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Assessments of well-being in caring of patients undergoing surgery for gastrointestinal cancer. Studies of nutrition, activities of daily living and health related quality of life
Popular Abstract in Swedish Att bedöma välbefinnande hos patienter med mag/tarmcancer Avhandlingen handlar om undernäring, beroende/oberoende i det dagliga livet och uppfattningar om hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos patienter som opereras pga cancer i mag/tarmkanalen. Enligt journaldokumentation hos 45 patienter som opererades 1985-89, för cancer i bukspottkörteln, hade patienterna ett försämrat nThe aim was to study some aspects of patients´ well-being, related to nutrition, activities of daily living and health related quality of life, when undergoing major gastrointestinal cancer surgery. Chart documentations (N=45) of patients undergoing subtotal pancreatectomy were studied, and showed the patients' well-being to be affected, although it was not possible to fully evaluate the results o
"Den andra" familjen: genus, nation och migration
Fire Protection of Underground Transportation Systems: A Decision Support Tool for Designers and Rescue Services
The increasing trend to build both more and longer underground transportation systems, e.g., road and rail tunnels, and the special characteristics of these facilities, introduces new problem areas to both fire safety designers and fire rescue services. TUFT, a simple computer model, has therefore been developed partly to aid fire safety designers in the early stages of the fire safety design proc
En ny metod att bestämma luftens dispersion
Butikens samhällsansvar: Om innebörden av samhällsansvar i handeln
Vikten av ett majskorn. Ölet Kenth och introduktionen av Sveriges första GMO-livsmedel.
An Evaluation Framework for Ray-Triangle Intersection Algorithms
Den ekonomiska och monetära unionens betydelse för Norden och dess länder. En studie av politiskt inflytande
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Between Sweden and Denmark: The Industrial Dynamics of the Öressund Region
Den nya biologin: forskning och politik i tidigt 1960-tal
Energy Efficient Processes for the Production of Gaseous Biofuels - Reforming and Gas Upgrading
Popular Abstract in Swedish Arbetet som presenteras i denna avhandling handlar om att utveckla nya processer för att producera gasformiga biobränslen som är mer energieffektiva än de som används idag. Genom att göra processerna mer energieffektiva kan kostnaden för att producera biobränslen minskas. En lägre produktionskostnad för biobränslet gör det lättare att ersätta fossila bränslen med förnyeReplacing fossil fuels with biofuels is one way of reducing the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, thus decreasing our impact on the global climate. For this to be a viable option, several production routes are needed, as no single option can fully replace fossil fuels. One way of making biofuels more competitive with fossil fuels is by reducing the production cost. As most of the p
Semantisk miljöbeskrivning
Det ofärdigas diskreta charm
The development of two pragmatic gestures of the so-called Open Hand Supine family in Italian children
Passion istället för profession : Ideal och identitet i amatörastronomins historia från 1700-tal till 1900-tal
A bootstrapping technique to improve the linearity of CMOS passive mixers
A bootstrapping technique for passive mixers has been implemented in a fully integrated 1V CMOS front-end. The idea is to improve the linearity of the mixer by making the switching instants independent of the IF output signal. The technique reduces the intermodulation distortion without degradation of the conversion gain or the noise figure. The measured IIP3 of the front-end was increased by 5 dB
Quantitative conservation genetics of the rare plants Scabiosa canescens (Dipsacaceae) and Silene diclinis (Caryophyllaceae)
This thesis concerns quantitative genetic aspects of the conservation biology of two rare plants, Scabiosa canescens and Silene diclinis. Particular attention was given to the effects of genetic drift on the structuring of variation in allozymes and quantitative characters, the association between (current) population size and quantitative genetic variation, the level of inbreeding depression in f