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Inventions without inventors: The challenge of applying patent law objectives to AI generated inventions

Artificiell intelligens utvecklas snabbt och blir alltmer självständig. Detta framgår av de patentansökningar som nyligen lämnats in för uppfinningar som gjorts av DABUS som är en AI. Enligt rättspraxis angående DABUS uppfinningar kan endast en fysisk person vara uppfinnare i patentlagstiftningens mening. Detta beror på att uppfinnaren måste ha rättskapacitet för att kunna inneha de rättigheterna Artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing and becoming more autonomous. This is highlighted by the recent patent applications filed for inventions made by the AI, DABUS. The case law regarding DABUS’ inventions holds that only a natural person can be an inventor within the meaning of patent law. This is because, to hold rights associated with being identified as the inventor, the inventor needs

Clinical and epidemiological Studies in ANCA-associated vasculitis

Objectives:This thesis aims to provide an overview of the epidemiology of AAV in southern Sweden, to evaluate different classification criteria in AAV. In addition we study if infection is a risk factor for later development of AAV comparing patients with AAV with a matched population cohort and to examine the occurrence of severe infections as an outcome in AAV. Methods:All adult patients diagnos

Proof-of-concept method to study uncharacterized methyltransferases using PRDM15

The PRDM family of methyltransferases has been implicated in cellular proliferation and differentiation and is deregulated in human diseases, most notably in cancer. PRDMs are related to the SET domain family of methyltransferases; however, from the 19 PRDMs only a few PRDMs with defined enzymatic activities are known. PRDM15 is an uncharacterized transcriptional regulator, with significant struct

Tau-PET is superior to phospho-tau when predicting cognitive decline in symptomatic AD patients

Introduction: Biomarkers for the prediction of cognitive decline in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and amnestic mild dementia are needed for both clinical practice and clinical trials. Methods: We evaluated the ability of tau-PET (positron emission tomography), cortical atrophy on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), baseline cognition, apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) status, pla

The Relationship between PDQ-8 and Costs in Parkinson's Disease—A Swedish Register-Based Study

Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder associated with substantial costs which increase with progression state. However, few studies have investigated the association between costs and health related quality of life. Objectives: To estimate the relationship between costs and health related quality of life, measured by the Parkinson's disease Quality of Lif

Comparative Effectiveness of Device-Aided Therapies on Quality of Life and Off-Time in Advanced Parkinson’s Disease : A Systematic Review and Bayesian Network Meta-analysis

Introduction: Research comparing levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG), deep brain stimulation (DBS), and continuous subcutaneous apomorphine infusion (CSAI) for advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) is lacking. This network meta-analysis (NMA) assessed the comparative effectiveness of LCIG, DBS, CSAI and best medical therapy (BMT) in reducing off-time and improving quality of life (QoL) in patient

"Det hade kanske kunnat bli bra": En kvalitativ analys av behandlingsmisslyckanden i KBT respektive PDT för paniksyndrom

Studiens syfte var att utforska upplevda metodbrister hos patienter som inte blivit hjälpta av Panic Control Treatment (PCT) respektive Panic Focused Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (PFPP). Studiens urval var en del av projektet POSE, Psychotherapy outcome and self-selection effects for panic disorder, och bestod av 20 patienter med diagnosen panikångestsyndrom med eller utan agorafobi. Hälften hade bThe aim of this study was to explore patients’ experience of method deficiencies in Panic Control Treatment (PCT) and Panic Focused Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (PFPP) respectively. The sample of 20 patients was a subsample from the project POSE, Psychotherapy outcome and self-selection effects for panic disorder, where the patients had been diagnosed with panic disorder with or without agoraphobia

Samvetsfrihet hos hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal vid abort och dödshjälp

Utgångspunkten för denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida samvetsfrihet finns i svensk rätt och i så fall hur den påverkar arbetsgivarens arbetsledningsrätt, arbetstagarnas arbetsskyldighet och patientens intresse av att få god vård om den åberopas av hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Frågeställningarna behandlar hur de rättsliga möjligheterna till samvetsfrihet ser ut för vårdpersonal idag och hur dThe aim of this essay is to examine whether freedom of conscience exists in Swedish law and, if so, how it affects the employer’s work management rights, the employee's duty to work and the patient's interest for safe healthcare if it is invoked by healthcare workers. The research questions address the legal possibilities to freedom of conscience for healthcare workers today and how they c

När Döden blir Onaturlig

This study aimed to examine what it means for counsellors in end-of-life care to work closely with death and the dying. The initial hypothesis was that there is something special about being in close contact with dying people and death. A qualitative approach was taken with an initial focus group of four professionals to study this. The goal of the focus group was to acquire knowledge on how this

