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Surface-Functionalized Polystyrene Nanoparticles Alter the Transmembrane Potential via Ion-Selective Pores Maintaining Global Bilayer Integrity

Although nanoplastics have well-known toxic effects toward the environment and living organisms, their molecular toxicity mechanisms, including the nature of nanoparticle-cell membrane interactions, are still under investigation. Here, we employ dynamic light scattering, quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring, and electrophysiology to investigate the interaction between polystyren

Is walking or riding your bike when a tourist different? Applying VAB theory to better understand active transport behavior

Active transport (walking and biking) has significant environmental, health, and social benefits. Despite the importance of active transport, theoretically framed research has not sufficiently considered what makes consumers walk or bike based on activity types, particularly in an Asian context. This is an important topic as it helps provides a basis for better targeted marketing and promotion to

Delad hastighet som stadsplaneringkoncept

Syftet med denna studien är att utvärdera stadsplaneringskonceptet delad hastighet och hur väl det uppfyller kraven för en bättre stadsmiljö. Vidare ska behovet och möjligheterna till implementering undersökas. Studien är baserad på en litteraturstudie samt intervju- och enkätstudier. Enkäterna besvarades av 18 trafikplanerare verksamma på olika kommuner i Sverige och intervjuerna genomfördes med The purpose of this study is to evaluate the concept of Shared Speed and how well it meets the requirements for a better urban environment and to examine the need and possibilities for implementation. The study was conducted based on a literature study as well as interview and questionnaire studies. The questions at issue were answered by 18 traffic planners from municipalities in Sweden and the i

Inflammatory potential of the diet and association with risk of differentiated thyroid cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort

Purpose: Chronic inflammation is thought to initiate or promote differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) and previous studies have shown that diet can modulate this inflammatory process. We aimed to evaluate the association of several dietary scores reflecting the inflammatory potential of the diet with DTC risk. Methods: Within the EPIC cohort, 450,063 participants were followed during a mean period o

Narrative Cartography with Knowledge Graphs

Narrative cartography is a discipline which studies the interwoven nature of stories and maps. However, conventional geovisualization techniques of narratives often encounter several prominent challenges, including the data acquisition & integration challenge and the semantic challenge. To tackle these challenges, in this paper, we propose the idea of narrative cartography with knowledge graph

Dyadic diagonalization of positive definite band matrices and efficient B-spline orthogonalization

A dyadic algorithm for diagonalizing an arbitrary positive definite band matrix, referred to as a band Gramian, is obtained to efficiently orthogonalize the B-splines. The algorithm can be also used as a fast inversion method for a band Gramian characterized by remarkable sparsity of the diagonalizing matrix. There are two versions of the algorithm: the first one is more efficient and is applicabl

Small bowel capsule endoscopy in obscure gastrointestinal bleeding : A matched cohort comparison of patients with normal vs surgically altered gastric anatomy

Background: Little is known about small bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE) outcomes in patients with surgically altered anatomy. Aims: To assess the feasibility and diagnostic yield of orally ingested SBCE to investigate obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (OGIB) in patients with surgically altered gastric anatomy, compared to native gastric anatomy. Methods: 207 patients with OGIB were selected from an

A Phase 2 Trial of the Effect of Antiandrogen Therapy on COVID-19 Outcome : No Evidence of Benefit, Supported by Epidemiology and In Vitro Data

Background: Men are more severely affected by COVID-19. Testosterone may influence SARS-CoV-2 infection and the immune response. Objective: To clinically, epidemiologically, and experimentally evaluate the effect of antiandrogens on SARS-CoV-2 infection. Designs, settings, and participants: A randomized phase 2 clinical trial (COVIDENZA) enrolled 42 hospitalized COVID-19 patients before safety eva

Differential expression of full-length and NH2 terminally truncated FAM134B isoforms in normal physiology and cancer

