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Bud på barnombud? - För- och nackdelar med att införa ombud för barn i vårdnadsmål

Uppsatsen handlar om barnets rätt att komma till tals i vårdnadsmål. Rätten fastställs i barnkonventionens artikel 12. Artikeln gäller som lag i Sverige sedan 2020. Enligt artikel 12 ska konventionsstaterna tillförsäkra det barn som är i stånd att bilda egna åsikter rätten att fritt uttrycka dessa i alla frågor som rör barnet. Vidare ska barnet i alla domstolsförfaranden och administrativa förfaraThe topic of the paper is the child's right to be heard in custody cases, as set out in Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Convention has been in force as law in Sweden since 2020. According to Article 12, States Parties shall assure a child capable of forming his or her own views, the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child. Furthermore

Hårt sex? En diskursanalys av debatten i svensk media om hårt sex bland unga

In 2020 an article was published about rough sex among youth. The article spread on social media and was the beginning of a debate in Swedish media that came to be known as the “rough sex debate”. The aim of this study is to achieve a greater understanding of the phenomenon of “rough sex” among youth. To achieve this aim, we analyze and highlight the discursive differences in the debate on “rough

Vägen till kunskap. En intervjustudie om professionella som vågat ta steget att ge psykosocialt stöd till personer som utforskar sin könsidentitet

Through previous research, several factors concerning the lack of knowledge among professionals regarding their work with transgender clients have been identified. A need for more counseling support for transgender clients has also been identified. The following study aims to respond to these shortcomings by studying professionals in Sweden who have experience working with clients who are explorin

Long-term oxygen sensor implantation on the porcine subcutaneous environment

The effect of long-term implantation on metabolically active devices is of utmost importance for not only the success of implanted glucose sensors used in diabetic therapy, but also for the development of artificial tissues and encapsulated cell devices. Such devices are dependent on the constant, predictable supply of metabolites from the local vasculature. Long-term implantation leads to the for

Privatanställdas rätt att offentliggöra information om missförhållanden på arbetsplatsen

I takt med samhällsutvecklingen och som en följd av att Europeiska unionens utfärdade visselblåsardirektivet har begreppet visselblåsning etablerats som en del av arbetsrätten, såväl internationellt som nationellt, och genomförandet av direktivet resulterade i att en ny visselblåsarlag utformades i den svenska rätten. För privatanställda som inte, inom anställningen, åtnjuter skydd av den grundlagAs society develops and as a result of the European Union issuing the whistleblower directive the concept of whistleblowing has been established as a part of labour law and the implementation of the directive led to a new whistleblowing law in Sweden. For employees in the private sector who do not, within their employment, enjoy the protection of the constitutional freedom of expression, this new

Starch intake, amylase gene copy number variation, plasma proteins, and risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality

BACKGROUND: Salivary amylase, encoded by the AMY1 gene, initiate the digestion of starch. Whether starch intake or AMY1 copy number is related to disease risk is currently rather unknown. The aim was to investigate the association between starch intake and AMY1 copy number and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality and whether there is an interaction. In addition, we aim to identify CV

Consumption of ultraprocessed food and development of chronic kidney disease : the Tianjin Chronic Low-Grade Systemic Inflammation and Health and UK Biobank Cohort Studies

BackgroundMany ultraprocessed food (UPF)-derived by-products may play a role in the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Although several studies have assessed the association of UPFs with kidney function decline or CKD in various countries, no evidence has been shown in China and the United Kingdom.ObjectivesThis study aims to evaluate the association between UPF consumption and risk of C

Hybrids between Rubus caesius and Rubus sect. Corylifolii (Rosaceae) and their relation to R. cyclomorphus, R. tiliaster, R. glauciformis, R. slesvicensis and R. firmus

Using flow cytometry and microsatellite DNA analysis (MSDA), we studied hybrids between Rubus caesius and various other Rubus species, with an emphasis on Sweden. We show that hybrids between Rubus caesius and Rubus sect. Corylifolii arise easily. They show a large variation in morphology, but can normally be recognised by a number of characters. They are typically hexaploids, but ~13% of the hy

Do ectomycorrhizal exploration types reflect mycelial foraging strategies?

