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Long-Term Risk of Incident Type 2 Diabetes and Measures of Overall and Regional Obesity: The EPIC-InterAct Case-Cohort Study

Background: Waist circumference (WC) is a simple and reliable measure of fat distribution that may add to the prediction of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but previous studies have been too small to reliably quantify the relative and absolute risk of future diabetes by WC at different levels of body mass index (BMI). Methods and Findings: The prospective InterAct case-cohort study was conducted in 26 cent


In the beam dynamics design and modelling of the Eu- ropean Spallation Source (ESS) Drift Tube Linac (DTL) simplified models have been used for the focusing and ac- celerating elements. Since the high current requires precise control of the beam to analyze the losses it is useful to per- form the beam dynamics simulations by using accurate field maps of the focusing and accelerating elements. In t

In-Mouth Antenna for Tongue Controlled Wireless Devices: Characteristics and Link-Loss

We have investigated the possibility of using a curved dipole antenna inside the mouth for the tongue controlled wireless devices in 2.45GHz ISM band. These devices can be interfaced with the wheelchair or the computer used by the paraplegic patients. Two antenna placement positions have been investigated: in front of the teeth and behind the teeth. The investigations were done through the FDTD si

The New Iran-Turkey Convergence: The Major Areas

Iran-Turkey relationship is a determining factor in the Iranian government's overall foreign policy in the region. Both neighbors place considerable importance on the maintenance of a close and constructive relationship with each other. There are many policy areas where they share common regional interests and accordingly tend to adopt similar positions to secure them, which has helped strengthen

Increased risk of ischaemic heart disease mortality in elderly men using anxiolytics-hypnotics and analgesics. Results of the 10-year follow-up of the prospective population study "Men born in 1914", Malmo, Sweden

OBJECTIVES: An increased risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in users of anxiolytic-hypnotic drugs (AHD) has been reported, and use of analgesics may be an additional factor. Therefore, we examined the association of AHD and analgesic use, alone and in combination, with all-cause and ischaemic heart disease (IHD) mortality. METHODS: Multivariate 10-year survival analysis in a population

Älvdalska - en önordisk språkö på fastlandet

I mitt föredrag kommer jag se närmare på hur lik älvdalskan är de nordiska atlantspråken, isländska och färöiska; det är ju något som ofta framhålls att älvdalskan skulle mer än andra skandinaviska dialekter ha likheter med öspråken. Jag kommer i stort sett att inskränka mig till morfologin(ordböjningen).