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Your search for "*" yielded 526722 hits

Videogames-as-a-service : converting freemium- to paying-users through pop-up advertisement value

Purpose: Though the videogame literature is thriving, little remains known regarding the effectiveness of pop-up ads that appear in videogames. Addressing this gap, this study, therefore, aims to explore pop-up ads as an important tool to prompt gamer-perceived advertisement value and their subsequent intent to install the advertised videogame. Design/methodology/approach: To frame the analyses, t

Parallel solution synthesis of a 'carbohybrid' library designed to inhibit galactose-binding proteins

Parallel solution S-alkylations of a 1-thio-β-D-galactopyranoside derivative with Michael acceptors and α-chloroketones, followed by ketone reductions, reductive aminations, and acylations were developed to yield a library of 1-thio-β-D-galactopyranosides carrying small and diverse polar- neutral, hydrophobic, aromatic, cationic, or anionic non-carbohydrate aglycon structures. Screening of the lib

Structural requirements for the glycolipid receptor of human uropathogenic Escherichia coli

The binding of uropathogenic Escherichia coli to the globo series of glycolipids via P pili is a critical step in the infectious process that is mediated by a human‐specific PapG adhesin. Three classes of PapG adhesins exist with different binding specificities to Galα4Gal‐containing glycolipids. The structural basis for PapG recognition of the human glycolipid receptor globoside was investigated

The role of recommender systems in fostering consumers' long-term platform engagement

Purpose: Recommender systems (RS) are designed to communicate with users and drive consumers' engagement with the platform. However, little is known about the strength of this relationship and how RS can create stronger consumer engagement (CE) with the platform brand. Addressing this gap, this paper examines the role of RS in converting consumers' short-term engagement with the RS to their longer

Med räckvidd långt utanför det egna landets gränser - en studie om manipulativ informationspåverkan i kinesisk engelskspråkig statsmedia genom dess narrativ om Sverige.

With reach far beyond the borders of one's own country, manipulative information influence can be used to threaten international security. Still, despite this threat, both researchers and practitioners are puzzled by how information influence is conducted. This study aims to contribute to this puzzle solving by, using China as empirical base, analyzing the procedure of one known case of infor

Varför invaderade USA Irak 2003?

Denna uppsats är en teorikonsumerande fallstudie, vars syfte är att förklara orsaker till USA:s invasion av Irak 2003 utifrån två perspektiv, marxism och konstruktivism. Vår ambition är att utifrån dessa perspektiv finna förklaringar till invasionen utifrån system och statsnivå. Först presenterar vi empiri om respektive teori samt om Irakkriget, och sedan följer en analys där vi applicerar teorier

En demokrati som säljer

Denna studie ämnar studera den svenska vapenexporten utifrån det svenska demokratiska narrativet mellan åren 2018-2021. Parallellt med Sveriges omfattande vapenexport till bland annat icke-demokratiska länder, har landet ett väl etablerat demokratiskt narrativ i sin utrikespolitik där mänskliga rättigheter och demokrati sägs prioriteras. Studiens syfte är att undersöka huruvida man kan förstå den


I september 2022 avlider Mahsa Jina Amini efter hon blivit arresterad av den Islamiska republikens moralpolis. Detta är inledningen på landsomfattande protester med slagorden “Kvinna Liv Frihet” som väcker uppmärksamhet över hela världen. Kort därefter släpper den iranska artisten Shervin Hajipour låten Baraye där orsakerna till protesterna uttrycks. Sången får snabbt spridning och blir proteströr

Sveriges säkerhetsdiskurs och hotet från kinesiska direktinvesteringar

Denna studie är en diskursanalys med WPR-ansats av den svenska regeringens och säkerhetspolisens uttryckta syn på kinesiska direktinvesteringar. Utifrån säkerhetiseringsteorin analyseras diskursen i statsråds uttalanden, regeringens Arbetet i frågor som rör Kina respektive säkerhetspolisens årsböcker. Denna studie ämnar att öka förståelsen för om aktörerna uppvisar säkerhetiserande eller avsäkerhe


During the NATO application process for Sweden and Finland, Türkiye has halted the rapid pace of member states ratification through a set of conditions. This thesis’ aim is to examine the mechanisms behind the gatekeeping position upheld by Türkiye. My object of study consists of a transcript of a press briefing, held by the President of the European Parliament and the NATO Secretary General, and

Strategies in the fight for legalising abortion: A qualitative interview study on the strategies used in Argentina’s abortion rights movement

This exploratory investigation examines the Argentinian social movement for abortion rights, to provide material of strategies used by a successful social movement. By conducting interviews with participants of the movement, scholars, and representatives of feminist organisations in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the research gains first-hand insight to chart the strategies that were used. Assisting the

Empirical pathological staging and subtyping of TDP-43 proteinopathies

Background: Pathological aggregation of tar DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) in the brain is the primary cause of many cases of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy (LATE). It is therefore imperative to establish empirical staging systems to characterize and distinguish stereotypical patterns and commo

A method to identify barriers to and enablers of implementing climate change mitigation options

Mitigation option are not yet being implemented at the scale required to limit global warming to well below 2°C. Various factors have been identified that inhibit the implementation of specific mitigation options. Yet, an integrated assessment of key barriers and enablers is lacking. Here we present a comprehensive framework to assess which factors inhibit and enable the implementation of mitigati