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oxLDL antibody inhibits MCP-1 release in monocytes/macrophages by regulating Ca2+/K+ channel flow

oxLDL peptide vaccine and its antibody adoptive transferring have shown a significantly preventive or therapeutic effect in atherosclerotic animal model. The molecular mechanism behind this is obscure. Here, we report that oxLDL induces MCP-1 release in monocytes/macrophages through their TLR-4 (Toll-like receptor 4) and ERK MAPK pathway and is calcium/potassium channel-dependent. Using blocking a

Is accessibility to dental care facilities in rural areas associated with number of teeth in elderly residents?

Given that public transportation networks are less developed in rural than in urban areas, a lack of accessibility to dental care facilities could be a barrier to routine dental checkups. Thus, we hypothesized that the distance to the dental care facilities is a risk factor for tooth loss. The aim of this study was to test whether there is an association between the distance to dental care facilit

Intensive care medicine research agenda on cardiac arrest

Over the last 15 years, treatment of comatose post-cardiac arrest patients has evolved to include therapeutic strategies such as urgent coronary angiography with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), targeted temperature management (TTM)—requiring mechanical ventilation and sedation—and more sophisticated and cautious prognostication. In 2015, collaboration between the European Resuscitation C

English : One Tongue, Many Voices

'If you read only one book on the English language-read this one. English - One Tongue, Many Voices covers all aspects of the English language: its global spread, international and local varieties, history from obscurity to primacy, usage and uses, standards and creoles, style and change in progress, politics and controversy. The scope of the book is vast, its depth impressive, and its balance adm

Molecular characterization of protein kinase C delta (PKCδ)-Smac interactions

Background: Protein kinase C o (PKCo) is known to be an important regulator of apoptosis, having mainly pro-but also anti-Apoptotic effects depending on context. In a previous study, we found that PKCo interacts with the pro-Apoptotic protein Smac. Smac facilitates apoptosis by suppressing inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs). We previously established that the PKCo-Smac complex dissociates duri

Comparison of Models for Design of Portal Frame Bridges with regard to Restraint Forces

In the design of concrete bridges an important aspect is limiting crack widths, since large cracks can lead to e.g. corrosion and affect the bridge functionality. Restraint forces caused by thermal loads and shrinkage will likely constitute a large part of the total forces acting on the bridge in crack width design. In this paper, restraint stresses in portal frame bridges are calculated according

Frysegenskaper hos kalciumurlakad betong – hur kan SFR påverkas av långvarig kontakt med grundvatten och de temperaturer som råder vid förvaret vid en permafrost? Experimentella studier.

Svensk Kärnbränslehantering (SKB) har som en av sina uppgifter att skapa kunskap om hur betongen i slutförvaret för kortlivat radioaktivt avfall (SFR) kommer att åldras och hur det i sin tur kommer att påverka betongbarriärens skyddande förmåga. I tre studier har därför avdelningen för Byggnadsmaterial vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola med olika experimentella undersökningar studerat hur betongens egens

Neuroprognostication after cardiac arrest in the light of targeted temperature management

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Delayed awakening after targeted temperature management (TTM) and sedation is frequent among cardiac arrest patients. Differentiating between prolonged coma and irreversible cerebral damage can be challenging, therefore the utilization of a multimodal approach is recommended by international guidelines. Here, we discuss indications and advantages/disadvantages of available modal

High-Density Lipoprotein–Associated Apolipoprotein M Limits Endothelial Inflammation by Delivering Sphingosine-1-Phosphate to the Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 1

OBJECTIVE—: Plasma high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are potent antiatherogenic and anti-inflammatory particles. However, HDL particles are highly heterogenic in composition, and different HDL-mediated functions can be ascribed to different subclasses of HDL. Only a small HDL population contains apolipoprotein M (ApoM), which is the main plasma carrier of the bioactive lipid mediator sphingosine-1-p

Remaining divides : Access to and use of ICTs among elderly citizens

The ambition to make all kinds of societal services, public as well as commercial ones, more effective and accessible via online applications is reoccurring all over the western world. To a large extent, such ambitions hold the promise to make citizens’ everyday lives easier, but they are, however, also problematic in that they presuppose a number of important prerequisites. They presuppose widesp

Replication of the Association of BDNF and MC4R Variants With Dietary Intake in the Diabetes Prevention Program

OBJECTIVES: Genomewide association studies (GWAS) have identified consistent associations with obesity, with a number of studies implicating eating behavior as a primary mechanism. Few studies have replicated genetic associations with dietary intake. This study evaluates the association between obesity susceptibility loci and dietary intake. METHODS: Data were obtained as part of the Diabetes Prev

Alcohols at the aqueous surface : Chain length and isomer effects

Surface-active organic molecules at the liquid-vapor interface are of great importance in atmospheric science. Therefore, we studied the surface behavior of alcohol isomers with different chain lengths (C4-C6) in aqueous solution with surface- and chemically sensitive X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), which reveals information about the surface structure on a molecular level. Gibbs free ener

Prevalence of unknown and untreated arrhythmias in an older outpatient population screened by wireless long-term recording ECG

Purpose: With longer life expectancies, the prevalence of arrhythmias is increasing; thus, there is a need for new methods to screen the older outpatient population. This population-based study describes the prevalence of arrhythmias in 200 outpatients aged ≥66 years. We also investigated the feasibility of wireless long-term recording (LTR) using the ECG-BodyKom®. Methods: Two hundred elderly per

Clinical prediction of suicide and undetermined death : A pseudo-prospective clinical and medico-legal study of substance abusers

This study examines aspects of prediction of suicide and death of undetermined intent. We investigated all consecutive, autopsied patients between 1993 and 1997 who had been in contact with the Addiction Centre in Malmö from 1968 onwards. The staff was asked, shortly after autopsy but before they knew of the manner of death, if they thought the patient had committed suicide. The case records were

Antenatal management in fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia : A systematic review

Several strategies can be used to manage fetal or neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) in subsequent pregnancies. Serial fetal blood sampling (FBS) and intrauterine platelet transfusions (IUPT), as well as weekly maternal IV immunoglobulin infusion (IVIG), with or without additional corticosteroid therapy, are common options, but optimal management has not been determined. The aim of this

Entrepreneurial learning and innovation : The critical role of team-level learning for the evolution of innovation capabilities in technology-based ventures

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual model that explains how learning processes at the team level connect with individual and organizational levels of learning in technology-based ventures, thereby influencing the evolution of innovation capabilities in the entrepreneurial process.Design/methodology/approachThe 4I organizational learning framework is used as an overarching tPurposeThe purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual model that explains how learning processes at the team level connect with individual and organizational levels of learning in technology-based ventures, thereby influencing the evolution of innovation capabilities in the entrepreneurial process.Design/methodology/approachThe 4I organizational learning framework is used as an overarching t

Praktiskt konstitutionellt dömande : En handbok

Fri- och rättigheterna enligt svenska grundlagar samt Europakonventionen och EU:s rättighetsstadga har tolkats i en hel del domstolsavgöranden. I denna bok ges en överblick över den rättspraxis som finns. Generella frågor om fri- och rättigheternas förhållande till övriga typer av regler tas upp, liksom den praxis som finns inom olika delar av fri- och rättighetsskyddet: Domstolsprocessens funktio