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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Strategic Ignorance of Health Risk: Its Causes and Policy Consequences

We examine the causes and policy consequences of strategic (willful) ignorance of risk as an excuse to overengage in risky health behavior. In an experiment on Copenhagen adults, we allow subjects to choose whether to learn the calorie content of a meal before consuming it, and measure their subsequent calorie intake. We find strong evidence of strategic ignorance: 46% of subjects choose to ignore

A population based pediatric oncology registry in Southern Sweden : the BORISS registry

A population based registry, with the acronym BORISS, was established. It contains all individuals (0-18 years of age at diagnosis) diagnosed with cancer from 1970-01-01 until 2016-12-31 in Southern Sweden. The treatment data has been entered into the registry after confirmation of the diagnosis by the Swedish national cancer registry and updates on vital status from the Swedish population registr

Prompt and non-prompt J/ ψ elliptic flow in Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 Tev with the ATLAS detector

The elliptic flow of prompt and non-prompt J/ ψ was measured in the dimuon decay channel in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV with an integrated luminosity of 0.42nb-1 with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The prompt and non-prompt signals are separated using a two-dimensional simultaneous fit of the invariant mass and pseudo-proper decay time of the dimuon system from the J/ ψ decay. The measurement

Dietary fibre fermentation in the rat intestinal tract : effect of adaptation period, protein and fibre levels, and particle size

1. The fermentative breakdown of one resistant type of dietary fibre (wheat bran) and one easily-fermented fibre (low-methoxyl pectin) was studied with respect to the length of the adaptation period and fibre level in the diet. The breakdown of the resistant fibre was also studied regarding the protein level in the diet and particle size of the fibre. 2. Prolongation of the adaptation period from

Organic farming supports spatiotemporal stability in species richness of bumblebees and butterflies

The spatiotemporal stability of wild organisms, such as flower-visiting insects, is critical to guarantee high levels of biodiversity in agroecosystems. Whereas the proportion of semi-natural habitats in the landscapes has been shown to stabilize the species richness of flower visitors, the effect of farming intensity has not yet been studied. In this study, we compared the temporal and spatial st

Shannon entropy based fuzzy distance norm for pixel classification in remote sensing imagery

Pixel classification of mixed pixels in overlapping regions of remote sensing images is a very challenging task. Efficiency and detection of uncertainty are always the key ingredients for this task. This paper proposes an approach for pixel classification using Shannon's entropy-based fuzzy distance norm. Unsupervised clustering is used to group the objects based on some similarity or dissimilarit

Large-scale regulatory network analysis from microarray data : Application to seed biology

The inference of gene networks from gene expression data is known as "reverse engineering." Elucidating genetic networks from high-throughput microarray data in seed maturation and embryo formation in plants is crucial for storage and production of cereals for human beings. Delayed seed maturation and abnormal embryo formation during storage of cereal crops degrade the quality and quantity of food

Cancer gene expression data analysis using rough based symmetrical clustering

Identification of cancer subtypes is the central goal in the cancer gene expression data analysis. Modified symmetry-based clustering is an unsupervised learning technique for detecting symmetrical convex or non-convex shaped clusters. To enable fast automatic clustering of cancer tissues (samples), in this chapter, the authors propose a rough set based hybrid approach for modified symmetry-based

Life cycle assessment of carbon flow through Harvested wood products

The paper discusses a life cycle model of wood products of Dalbergia sissoo from Saharanpur and Bijnor to calculate and trace the amount of carbon retained. A simulation model is built to trace the fate of carbon bound in the products produced in the year 2009 for a period of 200 years, until most of the carbon is released back into the atmosphere. The amount of carbon that enters the life cycle i

Searching Remote Homology with Spectral Clustering with Symmetry in Neighborhood Cluster Kernels

Remote homology detection among proteins utilizing only the unlabelled sequences is a central problem in comparative genomics. The existing cluster kernel methods based on neighborhoods and profiles and the Markov clustering algorithms are currently the most popular methods for protein family recognition. The deviation from random walks with inflation or dependency on hard threshold in similarity

Cancer gene expression data analysis using rough based symmetrical clustering

Identification of cancer subtypes is the central goal in the cancer gene expression data analysis. Modified symmetry-based clustering is an unsupervised learning technique for detecting symmetrical convex or non-convex shaped clusters. To enable fast automatic clustering of cancer tissues (samples), in this chapter, the authors propose a rough set based hybrid approach for modified symmetry-based

Spectral clustering on neighborhood kernels with modified symmetry for remote homology detection

Remote homology detction among proteins in an unsupervised approach from sequences is an important problem in computational biology. The existing neighborhood cluster kernel methods and Markov clustering algorithms are most efficient for homolog detection. Yet they deviate from random walks with inflation or similarity depending on hard thresholds. Our spectral clustering approach with new combine

Neutron-deficient N≈126 Nuclei Produced in 238U Fragmentation : Population of High-spin States

The population of metastable states produced in relativistic-energy fragmentation of a 238U beam has been measured. For states with high angular momentum, I=17 and I=21.5, a higher population than expected has been observed, with the discrepancy increasing with angular momentum. By considering two sources for the angular momentum, related to single-particle and collective motions, a much improved

Inclusive J/ψ production in Xe–Xe collisions at sNN=5.44 TeV

Inclusive J/ψ production is studied in Xe–Xe interactions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of sNN=5.44 TeV, using the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC. The J/ψ meson is reconstructed via its decay into a muon pair, in the centre-of-mass rapidity interval 2.5

On stationarity and cointegration of international health expenditure and GDP

This paper examines stationarity and cointegration of health expenditure and GDP, for a sample of 21 OECD countries using data for the period 1960-1997, by applying a test battery that allows robust inference to be made on the stationarity and cointegration issue. Trend stationarity and no-cointegration are tested using new country-by-country and panel tests, not previously applied in this setting

Novel potential inhibitors of complement system and their roles in complement regulation and beyond

The complement system resembles a double-edged sword since its activation can either benefit or harm the host. Thus, regulation of this system is of utmost importance and performed by several circulating and membrane-bound complement inhibitors. The pool of well-established regulators has recently been enriched with proteins that either share structural homology to known complement inhibitors such

Anisotropic flow in Xe–Xe collisions at sNN=5.44 TeV

The first measurements of anisotropic flow coefficients vn for mid-rapidity charged particles in Xe–Xe collisions at sNN=5.44 TeV are presented. Comparing these measurements to those from Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV, v2 is found to be suppressed for mid-central collisions at the same centrality, and enhanced for central collisions. The values of v3 are generally larger in Xe–Xe than in Pb–Pb