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Protein Expression Profiling of Hereditary Breast Cancer
Practical use of wastewater treatment modelling and simulation as a decision support tool for plant operators - case study on aeration control at Linköping wastewater treatment plant
Utopi eller dystopi?
Robotar kan betraktas som ytterligare en i raden av tekniska innovationer inom äldreomsorgen, buren av förhoppningar om ökad effektivitet men med bibehållen livskvalitet i samband med ökade omsorgsbehov och möjligheten att bo kvar hemma. Diskursen är tidvis utopisk - löften om att hjälpa äldre människor att bli mer självförsörjande och självständiga med hjälp av robotar - och från ett mer dystopis
The inverse motion problem for quasi-incompressible electroelasticity
Hur inverkar belysningen på människan. Miljöpsykologisk forskning vid Sektion A
Religion, skole og kulturel integration i Danmark og Sverige
Region-Based Variational Problems and Normal Alignment - Geometric Interpretation of Descent PDEs
Data Commentary in Science Writing : A Discourse Model for Multimodal Result Presentation in Science Publication
Res judicata i EG –domstolens rättspraxis: en avvägning mellan rättssäkerhet och lagenlighet
Ny rättspraxis från EG-domstolen i fallen Köbler och Kühne & Heitz har visat att domstolen är beredd att etablera rättsprinciper som kommer göra det möjligt att på ett effektivt sätt hantera missbruket av acte clair-doktrinen. I det förstnämnda fallet, etablerade domstolen en möjlighet att utkräva skadeståndsansvar av medlemsstaten i det fall den nationella sista instansrätten (in casu den hög
Acoustic separation of particles with similar acoustic properties by means of medium density manipulation
Simulation of the acoustics behind a barrier generated by periodically passing vehicles
Can There Be Dowry-Related Problems in Progressive Kerala?
Model-Based Course Assessment – Principles and Practice
This paper presents the concepts of model-based course assessments. This involves a mathematical model to define the grading scheme of a course, based on a set of items to be scored. We report lessons learned from using this approach. An important conclusion is that model-based assessment promotes clear definitions of assessment criteria.
How do different combinations of the number of diseases and experienced symptoms relate to life satisfaction in 80-year-olds?
Objectives: This study explores how different combinations of the number of diseases and experienced symptoms are related to life satisfaction in a population of 296 eighty-year-olds in southern Sweden. Methods: Three different models, visualizing different health profiles, in the form of reported number of diseases and number of experienced symptoms in different combinations were created and are
The Potentials of Renewable Energy
Study of Mechanical Load at Entry and Exit Phase of the Intermittent Cut
Svensk granit skyddar inte mot al-Quaida
A Flexible FFT Processor
In this paper a flexible FFT processor for OFDM systems is presented. In future wireless systems using OFDM each terminal should be able to handle a wide range of different applications, from pure voice communication to high-speed data transfers, with as little overhead in power consumption and protocol procedure as possible. As the terminals will be battery powered and should be cheap to manufact