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Your search for "*" yielded 524917 hits

A model of contextual factors and inter-organizational integration: A Grounded Theory study of two supply chains

The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to understanding of the effect of organizational context on supply chain integration. One result is a context- based model that can provide support for practitioners regarding what level of integration to establish with suppliers and customers. Given the notion that most organizations are dependent on other organizations, it leads to a need for not only

Artificial neural networks classify myocardial perfusion images

Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning på svenska Datortolkning av myokardscintigrafibilder Kärlkramp och hjärtinfarkt sammanfattas ibland under benämningen ischemisk hjärtsjukdom, en vanligt förekommande sjukdom i många industriländer. Sjukdomen beror främst på förträngningar i hjärtats kranskärl, dvs. de kärl som förser hjärtmuskulaturen med blod. Sjukdomen går att behaIn the studies of this thesis, a method for automated classification of myocardial perfusion images was successfully developed and evaluated. The results show that the method, based on artificial neural networks, was equally good, or even better than human experts. It was also found that physicians interpreting myocardial perfusion images benefit from the advice of the artificial neural networks.

The Great Trajanic Frieze. The Study of a Monument and of the Mechanisms of Message Transmission in Roman Art

The Great Trajanic Frieze is a Monument firmly entranched in the tradition of Graeco-Roman art.The study of the different components of its imagery, such as composition, iconography and antiquarian details, reveals how it transmits and transforms this tradition. The imagery reveals itself as conscentiously structured to present and repeat a limited set of concepts to the viewer. The book also pres

Algebraic Dependence of Commuting Elements in Algebras

The aim of this paper to draw attention to several aspects of the algebraic dependence in algebras. The article starts with discussions of the algebraic dependence problem in commutative algebras. Then the Burchnall-Chaundy construction for proving algebraic dependence and obtaining the corresponding algebraic curves for commuting differential operators in the Heisenberg algebra is reviewed. Next

Genocide; a background paper

The report is a brief introduction into the field of comparative genocide studies, written for the Swedish giovernment.

Predicting Travel Times in Dense and Highly Varying Road Traffic Networks using STARIMA Models.

As road networks are becoming increasingly utilised, it is increasingly important to be able to accurately predict travel times for disseminating information among road users and to support traffic management decisions and planning. Over the past few years, a new way of making such predictions utilising the space-time autoregressive integrated moving average (STARIMA) model has been introduced. Th

Demand and Supply of Information on Intangibles: The Case of Knowledge-Intense Companies

This doctoral thesis has its theoretical origin in the notion that the information flow between management teams, financial analysts and investors is especially exposed to information asymmetry when knowledge-intense companies are concerned. Information asymmetry may aggravate agency problems and risk causing an impairment of the efficient allocation of capital on the stock market. Therefore, the

Vem ska bestämma? Dilemman kring effektivitetsrevisorns professionella utrymme - och riksrevisorns roll

Riksrevisionens första tio år har präglats av turbulens. En fråga som har vållat särskild debatt är inskränkningarna av effektivitetsrevisorns utrymme för självständigt utövande av det professionella omdömet. Detta kapitel ägnas åt den frågan. Det baseras på tio års nära forskning om Riksrevisionen. När myndigheten bildades valde riksrevisorerna att öka sitt eget inflytande över granskningarna, sa

Konfliktstudier i landsvägskorsningen mellan väg E20 och 2623 utanför Jung

Konfliktobservation och hastighetsmätningar med radar genomfördes i landsvägskorsningen mellan väg E20 och 2623 utanför Jung. Tolv konflikter registrerades. Fortkörning är en vanlig företeelse genom korsningen. Det förekommer även andra regelbrott, t.ex. då fordon inte stannar vid stopplinjen.