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Pandemins påverkan av ofrivillig isolering för gymnasieelever

Syftet med studien är att undersöka gymnasieelevers upplevelse av den ofrivilliga isoleringen som tillkom av pandemins restriktioner.Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär där empirin har samlats in via djupintervjuer med sex gymnasieelever som upplevt restriktioner i samband med pandemin i form av distansstudier.Materialet visar att gymnasieelever har haft olika upplevelser av den ofrivilliga isolerin

Powering up profits - Integrating Power Purchase Agreements and Battery Systems for Nordic Power Futures

Denna masteruppstats ämnar utröna lönsamheten och de faktorer som påverkar lönsamheten vid ingåendet av en kort position i finansiella derivat på den nordiska elmarknaden samtidigt som motsvarade position anskaffas genom handel på Nord Pools day-ahead (DA) marknad och via så kallade pay-as-produce Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), samt genom tillämpandet av batterilager för att mitigera effekterna This master’s thesis aims to assess the profitability and the factors impacting the profitability of entering a short position in financial derivative contracts on the Nordic power market while procuring electricity through a pay-as-produced power purchase contract and on the day-ahead (DA) market, simultaneously the strategy utilizes a battery storage system to mitigate the effects of price spike

EU Copyright and Competition Law - "Under which conditions may a refusal to license copyright-protected content constitute an abuse of a dominant position?"

The topic that this thesis aims to investigate is that of the intersection of intellectual property rights (more specifically copyright) and EU competition law. The research is carried out with the purpose of exploring the following two questions; namely to what extent the interest of further competition is reflected internally within the scope of copyright protection, as well as, under what condi

From Kink and Fetish to BIPOC and Trans: The Diversification of a Multi-Generational Nonprofit

Diversity, equity, and inclusion have become an important part of justice work in today’s society. Nevertheless, many non-profits still fail to diversify. While previous research has examined methods for an organization to successfully diversify, there has been a distinct lack of research on how these methods play out in an intersectional manner. This study aims to better understand these processe

The State of the Guatemalan Education System through an Analysis of Teachers’ Education Programs

Improvement of the Guatemalan national education system is a center for development. Many attempts have been made over the years to improve the system; one, in particular, is the creation of the National System for Teacher Training. This paper reviews the changes made to the National System for Teacher Training (SNFD) and places them into the larger context of the Guatemalan educational system. Th

The Impact of Policy on the Production of Liquid Biofuels

In the following thesis, the development of the biofuels sector in the United States will be analysed using environmental economics. Around year 2005, there was a significant increase in the production of liquid biofuels. Hence, the thesis aims to explore the reasons behind the increase. Acts of government have been analysed while enlisting the help of summaries and overviews accessed through v

Loneliness cannot be seen, but it can be talked about

Studies and public health reports indicate that newly arrived refugees in Sweden experience poorer health and well-being compared to the general population, particularly among women. Research has also demonstrated that migrants' health not only starts off deprived upon arrival but also deteriorates over time. This thesis investigates the health challenges faced by immigrant women in Malmö and

Determination of Oxidized Phosphatidylcholines and Lysophosphatidylcholines in Exhaled Particles : Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method

Introduction: Identification and quantification of OxPCs and LPCs in the lung surfactant with non-invasive sampling techniques and validated analytical methods are of great importance in terms of exploring biomarkers of oxidative stress in lung and other lung related diseases. Background: Although there are some well-structured analytical methods for the detection and quantification of OxPCs, the

Canada’s Approach to Idealistic Public Diplomacy: Projecting Values Through Strategic Narratives

In the 21st century, soft power is at the heart of public diplomacy. For political players to exert influence on the global stage, strategic narratives allow for indispensable opportunities to increase foreign support to achieve national and international agendas. This is especially beneficial for small and middle-power states to leverage soft power through public diplomacy initiatives to capture

Cr-substituted Fe3O4 nanoparticles : The role of particle size in the formation of FexO sub-domains and the emergence of exchange bias

Here we study the influence of particle size on the formation of antiferromagnetic FexO subdomains and the emergence of exchange bias in novel ferrimagnetic Cr-substituted Fe3O4 nanoparticles generated using an aerosol technique based on spark ablation. Cooling in an applied magnetic field across the Néel temperature of the FexO subdomains results in significant shifts in the hysteresis loops, whi

Buffer modification: A case study with polystyrene beads, DU145-, and MCF7 cell lines

Separation of cancer cells gives advantages in understanding the disease, guiding treatment decisions, and facilitating drug development. Overall, separation plays an important role in biological research. Acoustophoresis is a technique that utilizes acoustic waves to separate particles and cells suspended in a buffer medium. The efficiency of this separation process depends on the relative acoust

Long-term outcomes of vedolizumab in inflammatory bowel disease : the Swedish prospective multicentre SVEAH extension study

Background: Real-world data on long-term outcomes of vedolizumab (VDZ) are scarce. Objective: To assess long-term outcomes (up to 3 years) of VDZ in treating inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Design: A nationwide, prospective multicentre extension of a Swedish observational study on VDZ assessing Effectiveness And Healthcare resource utilization in patients with IBD (SVEAH). Methods: After re-cons

How do rainfall patterns change microbial induced carbon dynamics in soil?

Climate change is changing the precipitation patterns around the globe, leading to more extreme weather events like severe drought and heavy rainfalls. These events are intrinsically related to soil moisture fluctuations, which strongly modulates carbon fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. Studying the behavior of microbial communities present in agriculture soils during drying and rewetting events c

From Manual to Robotic -Assessing the Potential Benefits of Automation in Railway Inspections and Maintenance

Järnvägsindustrin spelar en avgörande roll på den globala marknaden för godstransporter och passagerarmobilitet, och ger ett effektivt och lågemitterande transportmedel. För att konkurrera med andra transportmedel måste järnvägen dock förbättra sin tillförlitlighet. Frekventa inspektions- och underhållsarbeten är avgörande för att säkerställa säkerheten och effektiviteten i järnvägsverksamheten. DThe railway industry plays a crucial role in the global freight transport and passenger mobility market, providing an efficient and low-emitting mode of transportation. However, to compete with other modes of transportation, the railway must improve its reliability. Frequent inspection and maintenance work are essential for ensuring the reliability, safety, and efficiency of railway operations. Th


The purpose of this project is to explore the relationship between people and their home environment. In modern apartments with limited space, the distinct silhouette of individual furniture becomes blurred when they are placed alongside numerous other objects. Sometimes, people unintentionally overlap or layer these items, further blurring their boundaries. Inspired by this observation, I

Study of the immunological response from an OMV-based vaccine using ELISA

Escherichia coli (E. coli) can cause disease in both humans and animals. For poultry, avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) is a common problem. Even birds living in apparently healthy flocks die from infections caused by E. coli. To help increase the health of poultry a new aerosol vaccine formulation based on outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) from E. coli was evaluated using ELISA to compare the amount o

Ny tillgänglighet – kunskapssammanställning samt alternativt arbetssätt och tankemodell

Tillgänglighet har blivit ett centralt begrepp i transportpolitiken. Begreppet har dock kommit att bli alltmer mångfacetterat och det förekommer en rad olika definitioner. Tillgänglighet anses bestå av tre olika delkomponenter: transportsystemet, markanvändningssystemet samt individen, där interaktionen mellan dessa tre delar anses väsentlig. Tillgång till informations- och kommunikationsteknik (I