Iliac Branch Devices in the Repair of Ruptured Aorto-iliac Aneurysms : A Multicenter Study

PURPOSE: To evaluate the outcomes of preserving the internal iliac artery (IIA) with iliac branched devices (IBDs) during acute endovascular repair of ruptured aortoiliac aneurysms.MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is a multicenter retrospective review of all consecutive patients undergoing acute endovascular repair of ruptured aortoiliac aneurysm with an IBD at 8 aortic centers between December 2012 and


This is a documentation of a bachelor examination project called “PORT:ABLE” done by Dominik Garstka. The project goal is a development of a product which makes any swing arm type lamp portable, by changing how the lamp receives power and how it is mounted. During the project a concept was developed and a display prototype was made.

Two-peakedness in South Swedish and the Scandinavian tone-accent typology

This chapter presents the results of a production study with twelve speakers of South Swedish. The results show that South Swedish has so-called two-peak contours in non-utterance-final nuclear accents and in phrase-initial accents (so-called initiality accents). The shape of the two-peak contours is reminiscent of contours reported from East Norway and West Sweden. These results contradict previo

Quantification of [18F]florbetaben amyloid-PET imaging in a mixed memory clinic population : The ABIDE project

Introduction: We investigated amyloid-burden quantification in a mixed memory clinic population. Methods: [18F]Florbetaben amyloid-PET (positron emission tomography) scans of 348 patients were visually read and quantified using the Centiloid (CL) method. General linear models were used to assess CL differences across syndromic and etiological diagnosis. Linear mixed models were fitted to assess th

Novel sediment sampling method provides new insights into vertical grain size variability due to marine and aeolian beach processes

In sandy beach systems, the aeolian sediment transport can be governed by the vertical structure of the sediment layers at the bed surface. Here, data collected with a newly developed sand scraper is presented to determine high-resolution vertical grain size variability and how it is affected by marine and aeolian processes. Sediment samples at up to 2 mm vertical resolution down to 50 mm depth we

Rätten att citera – Om citatreglernas innebörd och räckvidd

Både på upphovsrättens område och på formgivningsrättens område inskränks rättighetsinnehavarnas ensamrätt av regler som gör det möjligt citera ur skyddade alster. Den upphovsrättsliga citatregeln stadgas i 22 § upphovsrättslagen (1960:729). Den formgivningsrättsliga citatregeln återfinns i 7 § 3 mönsterskyddslagen (1970:485) och i artikel 20.1 c i formgivningsförordningen. I uppsatsen görs en rBoth copyright law and design law provide rules that limit the exclusive rights of the rightsholders in order to allow users to quote protected works and other protected subject matter. Such rules are prescribed in section 22 of the Swedish Copyright Act (SFS 1960:729), section 7 paragraph 3 of the Swedish Design Protection Act (SFS 1970:485) and article 20.1 c of the EU Design Regulation. The ai

Dömd men inte glömd - En studie av vissa svenska söktjänsters behandling av brottsuppgifter samt av förhållandet mellan rätten till skydd för personuppgifter och rätten till yttrande- och informationsfrihet

I Sverige finns ett antal webbplatser som samlar in offentliga handlingar och tillgängliggör dessa genom en söktjänst. Internetanvändare kan genom en sådan söktjänst, ofta efter erlagd betalning, till exempel se om någon förekommer i en fällande brottmålsdom. Webbplatserna är grundlagsskyddade genom utgivningsbevis. Möjligheten att ansöka om utgivningsbevis finns sedan 2003 genom en bestämmelse i In Sweden, there are a number of websites that collect public documents and make them available through a search service. Internet users can use such a search service, often after paying a fee, to find out, for example, whether someone appears in a criminal conviction. The websites are protected by a publishing license, a possibility that has been included in the Swedish Freedom of Expression Act

Barnets rätt i asylprocessen - En analys av tillämpningen av barnets bästa inom 5 kap. 6 § UtlL efter barnkonventionens implementering

Barnets bästa i 1 kap. 10 § utlL innebär att barnets bästa ska sättas i främsta rummet. Principen har sin utgångspunkt från FN:s barnkonvention som sedan 2020 också inkorporerad i svensk lag. Sverige har återkommande fått kritik gällande tillämpningen och uppfyllandet av barns rättigheter. Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva hur principen om barnets bästa ska förstås i gällande rätt, med ett fokus The principle of the best interest of the child is written in 1:10 § alien act. The meaning of the principle is to always act in the best interest of the child in any case in which children are affected. Sweden ratified the UN Convention on the rights of the child already in 1990, and 1st of January 2020 the convention was incorporated into Swedish law. However, Sweden has gotten criticism regardi