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Styrning av konsumenter mot miljövänligare och hälsosammare produkter : Information och ekonomiska incitament

Sammanfattning av projektets resultatInom projektet har vi studerat effekter av ekonomiska styrmedel för att nå en mer hållbar konsumtion från ett miljö- och hälsoperspektiv. Mer specifikt har vi studerat hur konsumenter ändrar sitt konsumtionsbeteende till följd av att vi ger dem information eller inför skatter och subventioner på olika varor. Vi har även studerat i vilken utsträckning konsumente

Benefits and Limitations of Automated Software Testing Systematic Literature Review and Practitioner Survey

There is a documented gap between academic and practitioner views on software testing. This paper tries to close the gap by investigating both views regarding the benefits and limits of test automation. The academic views are studied with a systematic literature review while the practitioners views are assessed with a survey, where we received responses from 115 software professionals. The results

A novel reconfigurable pipelined A/D conversion technique for multistandard wideband receivers

This paper presents a low complexity, yet power efficient technique to boost the flexibility of a pipelined ADC. It also presents an implementation proposal with simulated results for a reconfigurable pipelined ADC. The proposed ADC architecture is a combination of the conventional pipelined ADC and the cyclic ADC, giving it a very low level of complexity, a high level of component reuse and subst

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Abstract in Spanish Este libro se fundamenta en los conceptos básicos desarrollados en PID Controllers pero aumentándolos a través del empleo de técnicas de control avanzado. El libro proporciona una base sólida para comprender, operar e implementar las características más avanzadas de los controladores PID, incluidas la sintonía automática, la planificación y la adaptación de ganancia. Los autor

Indirect biotic interactions in the rhizosphere

The rhizosphere (the soil environment around plant roots) is characterized by complex direct and indirect interactions among its organisms. Studies of interactions among organisms in the rhizosphere are difficult to carry out due to a high diversity of inconspicuous organisms on a micro scale and the highly heterogeneous nature of the soil environment. In this thesis, grassland plant species and s

Optimized Integration of Test Compression and Sharing for SOC Testing

The increasing test data volume needed to test core-based System-on-Chip contributes to long test application times (TAT) and huge automatic test equipment (ATE) memory requirements. TAT and ATE memory requirement can be reduced by test architecture design, test scheduling, sharing the same tests among several cores, and test data compression. We propose, in contrast to previous work that addresse

Om att förstå ett hus : den dynamiska modellen : dokumentationsmetoder, vårdplan och restaureringsideologi

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens huvudsyfte är att försöka utreda hur man kommer till förståelse av det historiska huset och att diskutera vilken roll den historiska dokumentationen spelar i restaureringsprojekteringen. I restaurering som i allt annat arbete med arkitektur är förståelse ett nyckelord. Förståelse för de särskilda förutsättningar som ligger i uppgiften, i objektet, i skapanThe principal aim of the thesis is to evaluate the significance of the documentation of a building’s history for the work of restoring it and caring for it. Thus it may be said to address restoration as a hermeneutical problem, besides considering the relationships between the work of documentation; analyses of the resulting data; and the creative process in which the ideology of restoration is im

Vacuum-Assisted Closure Therapy - A new Treatment Modality in Poststernotomy Mediastinitis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vakuum-assisterad sårläkning (VAC) är en relativt ny metod för att påskynda sårläkning där primär läkning av ett eller annat skäl inte skett. Inom hjärtkirurgin anses mediastiniten, en sårinfektion som uppstår i operationsorådet kring bröstbenet efter kirurgi, vara en av de tre mest allvarliga postoperativa komplikationerna. Trots att hjärtkirurgi nu även erbjudes till Poststernotomy mediastinitis is a devastating complication associated with median sternotomy, which occurs mainly after cardiac surgery. The optimal treatment is still controversial. The aim was to develop, describe and evaluate a surgical procedure consisting of vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) in combination with delayed primary closure in patients with mediastinitis. A porcine sternotomy wound mo

Cars in Transition - An Assessment of Future Vehicle Technologies

The transport sector is facing serious challenges in meeting long-term sustainability criteria. Radical changes in the design of vehicles to attain competitive vehicles with substantially better environmental performance will probably constitute an important part in a future sustainable transport sector. The aim of the study described in this thesis is to assess the long-term options currently und