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Field validation of the droplet aerosol analyser

A new instrument for the study of cloud droplets and its relation to aerosol particles, the droplet aerosol analyser (DAA), was for the first time used in a field campaign. The DAA has the unique feature of measuring the ambient size of cloud droplets or cloud interstitial aerosol particles together with the size of its dry residue. This is obtained with a two-parameter data acquisition technique

Seasonal variation in bright daylight exposure, mood and behavior among a group of office workers in Sweden

The purpose of the study was to investigate seasonal variation in mood and behavior among a group of office workers in Sweden (56°N). Thirty subjects participated in this longitudinal study. The subjects kept a weekly log that included questionnaires for ratings of psychological wellbeing and daily sleep-activity diaries where they also noted time spent outdoors. The lighting conditions in the off


The area of immobilized cells and organelles has expanded very fast. Many new techniques for the preparation of immobilized cells have been developed during the last decade, especially during the last 5 years. Concomitantly with this availability of methods for obtaining suitable preparations, a rather broad spectrum of applications have been investigated. The preparations used have been based on

Material recycling without hazardous substances : Interplay of two policy streams and impacts on industry

Governments of different levels have been implementing various policies to enhance the closure of material loops, as well as to reduce the risk of hazardous substances. Manufacturers and distributors of products have a crucial role in the selection and/or verification of materials for their new products. This study sought to obtain concrete knowledge on perception, experiences, and future outlook

Serum DHEA and Its Sulfate Are Associated With Incident Fall Risk in Older Men : The MrOS Sweden Study

The adrenal-derived hormones dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfate (DHEAS) are the most abundant circulating hormones and their levels decline substantially with age. Many of the actions of DHEAS are considered to be mediated through metabolism into androgens and estrogens in peripheral target tissues. The predictive value of serum DHEA and DHEAS for the likelihood of falling is unknown. T

Dynamic Vegetation Simulations of the Mid-Holocene Green Sahara

The “Green Sahara” is a period when North Africa was characterized by vegetation cover and wetlands. To qualitatively identify the orbital-climatic causation of the Green Sahara regime, we performed dynamic vegetation model (LPJ-GUESS) simulations, driven by climate forcings from coupled general circulation model (EC-Earth) simulations for the mid-Holocene, in which the vegetation is prescribed to

Diagnosis and management of bone fragility in diabetes : an emerging challenge

Fragility fractures are increasingly recognized as a complication of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, with fracture risk that increases with disease duration and poor glycemic control. Yet the identification and management of fracture risk in these patients remains challenging. This review explores the clinical characteristics of bone fragility in adults with diabetes and highlights recent studies

Principles for the design of a policy framework to address product life cycle impacts

Introduction: Product-oriented environmental law is an expanding, poly-thematic subsection of environmental law. First, an increasing number of policy instruments are being used at the international, European and national levels to regulate products, including mandatory performance standards, consumer subsidies, public procurement practices, product bans, taxes and charges and various kinds of man

An external beam PIXE/PESA setup for characterization of fine aerosols

An external beam setup has been developed for the determination of elemental concentrations in fine aerosols (aerodynamic particle diameter less than about 2 μm). Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are determined with particle elastic scattering analysis (PESA) and, simultaneously, elements heavier than silicon with PIXE at a proton energy of 3.58 MeV. Earlier work on aerosols with PESA and most PIXE wor

Urban outdoor lighting : Pedestrian perception, evaluation and behaviour in the lit environment

Walking plays an essential role in sustainable transport systems, as nearly all journeys in the urban environment incorporate walking in one way or another. In parts of the world, for long periods of the year, seasonal variation in daylight hours means that pedestrians must rely on outdoor lighting to make cities accessible after dark. However, outdoor lighting is associated with considerable ener

Sewage sedimentation ponds - a lost bird paradise : a nostalgic return visit and case study

Sewage ponds with exposed sludge are known to be excellent feeding sites for waders during migration. They still exist in parts of the world but are disappearing in pace with introduction of modern methods which do not involve open exposure of the sludge. Here I report a five-year study from a Swedish plant with open sludge ponds in the 1950s when many similar ones were still active. I counted the

Neuronal activity regulates remyelination via glutamate signalling to oligodendrocyte progenitors

Myelin regeneration can occur spontaneously in demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS). However, the underlying mechanisms and causes of its frequent failure remain incompletely understood. Here we show, using an in-vivo remyelination model, that demyelinated axons are electrically active and generate de novo synapses with recruited oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs), which, ea

Analyzing atmospheric trace gases and aerosols using passenger aircraft

CARIBIC (Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container) resumed regular measurement flights with an extended scientific payload in December 2004. After an automated measurement container was successfully deployed on intercontinental flights using a Boeing 767 from 1997 to 2002, a far more powerful package now is deployed using a new Airbus A340‐600

Source identification during the Great Dun Fell Cloud Experiment 1993

A characterisation of the sources influencing the site for the final field campaign of the EUROTRAC subproject GCE (Ground-based Cloud Experiment) at Great Dun Fell, Cumbria, Great Britain in April-May 1993 is presented. The sources were characterised mainly by means of aerosol filter and cascade impactor data, single particle analysis, gas data, data on aromatic organic compounds, cloud water ion

Reports of the AAAI 2017 fall symposium series

The AAAI 2017 Fall Symposium Series was held Thursday through Saturday, November 9–11, at the Westin Arlington Gateway in Arlington, Virginia, adjacent to Washington, DC. The titles of the six symposia were Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction; Cognitive Assistance in Government and Public Sector Applications; Deep Models and Artificial Intelligence for Military Applications: Potent

Resources for work-related well-being : A qualitative study about healthcare employees' experiences of relationships at work

Aims and objectives: To explore municipal healthcare employees' experiences of relationships with care recipients and colleagues. The specific research questions were when do the relationships enhance well-being, and what prerequisites are needed for such relationships to occur? Background: Employees in health and social care for older people often depict their work in negative terms, and they oft

Charting the human lung with inhaled nanoparticles : Development of AiDA - a new diagnostic technique for respiratory disease

Changes to the smallest structures of the distal lung are often the first sign of severe respiratory disease, but to date methods to detect and quantify these changes are limited. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is currently estimated to be the third most common cause of death worldwide, but is to a large extent under-diagnosed, especially at early stages. This thesis explores a new m