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Observations of non-magnetic CP stars - Crossing boundaries

Abstract in UndeterminedObservations of chemically peculiar (CP) stars have been conducted for decades and have revealed a variety of spectrum anomalies, most prominent among them are line enhancements of heavy elements. The earlier observations were limited to the optical region and the use of less sensitive detectors, yet are responsible for much of our current characterization of the CP star ph

The co-evolution of human intersubjectivity, morality and language

The chapter argues that language, which rests on the sharing of linguistic norms, honest information, and moral norms, evolved through a co-evolutionary process with a pivotal role for intersubjectivity. Mainstream evolutionary models, based only on individual-level and gene-level selection, are argued to be incapable to account for such sharing of care, values and information, thus implying the n

Att skapa sin värld: människan speglad i äldre och nyare psykologi

The title refers to a subjectivistic theory on which this book is based. The theory presupposes that the psychological essence of a person is represented, not by reified traits, but by continuous series of adaptive pulses or perceptgeneses out of which reality is shaped. Eventually these pulses may acquire a typical p rofile or structure by way of which the person´s quintessence can ba captured. T

Framgångsrika skolledare i spänningsfält och allianser

Vad gör en skolledare framgångsrik? Och vad gör en framgångsrik skolledare? I denna artikel presenteras några resultat från forskningsprojektet Framgångsrikt skolledarskap i olika skolkulturer, vilka delvis utgör svar på frågorna. Resultaten härrör från intervjuer, enkäter, observationer och elevuppsatser och utgörs av olika skolaktörers kriterier för bedömning av skolledares framgång. I likhet me

Ischemic Tolerance and Cell Signaling in the Rat Brain

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cellulära mekanismer vid ischemisk tolerans Stroke, hjärntrauma, hjärnblödning och övergående hjärtstillestånd, leder till minskat blodflöde till hjärnan (ischemi) och orsakar hjärnskador. Mot denna skadeutveckling finns ännu inte något medel för kliniskt bruk. I djurexperimentella ischemimodeller har man kunnat skydda hjärnan mot ischemiska skador genom att utsätta hjäA brief period of sublethal ischemia in the brain induces resistance to a subsequent, otherwise lethal ischemic insult. This phenomenon is known as ischemic tolerance or preconditioning. A model of ischemic preconditioning in the rat brain using the two-vessel occlusion model of global cerebral ischemia was established. Using this model we have demonstrated that ischemic preconditioning protects t

Min allrabästa och ömmaste vän! Kvinnors brevskrivning under svenskt 1700-tal

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen är en studie av kvinnors brevskrivning i Sverige under 1700-talet. Breven är skrivna av ett antal kvinnor från de högre samhällsskikten (adel och borgerskap) under 1780- och 1790-talen. Flertalet av breven är skrivna på svenska, men några också på franska. Huvudsyftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka relationen mellan idén om att kvinnor skrev annorlunda, This dissertation is a study of women's letter-writing in eighteenth-century Sweden. The letters are written by a number of women from the uppper classes (nobility and bourgeoisie) during the last two decades of the eighteenth century. The majority of the letters are written in Swedish, some however in French. The main aim is to examine the relationship between the idea of women as a special kind

Network optimization techniques

This chapter is devoted to modeling and optimization techniques applicable to communication network design and planning. The main emphasis is put on the models dealing with optimization of the capacity of network resources and traffic routing that lead to tractable optimization problems. It is a common belief that the right means for such modeling are multicommodity flow networks (MFN). MFN form a

An approach of the geometrical-based single bounce elliptical channel model for mobile environments

The simulation approach is an important tool used for the design and implementation of mobile radio systems with an emphasis on the propagation modeling for wireless channel. We carried out simulations for three different street positions scenarios of the receiver, (mobile station), using the geometrical-based single bounce elliptical channel model, as might be appropriate for microcellular applic

Heat loss from a thermal manikin during wet tests with walking simulation

The walking tests with a thermal manikin TORE were carried out with THERMPROTECT WP2 clothing. The test conditions simulated the human tests of the same work package, including ambient conditions (10 and 25 °C), clothing (impermeable and permeable), wetting of cotton underwear (wet and dry) and setting the walking speed to approximately the same level. Additional tests in homogenous conditions (Ta