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Mathilde Blind, Selected Fin-de-Siècle Poetry and Prose, ed. by James Diedrick (Cambridge: MHRA, 2021)

Mathilde Blind’s writings, lectures, and intellectual interests make her a decadent and New Woman figure of the fin de siècle. Born in Mannheim, she was exiled from Germany, France, and Belgium after her stepfather Karl Blind took part in the Baden Revolution; the family settled in London, where they received visits from Giuseppe Mazzini, Karl Marx, and others. She wrote poems that criticized bot

Navigera i Big data-sfären: Hur kunskap och attityder påverkar organisatoriska intressenter

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur beslutsfattarnas kunskap och inställning till Big data påverkar berörda intressenter. Forskningen använde en kvalitativ metod med ett abduktivt tillvägagångssätt och inkluderade semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter som valts ut med hjälp av bekvämlighetsurval. Uppsatsen tillämpar ett teoretiskt ramverk baserat på befintliga böcker, tryckta käl

Metabolite-induced in vivo fabrication of substrate-free organic bioelectronics

Interfacing electronics with neural tissue is crucial for understanding complex biological functions, but conventional bioelectronics consist of rigid electrodes fundamentally incompatible with living systems. The difference between static solid-state electronics and dynamic biological matter makes seamless integration of the two challenging. To address this incompatibility, we developed a method

Oligosaccharide-receptor interaction of the Galα1-4Gal binding adhesin of Streptococcus suis : Combining site architecture and characterization of two variant adhesin specificities

The sugar binding specificities of two groups of Streptococcus suis, a pig pathogen that causes meningitis also in man, were determined. Both the group represented by a recently characterized strain inhibitable by galactose and N-acetylgalactosamine (type PN) and the group inhibitable by galactose (type PO) were found by hemagglutination and solid-phase binding inhibition experiments to recognize

COVID-19 and Public Support for the Euro

The COVID-19 pandemic had disastrous effects on health and economic activity worldwide, including in the Euro Area. The application of mandatory lockdowns contributed to a sharp fall in production and a rise in unemployment, inducing an expansionary fiscal and monetary response. Using a uniquely large macro database, this paper examines the effects of the pandemic and the ensuing economic policies

The Role of Discretion from the Perspective of Social Work Professionalism and Automated Decision Making

This article addresses the gap in knowledge about how new digital technology affects decision making and social caseworkers’ professionalism. The aim is to enhance the understanding of how digital discretion—as a result of introducing automated decision making (ADM) in social assistance—affects the roles, work processes and professional judgements of social caseworkers in the provision of social a

Household Behaviour under rationing

The pandemic-induced economic crisis has seen a massive increase in savings as households could not spend their income. The last time that consumers were seriously rationed was during the Second World War. This article models the behaviour of households during the War years and its immediate aftermath in Ireland, Sweden, the US and UK. Savings were held in liquid form and, once the War was over an

Spatial modeling with INLA for analysis of unequal care in Skåne

The objective of this thesis is to extend on a previous analysis of health care accessibility for patients diagnosed with a chronic disease in Region Skåne. The previous analysis resulted in a logistic mixed effects model having municipality as a random effect and age as a first-degree spline-function. This thesis extends on the random effects from the previous model in order to analyse the spatia

The Stepchild Controversy : Unfortunate Dichotomies in Socio-Legal Theory

Kapitlet handlar om beklagliga dikotomier i rättssociologisk teori, som till exempel dikotomin rätt/samhälle. Upprätthållandet av sådana dikotomier hämmar rättssociologisk teoriutveckling. Kapitlet tar sin utgångspunkt i en debatt som initierades 1998 av Reza Banakar och som handlade om vad Banakar ansåg vara den rättssociologiska teorins underutvecklade tillstånd, eller rättssociologins identitet

På bägge sidor om Åreskutan : Undervisningens utmaning i Norska och Svenska kyrkan

This article explores Christian education and learning in the Church of Sweden and the Church of Norway today. Given the impact of major changes in society and in school curricula over the last fifty years, the conditions of this work are changing. What major challenges are identified today? How have these two churches responded to the new circumstances? The Church of Norway has developed a system

Aggrecan accumulates at sites of increased pulmonary arterial pressure in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension

Expansion of extracellular matrix occurs in all stages of pulmonary angiopathy associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). In systemic arteries, dysregulation and accumulation of the large chondroitin-sulfate proteoglycan aggrecan is associated with swelling and disruption of vessel wall homeostasis. Whether aggrecan is present in pulmonary arteries, and its potential roles in PAH, has

Kompetensprofilen hos undervisande personal på socionomutbildningar : – en strategisk fråga för socionomfältet

Socionomutbildningen har under de senaste fyra decennierna expanderat kraftigt men analyser av vad denna utveckling innebär för socionomfältet är få, ingen vetenskaplig text uppmärksammar specifikt kompetensprofilen hos den undervisande personalen. Syftet med denna artikel är att undersöka utbildningens kvalitet med fokus på kompetensprofilen bland undervisande personal på socionomutbildningar i S

Rönne å-en förlossnings-och eftervårdsklinik i Ängelholm

“RÖNNE Å-BB” är ett projekt som undersöker hur en förlossnings -och BB-avdelning kan förbättras vad gäller de rumsliga kvaliteterna och inredningen för att få patienten och dess anhörig att känna sig trygga och bekväma under den tiden de spenderar där. Utifrån egna erfarenheter,litteraturstudier, samtal med både vårdpersonal och patienter har projektet växt fram och landat i en byggnad med kombine“RÖNNE Å-BB” is a project that examines how a labor -and maternity ward can be improved in terms of the spatial qualities and interior design to make the patient and their family members feel safe and comfortable during the time they spend there. Based on own experiences, literature studies, conversations with both healthcare staff and patients, the project has grown and landed in a building with

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Dissertation for the degree of a candidate of technical sciences (doctor of philosophy) in specialty 05.03.01 "Processes of mechanical processing, machine tools and tools" –V. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2019.The actual scientific and technical goal of improving the efficiency of drilling holes in CFRP and GFRP parts has been solved by increasing of tool life thro