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Possible density-dependence in an expanding population of Greylag Goose Anser anser in South Sweden.

Neck-banded Greylag Geese Anser anser breeding in southwest Sweden were studied from 1984–2012 inclusive, to determine annual variation in the number of breeding pairs, reproductive success and survival rates, as part of a larger programme of monitoring individual geese across the Nordic countries. Numbers breeding in the study area increased from 120 pairs in 1984 to 1,240 pairs in 2008, followed

Survey of wintering Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus in January 2015, and habitat shifts 1995 - 2015.

As wintering Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus have shiftedtheir winter feeding habitats from water to terrestrialones, the International Waterfowl Counts, covering onlycoastal and lake sites since its start in 1967, cannot monitortrue population change. Therefore, special surveyscovering also the terrestrial habitats have been organizedin mainland NW Europe every ive years since 1995. InJanuary 2015, a

Bone mineral crystal size and organization vary across mature rat bone cortex

The macro- and micro-features of bone can be assessed by using imaging methods. However, nano- and molecular features require more detailed characterization, such as use of e.g., vibrational spectroscopy and X-ray scattering. Nano- and molecular features also affect the mechanical competence of bone tissue. The aim of the present study was to reveal the effects of mineralization and its alteration

La Santa Muerte and Her Interventions in Human Affairs : a Theological Discussion

This article focuses upon the popular devotion for la Santa Muerte that emerged in Mexico and is gaining a rapid increase in notoriety in the country and abroad. The first sections reconstruct in detail its protean manifestations, as well as the interpretations contained in extant scholarly investigations, popular Mexican press and other texts. The final section, adopting a fine-grained, theologic

Adolescents’ Dissociative Experiences: the Moderating Role of Type of Trauma and Attachment Style

This cross-sectional study evaluated the selfreportedattachment style of 239 Swedish adolescents (ages13 to 20) and investigated the relation between dissociation,attachment, and potentially traumatic events (PTEs). We hadhypothesized that specific PTEs, including family-relatedemotional and physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotionalabuse by non-relatives such as bullying, would interact withinse

Fluctuations and trends in numbers of staging waterbirds in South Sweden 1973-2013.

Regular September counts of staging waterbirds havebeen undertaken annually in south Sweden since 1973as a complement to the International Midwinter Countsundertaken in January each year since 1967. The Septembercounts aim to cover the population development ofstaging waterbirds, especially relating to species that arenot wintering in the country. Between 150 and about 200sites have been included

Everyday Online Participation : Strategies and Practices in a Multi-Platform Media Landscape

This chapter addresses potential political implications of social media by looking into everyday appropriations of the political opportunities offered to active citizens. It presents and analyses data from interviews with 33 Swedish online participating citizens to gain insight into how they work both with separate and in-between (cross) internet applications as part of their political participati

Models of Mechanics and Growth in Developmental Biology: A Computational Morphodinamics approach

Recent evidence has revealed the role of mechanical cues in the development of shapes in organisms. This thesis is an effort to test some of the fundamental hypotheses about the relation between mechanics and patterning in plants. To do this, we develop mechanical models designed to include specific features of plant cell walls. These are heterogeneous stiffness and material anisotropy as well as

Focus on the impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems and carbon dynamics

The renewed growth in atmospheric methane (CH4) since 2007 after a decade of stabilization has drawn much attention to its causes and future trends. Wetlands are the single largest source of atmospheric CH4. Understanding wetland ecosystems and carbon dynamics is critical to the estimation of global CH4 and carbon budgets. After approximately 7 years of CH4 related research following the renewed g