the secondary mirror is situated at the paraxial focus of the spherical primary mirror. The peculiar conelike shape of the secondary is chosen to eliminate the spherical aberration. Thus the systems are stigmatic, but they have a great offence against the sine condition (OSC), creating uneven distribution of energy on the surface of the o

Lågdos-DT bättre än vanlig röntgen vid diagnostik av rinosinuit. Bör vara förstahandsval

Lågdos-DT (datortomografi) av näsans bihålor vid rinosinuit ger en god visualisering av samtliga näsans bihålor, även av etmoidal-, sfenoidal- och frontalsinus, där konventionell röntgenundersökning är förenad med stor osäkerhet. Lågdos-DT ger värdefull tilläggsinformation om både anatomi och patologiska förändringar, som inte kan erhållas med konventionell röntgenundersökning. Stråldosen till pat

Pattern discrimination in a hawkmoth: innate preferences, learning performance and ecology

Spatial patterns are important cues for flower detection and recognition by nectar-feeding insects. Pattern vision has been studied in much detail in bees and flies but rarely in butterflies and moths. In this paper, I present a first proof of pattern-learning abilities in a moth, and discuss reasons for the limitations to their pattern learning. The diurnal hawkmoth Macroglossum stellatarum spont

Self-organized dynamics in spatially structured populations

Self-organization and pattern formation represent the emergence of order in temporal and spatial processes. Self-organization in population ecology is gaining attention due to the recent advances concerning temporal fluctuations in the population size of dispersal-linked subunits. We shall report that spatially structured models of population renewal promote the emergence of a complex power law or

Absolute cerebral blood flow measured by dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI: a direct comparison with Xe-133 SPECT

Absolute regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) was measured in ten healthy volunteers, using both dynamic susceptibility-contrast (DSC) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Xe-133 SPECT within 4 h. After i.v. injection of Gd-DTPA-BMA (0.3 mmol/kg b.w.), the bolus was monitored with a Simultaneous Dual FLASH pulse sequence (1.5 s/image), providing one slice through brain tissue and a second slice thro

Problems with cold work

First International Symposium on Problems with cold work at Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm, Sweden on November 16-20, 1997. Organised by, National Institute for Working Life, Solna, Sweden in co-operation with National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, USA; National Institute of Occupational Health, Moscow, Russia; National Institute of Public Health, Tokyo, Japan, unde

Hybrid Monte Carlo simulations of vertical electronic transitions in acetone in aqueous solution

A simulation of the n -> pi* absorption and the pi -> n fluorescence of acetone in aqueous solution is reported. The model has an explicit solvent representation with an effective ab initio treatment of the solute. The model attempts to balance quantum chemistry, intermolecular interactions and statistical thermodynamics. It includes a non-electrostatic perturbation on the solute which models the

An optimal bound on the tail distribution of the number of recurrences of an event in product spaces

Let X-1, X-2,... be independent random variables and a a positive real number. For the sake of illustration, suppose A is the event that Xi+1 +...+ X-j greater than or equal to a for some integers 0 less than or equal to i < j < infinity. For each k greater than or equal to 2 we upper-bound the probability that A occurs k or more times, i.e. that A occurs on k or more disjoint intervals, in terms