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Bilder från det frivilliga våldets arenor: verklighet och representation i nya kampsporttävlingar

This essay reflects on the strive for realism and intensified experiences in contemporary forms of Mixed Martial Arts contests. It elaborates on the cultural meaning of violence and on the representation of violence in television versus the experience of real, bodily violence. The main theoretical tools are theories of culture, visuality, masculinity, and violence, developed by Roland Barthes, Geo

Garden Warbler Sylvia borin migration in sub-Saharan West Africa: phenology and body mass changes

The Garden Warbler is a classic subject for the study of Palaearctic-African bird migration strategies. Most studies have considered the situation close to the breeding areas, while the African and especially the sub-Saharan part of the species' migration have received comparatively little attention. Here we use autumn and spring ringing data from Nigeria and The Gambia to study the movements and

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Auxiliary Power Units for Heavy Duty Trucks

This paper explores the potentials of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) as 3 kW auxiliary power units for trucks and military vehicles operating on diesel fuel. Various issues are discussed, e.g., the requirements and specifications for the unit as well as the advantages, challenges, and development issues for SOFCs in such applications. System design and analysis are carried out. The major component

A New Approach to Decomposition of a Bivariate Rank Dependent Index Using Recentered Influence Function Regression

Socioeconomic related health inequality as measured by a bivariate rank dependent index, of which the concentration index is a leading example, is well documented across a wide number of countries and measures. To decompose an inequality index is to ascertain the potential causes of this measured inequality. Current available regression based decomposition methods applicable to bivariate rank depe

Transit States: Labour, Migration and Citizenship in the Gulf

The states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar) form the largest destination for labour migration in the global South. In all of these states, however, the majority of the working population is composed of temporary, migrant workers with no citizenship rights. The cheap and transitory labour power these workers provide has created t

Tillgänglighet och cad-verktyg

Idag finns goda kunskaper om hur den byggda miljön bör utformas för att möjliggöra tillgänglighet för personer med funktionsnedsättning. Trots detta tillämpas kunskaperna inte i tillräcklig omfattning, varken i nybyggnad, ombyggnad eller förvaltning. Nya PBL ställer kravet att tillgänglighet skall vara tillgodosedd för att bygglov skall beviljas. Ut-formning för tillgänglighet måste vara en integr

Who needs victim support?

To be in need or to manage is a question open for negotiation. The concept of need is depending on the interpretation of the one who defines it. When a person is a victim of crime, her needs' can be defined from many different perspectives. Organisations for victim support are becoming more and more established. These organisations are founded on ideas of "need", the organisations are "needed" bec