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Quantitative relationships of perfluoroalkyl acids in drinking water associated with serum concentrations above background in adults living near contamination hotspots in Sweden

Contaminated drinking water (DW) is a major source of exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at locations around PFAS production/use facilities and military airports. This study aimed to investigate quantitative relationships between concentrations in DW and serum of nine perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in Swedish adult populations living near contamination hotspots. Short-chained (PF

A Critical Realist Approach to Reflexivity in Sustainability Research

In sustainability science, the research is expected to go beyond disciplinary thinking and incorporate different concepts, methods, and data to explore nature–society interactions at different levels and scales. In realizing these expectations, reflexivity is often noted as an influential factor in inter- and transdisciplinary research processes in sustainability science, wherein researchers refle

Regional and disease specific human lung extracellular matrix composition

Chronic lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), are characterized by regional extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling which contributes to disease progression. Previous proteomic studies on whole decellularized lungs have provided detailed characterization on the impact of COPD and IPF on total lung ECM composition. However, such s

Road traffic noise simulations based on 3D city models

Urban development and densification cause noise problems that can have a negative impact on human health. In 2002, the European Union (EU) stated the European Noise Directive (END) with the purpose to evaluate environmental noise levels (including the sources road, railway, and air traffic) in the member states every 5 years. To make the result of the evaluations comparable between countries, the

A Novel Radiographic Pattern Related to Poor Prognosis in Patients with Prostate Cancer with Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression

Background: Prostate cancer spinal bone metastases can have a radiographic profile that mimics multiple myeloma. Objective: To analyse the presence and prognostic value of myeloma-like prostate cancer bone metastases and its relation to known clinical, molecular, and morphological prognostic markers. Design, setting, and participants: A cohort of 110 patients with prostate cancer who underwent sur

The Bloch-Messiah theorem and its application to overlaps

The Bogoliubov transformation is the starting point for the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method and thus for many theoretical approaches that describe heavy nuclei. This transformation is based on two matrices, denoted by U and V, which are called Bogoliubov amplitudes. In this paper the properties of these matrices are investigated. Bogoliubov amplitudes are generated using BCS wavefunctions. The Bloc

Ebola virus disease : caring for patients in Sierra Leone - a qualitative study

AIM: The aim of this study was to describe Norwegian healthcare staffs' experiences of participating in care of patients with Ebola virus disease in Sierra Leone.BACKGROUND: Ebola is one of the most feared viruses known. Ebola virus disease is highly contagious with high mortality. The few qualitative studies made on experiences among healthcare professionals have highlighted problems as lack of p

Impact of pre-antiretroviral treatment HIV-RNA on time to successful virological suppression and subsequent virological failure - two nationwide, population-based cohort studies

Background: The impact of pre-antiretroviral treatment (ART) HIV-RNA on time to successful virological suppression and subsequent failure in HIV patients remains poorly investigated. Methods: We used the Swedish InfCareHIV database and the Danish HIV Cohort Study to evaluate impact of pre-ART HIV-RNA on primary virological suppression (HIV-RNA < 50copies/ml) and risk of secondary virological failu

Muskulär pseudo­hypertrofi yttrade sig som mjukdels­tumör - Denervering av tensor fasciae latae visade sig vara orsaken

Pseudohypertrophy of musculus tensor fascia lata presenting as a soft tissue tumor: a case report Conditions presenting as palpable soft tissue masses are a common clinical issue. This case report describes a patient with unilateral pseudohypertrophy of m. tensor fasciae latae, which is an uncommon differential diagnosis for a palpable soft tissue mass. The patient presented a palpable soft tissue

Drug-Induced Gambling Disorder : Epidemiology, Neurobiology, and Management

Problematic gambling has been suggested to be a possible consequence of dopaminergic medications used mainly in neurological conditions, i.e. pramipexole and ropinirole, and possibly by one antipsychotic compound, aripiprazole. Patients with Parkinson's disease, restless legs syndrome and other conditions potentially treated with dopamine agonists, as well as patients treated for psychotic disorde

2012/13 influenza vaccine effectiveness against hospitalised influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2) and B : estimates from a European network of hospitals

While influenza vaccines aim to decrease the incidence of severe influenza among high-risk groups, evidence of influenza vaccine effectiveness (IVE) among the influenza vaccine target population is sparse. We conducted a multicentre test-negative case–control study to estimate IVE against hospitalised laboratoryconfirmed influenza in the target population in 18 hospitals in France, Italy, Lithuani

Continuous, stable, and safe organometallic reactions in flow at room temperature assisted by deep eutectic solvents

This work demonstrates the first continuous, stable, and safe operation of organometallic reactions in flow under ambient conditions with high moisture tolerance and clogging resistance. The addition of deep eutectic solvents (DESs), such as glyceline (choline chloride/glycerol) and reline (choline chloride/urea), overcomes the previous limitations associated with the need for cryogenic conditions

Mandolin AB : Ett praktikfall i redovisning och ekonomisk analys

Mandolin AB är ett praktikfall i bokföring, bokslut och ekonomisk analys. I praktikfallet ingår att sköta den löpande bokföringen, ta fram bokslut och årsredovisning samt att göra ekonomiska analyser av företaget Mandolin AB. Praktikfallet syftar till att ge ett helhetsperspektiv på arbetet med ekonomisk rapportering i ett mindre företag, inklusive praktisk kunskap om och förståelse för bokförings

Decarbonisation of service vessels in offshore wind power through power-to-X self-sufficiency

This report examines the possibilities of decarbonising operation & maintenance vessels for a prospective floating offshore wind power park at the Utsira Nord site in Norway, through self-sufficient energy carrier production utilizing power-to-X-solutions. Possible alternative fuels are identified as compressed hydrogen, batteries, liquid hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, and biofuels, out of which

Ab-initio investigation of mechanical and fracture-related properties of W-Re σ and χ precipitates

Tungsten (W) is a leading candidate for plasma-facing materials in fusion reactors. Recently, experiments have shown that during neutron irradiation, W and its transmutation products, mainly rhenium (Re), will form precipitates of the σ and χ types. This study identifies close-packed planes of the σ - and χ-phases in the W-Re system and uses ab-initio methods to identify mechanical properties such

Basal kroppskännedom, yoga och fysisk aktivitet som behandlingsmetod vid posttraumatiskt stressyndrom - En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Posttraumatiskt stressyndrom (PTSD) är ett långvarigt tillstånd som kan uppstå i samband, eller efter att en individ har utsatts för en eller flera traumatiska händelser och utan möjlighet för återhämtning. Basal kroppskännedom (BK), yoga och fysisk aktivitet (FA) är tre behandlingsmetoder som kan användas som ett komplement till traditionell behandling vid PTSD. Syfte/ Frågeställning: S

The Role of Mechanical Force and ROS in Integrin-Dependent Signals

Cells are exposed to several types of integrin stimuli, which generate responses generally referred to as "integrin signals", but the specific responses to different integrin stimuli are poorly defined. In this study, signals induced by integrin ligation during cell attachment, mechanical force from intracellular contraction, or cell stretching by external force were compared. The elevated phospho

Upplevelser av det fysiska och psykiska måendet i samband med regelbunden yogautövning - en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Utövandet av yoga har ökat i västvärlden under de senaste årtiondena och många människor har yoga som sin huvudsakliga träningsform och som en meditativ praktik som möjligen förbättrar hälsan överlag hos individen. Specifikt vad gäller stress, ångest och mentalt välmående men även det fysiska välmåendet. Studier för att undersöka på vilka sätt yoga kan användas som ett terapeutiskt verktyg vid fys