Ectomycorrhizal exploration types are commonly assumed to denote spatial foraging patterns and resource-related niches of extraradical mycelia. However, empirical evidence of the consistency of foraging strategies within exploration types is lacking. Here, we analysed ectomycorrhizal foraging patterns by incubating root-excluding ingrowth mesh bags filled with six different substrates in mature Pi

Symbolisk lagstiftning i svensk kriminalpolitik - En analys av den kriminalpolitiska utvecklingen

I förevarande uppsats analyseras den svenska kriminalpolitiska utvecklingen utifrån begreppet symbolisk lagstiftning. Symbolisk lagstiftning är lagstiftning som syftar till att minska kriminalitetsnivån, men som egentligen är ineffektiv och endast har en lugnande effekt på medborgarna. I den rättsvetenskapliga litteraturen anklagas statsmakten för att införa symboliska lagstiftningar, vilket är anThis thesis has aimed to analyze Swedish criminal policy based on the concept symbolisk lagstiftning. In English, it is referred to as symbolic legislation. Symbolic legislation is legislation that is ineffective to prevent crime, but make the government appear energetic and convincing in the eyes of the citizens. In the jurisprudence literature, the government is accused of imposing symbolic legi

Köparens möjligheter att utkräva ansvar av säljaren och mäklaren vid brister i förvärvad fastighet

Denna uppsats handlar om i vilken utsträckning en fastighetsköpare kan ut-kräva ansvar av antingen säljaren eller mäklaren alternativt bägge två i de fall fastighetens beskaffenhet avviker från vad köparen förväntade sig vid köptill-fället. Av undersökningen framgår att säljarens och mäklarens ansvar ser olika ut men att de delvis överlappar varandra. Vad gäller frågan huruvida en köpare kan göraThis essay examines to which extent a buyer of property can hold either the seller or the realtor, or both, accountable in cases where the real estate deviates from what the buyer expected at the time of the purchase. The investigation shows that a seller’s and a realtor’s responsibility differ, but in some cases overlap. As regards to the question whether a buyer can hold a seller liable due to a

Where access and benefit-sharing comes from: A historical overview

The international legal system of access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources (or ABS) under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an ever-evolving field as its material, temporal and activity scope is still under discussion to meet the needs of the advancement of research and development activities as well as the questions of fairness and equity that evolve with them. Activities, su

Quantification of structures in freeze-dried materials using X-ray microtomography

The structure of a freeze-dried material is essential for its ability to preserve and protect biologics such as proteins, cells and other sensitive structures. The structure of a typical freeze-dried matrix can be described as pores surrounded by thin walls where the walls are the encapsulating material (for e.g. cells). The objective of this investigation is to evaluate X-ray microtomography (µCT

Semiconductor topography IP rights: Is there possibility for revival?

Halvledarindustrin har en form av immaterialrätter avsedd särskilt för dem: Kretsmönsterrätter. Dessa introducerades i USA 1984 i syfte att skydda den amerikanska halvledarindustrin från konkurrens från östra Asien, huvudsakligen Japan. Den ersatte principen om nationell behandling med den materiella ömsesidighetsprincipen, som är normen inom immaterialrätt. Detta tillät USA att tvinga andra ländeThe semiconductor industry has a sui generis IP type dedicated to it: the semiconductor topography right. This right was introduced in 1984 with the purpose of protecting the U.S. semiconductor industry from East Asian, mainly Japanese, competition. It replaced the principle of treatment on a national basis that is the norm in IP law with one of material reciprocity, which allowed the U.S. to stro

Pillar 2 - Konsekvenser för svenska fastighetsbolag

Handel med kommersiella fastigheter sker i regel genom fastighetspaketering. Detta innebär att fastigheten säljs i form av ett enskilt aktiebolag, vars enda tillgång är den berörda fastigheten. Paketeringsförfarandet är möjligt på grund av reglerna kring näringsbetingade andelar och möjliggör en skattefri transaktion för avyttrande part. Detta är en avsevärd skattelättnad gentemot direktförsäljninTrade in commercial properties is usually made through "real estate packaging" which means that properties are sold in the form of a separate limited liability company whose only asset is the property in question. The packaging procedure is possible due to the rules regarding commercial shares. It makes a tax-free transaction possible for the divesting part, which is a considerable tax r

Företagsgrupper inom koncernbidragsrätten - En analys av det svenska ägandekravet och etablerandet av koncernförhållanden för resultatutjämning

Med hjälp av koncernbidrag, vilket kan ges mellan koncernbolag, uppnår svenska företagsgrupper en utjämning av sina resultat. Att ge koncernbidrag är möjligt bara mellan helägda dotterbolag. Med helägt menas i detta fall att moderbolaget måste äga dotterbolaget till mer än 90 procent. Det uppställs alltså ett så kallat ägandekrav för moderbolaget. Genom aktuell praxis, främst HFD 2021 ref. 66 har Through group contribution Swedish groups can equalize the results of their companies. Giving such contributions is only possible in fully owned groups. The parent company has to own more than 90 percent of the shares in its subsidiary. This is a so called ownership requirement for the parent company. The Swedish supreme administrative court has opened up for a possibility to avoid this ownership