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Have. En förstudie av faucesmosaiker i Pompeji

The aim of this essay is to discuss the possibilities for a large scale investigation of the fauces mosaics that are preserved in Pompeii, and to examine what symbol value they had and how they communicated social order in a Roman society. The essay is structured as a synopsis that aims to investigate suitable ways to approach this field of study and lay the ground for a large scale empirical stud

Drogförebyggande arbete i skolan - vad fungerar?

The purpose of my thesis was to examine the conscious and unconscious role of compulsory school in drug prevention work. I considered five topics: objective, methods, environment/relations, sender and target group. Essential questions within the topics were: What elements in compulsory school work preventive on children's drug use? What are the possibilities of reinforcing drug prevention work

"Jag ser det inte som ett straff. Jag ser det som en hjälp." - En studie av påföljden "Samtalskontakt med socialtjänsten" i Malmö

The purpose of this paper was to examine how the intervention "Conversational-contact with the social services" actually looks and how it is experienced by the youths who attend it and the social workers who are providing it. The research was based on a qualitative method consisting of individual interviews. Main issues of the paper: - The youths- and social workers' experience of th

Kriminella ungdomar i behandling utifrån det salutogena perspektivet

My purpose with this essay has been to illuminate the method of treatment in two institutions who claims to be working with a salutogenic line of thought. The target group has been youth delinquents, 15 to 20 years old. My central questions has been; What does the concept of salutogenes and the salutogenic factors mean? What can the method of treatment with a salutogenic line of thougt bring to th

Fallstudie av f d missbrukare som är medlemmar i Anonyma Alkoholister eller Sällskapet Länkarna

The purpose of this essay was to seek an understanding of what meaning the self-help-groups Alcoholics Anonymous and Sällskapet Länkarna,the Links, have in supporting former addicts to self-enhancement. The essential questions were: - in what way do the individuals describe for them the personal meaning of the AA:s/Links - how do the individuals experience the group - how do the individuals explai

Samverkansavtal : ett instrument för god arbetsmiljö?

Jag har valt att göra en empirisk fältstudie och att skriva om vilka olika redskap och instrument som finns att tillgå i arbetet mot en så god arbetsmiljö som möjligt inom den praktiska verksamheten inom arbetsmiljön i Västra Innerstadens stadsdelsområde i Malmö Kommun, inom Vård och Omsorg. Jag hämtar informationen med de olika instrumenten och åtgärderna från det lokala samverkansavtalet som i s

Application of Scania-HBV Model for California Hydropower

The Scania-HBV model has been used for modeling hydropower generation of California, USA. California is a state with considerable meteorological and hydrological diversity, meanwhile with a total capacity of 14116 MW of 386 hydroelectricity generation units with capacity larger than 0.1 MW, California is the USA’s second largest state on hydropower. For such a giant hydropower state, prediction of

Definition of distribution archetypes for aseptic carton-packaged products in South America

Product integrity depends on the way the package is handled and transported; therefore packaging has a big impact on logistics, costs and efficiency along the entire distribution chain. Damaged or leaking packages are the result of an inconvenient distribution, and lead to product waste and a negative image of the brands involved. Even though Tetra Pak gives guidelines and recommendations concerni

Förebyggande och förberedande åtgärder mot skogsbränder - En fallstudie av hanteringen i två svenska län

This master thesis studied mitigation and preparedness measures for forest fires made by local fire brigades and county administrative boards. Both actions taken today and related to a future scenario characterised by climate change were considered. The aim was firstly to get a picture of the work conducted and secondly to compare and review the present actions and discuss the measures taken for t