Selective autophagy of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), namely ER-phagy, is mediated by ER-localized receptors, which are recognized and sequestered by GABARAP/LC3B-decorated phagophores and transferred to lysosomes for degradation. Being one such receptor, FAM134B plays critical roles in cellular processes such as protein quality control and neuronal survival. FAM134B has also been associated with

Viability, behavior, and color expression in the offspring of matings between common wall lizard Podarcis muralis color morphs

Color polymorphisms are widely studied to identify the mechanisms responsible for the origin and maintenance of phenotypic variability in nature. Two of the mechanisms of balancing selection currently thought to explain the long-term persistence of polymorphisms are the evolution of alternative phenotypic optima through correlational selection on suites of traits including color and heterosis. Bot

Public Opinion on Institutional Designs for the United Nations : An International Survey Experiment

Scholars and policy makers have intensely debated institutional reforms of the United Nations (UN) since its creation. Yet, relatively little attention has been given to institutional design preferences among the public in UN member states. This study examines two questions: Which possible rules concerning UN authority and representation do citizens prefer? Which personal and country characteristi

Increased biventricular hemodynamic forces in precapillary pulmonary hypertension

Precapillary pulmonary hypertension (PHprecap) is a condition with elevated pulmonary vascular pressure and resistance. Patients have a poor prognosis and understanding the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms is crucial to guide and improve treatment. Ventricular hemodynamic forces (HDF) are a potential early marker of cardiac dysfunction, which may improve evaluation of treatment effect. The

Inhibitory control hinders habit change

Our habits constantly influence the environment, often in negative ways that amplify global environmental and health risks. Hence, change is urgent. To facilitate habit change, inhibiting unwanted behaviors appears to be a natural human reaction. Here, we use a novel experimental design to test how inhibitory control affects two key components of changing (rewiring) habit-like behaviors in healthy

Using Operative Reports to Predict Heart Transplantation Survival

Heart transplantation is a difficult procedure compared with other surgical operations, with a greater outcome uncertainty such as late rejection and death. We can model the success of heart transplants from predicting factors such as the age, sex, diagnosis, etc., of the donor and recipient. Although predictions can mitigate the uncertainty on the transplantation outcome, their accuracy is far fr

Reconfiguring Aviation for a Climate-Safe Future : Are Airlines Sending the Wrong Message?

Aviation remains a problematic sector of the global economy in times of climate emergency. Grounded in the ideology of reconfiguration, we adopt a system transitions perspective to address high emissions leisure travel. Our focus falls on the marketing communications of airlines as a critical component in the prevailing sociotechnical regime. Thematic analysis of the e-mail marketing communication

A review of morphological characters for the identification of three common European species of Sarcophaga s. str. (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), with an emphasis on female terminalia

The subgenus Sarcophaga Meigen, 1824 (s. str.) currently comprises over 30 species distributed in the West Palearctic Region, the identification of which is normally based on characters of the male terminalia. Females of the three closely-related species Sarcophaga (Sarcophaga) carnaria (Linnaeus, 1758), S. (S.) subvicina Rohdendorf, 1937 and S. (S.) variegata (Scopoli, 1763), which are especially

A form of movement

The aim of this thesis is to investigate if a deeper relation between form and movement can be achieved and strengthened with the help of digital tools. The work consists of three phases, starting with a foundation of interdisciplinary research regarding different theories about form and movement. These are then used as a broad toolset for experimenting with a physical proposal. In the second phas

Mycoplasma pneumonia with severe cold agglutinin hemolysis, thrombocytosis, leukemoid reaction and acute renal failure

Mycoplasma pneumoniae (M. pneumoniae) is a common cause of community acquired pneumonia and although most cases are mild, complications sometimes occur. Cold agglutinin hemolysis is a known complication of M. pneumoniae infection, and usually presents as a mild and transient hemolysis. Here we present a case of infection with M. pneumoniae in a 64-year-old male that caused life threatening hemolys