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SOL 4000 Geografi 8 Lärarhandledning
Studenters självkänsla, självständighet och kreativa delaktighet - hur kan detta befrämjas i kurser och program?
Litteratur. Utmanad men inte hotad
Föräldrar som beskyddare och förövare. Våld mot barn i det sena 1800-talets Sverige
Microbial growth in stored dust samples as a function of the relative humidity
House dusts, collected for detection of microorganisms in buildings, sometimes have to be stored before measurement. It is possible that continued growth of microorganisms in the stored samples will increase the levels of CFU, chemical marker, biomass etc. The aim of this investigation was to assess the influence of relative humidity on microbial growth in dust samples. We have exposed dust sample
Luftföroreningar vid svetsning - karakterisering av svetsrök
Hur skall sjukvården betalas? - Om alternativa betalningsmodeller
Kvinnan i ekonomin - hem, yrke, karriär
Fyra poetiska formuleringar
Reflektion och självinsikt i "den kommunikativa pedagogiken"
Popular Abstract in Swedish I Tallsten barnomsorgs- och skolenhet införde man 1996, som del i en omorganisation av verksamheten, ett nytt tanke- och arbetssätt utifrån en kommunikativ pedagogik. Tre mindre organisatoriska enheter, som var mer eller mindre slutna i förhållande till varandra, slogs samman till en enhet. Ett primärt syfte i sammanhanget var att skapa en helhetssyn på barnet från 1?18This thesis focuses on the pedagogue as a social being and how she or he experiences the social life in preschools and schools in Tallsten. In 1996, the child-care and education authorities in Tallsten introduced a new manner of thinking and working based on the communicative pedagogy. The idea of communicative pedagogy was origanlly put forth by the Danish teacher Lars Rokkjaer. One of the goals
Custom Designed Digital Signal Processors Using Bit-Serial Arithmetic
This thesis presents two prime contributions. First, digital filters for both intermediate and base band filtering for mobile communication are presented. Second, a local clock for on-chip clock generation is introduced. The intermediate frequency filter is a digital alternative to today's analog filters. It is a narrow band filter designed for the American digital mobile telephone system accordin
Methods for Correction of Images of Origami/Polyhedral Objects
This paper deals with line-drawings, obtained from images of polyhedral objects after edge detection. Such images are used e.g. for recognition and reconstruction. In the presence of noise, in general they do not obey the geometric conditions imposed by the projective imaging process. Under various optimality conditions, algorithms are presented for the correction of such line-drawings, disturbed
Bleeding Oesophageal Varices. A Clinical Study of Mesocaval Interposition Shunting and Endoscopic Sclerotherapy
Popular Abstract in Swedish Blödande åderbråck i matstrupen - en jämförande studie mellan kirurgisk shunt och lokal behandling Patienter med skrumplever riskerar många komplikationer. Den mest fruktade är blödning från oesofagusvaricer, dvs åderbråck i matstrupen. Fyrtio procent av patienterna avlider om de inte får behandling. Anledningen till att patienter med skrumplever (cirros) utvecklar oesThis thesis is aimed at evaluating the clinical results of two treatments in patients with bleeding oesophageal varices; the mesocaval interposition shunt (MI shunt) and repeated endoscopic sclerotherapy (ST). 24 patients were randomised to MI shunt and 21 patients to the ST group (mean age 51.6?9.2 and 53.6?10.5 years). Complications include shunt occlusion in 4 %, oesophagitis in 33 % and oesoph
Volymupplevelse av rum. Inledande studier
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Laboratory atomic spectroscopy for the FUSE mission
Spectra of hot (type B) stars obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite in the region 1000-1200
The Post-Communist Afterlife of Dissidents: The Case of Herta Müller
This chapter explores the role of the dissident intellectual in the post-dictatorship era. More specifically, it looks at the reaction in the Romanian cultural press and in the daily newspapers to the awarding of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature to Herta Müller, a Romanian-born German writer. Müller is known for her anti-Communist stance as well as her critique of those Romanian political and in