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Additional diagnoses in children with cleft lip and palate up to five years of age

Cleft lip and palate (CL/P) is the most common congenital craniofacial malformation and is often associated with additional diagnoses. The purpose of this study was to explore the cumulative five-year incidence of additional diagnoses for patients with cleft lip and palate. Further aims were, type of cleft and type of additional diagnose and to validate CLP registry data on additional diagnoses. D

Clinical characteristics and outcome of 318 families with familial monoclonal gammopathy : A multicenter Intergroupe Francophone du Myélome study

Familial forms of monoclonal gammopathy, defined as multiple myeloma (MM) or Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS), are relatively infrequent and most series reported in the literature describe a limited number of families. MM rarely occurs in a familial context. MGUS is observed much more commonly, which can in some cases evolve toward full-blown MM. Although recurrent cytogen

Surface microdialysis measures local tissue metabolism after Ivor Lewis esophagectomy; an attempt to predict anastomotic defect

Anastomotic defect (AD) after esophagectomy can lead to severe complications with need for surgical or endoscopic intervention. Early detection enables early treatment and can limit the consequences of the AD. As of today, there are limited methods to predict AD. In this study, we have used microdialysis (MD) to measure local metabolism at the intrathoracic anastomosis. Feasibility and possible di

The why, how, and what of public policy implications of tourism and hospitality research

We synthesized policy implications of tourism and hospitality research by reviewing 12,269 articles published in 10 leading journals from 2012 to 2021. The most common rationale for policies (i.e., the why) is market failure, while the most typical role of policies (i.e., the how) is to create incentives. In addition, policies are typically hybrid and include suggestions for formal and informal in

Stability of enzyme immobilized on the nanofluidic channel surface

The lifetime of an enzyme is critical to prevent system failure and optimize maintenance schedules in biological and analytical chemistry. The lifetime metrics of an enzyme can be evaluated from enzyme activity in terms of catalytic cycles per enzyme at various storage times. Trypsin, which is a gold-standard enzyme in proteomics, has been known to decrease activity due to self-digestion. To impro

Rättsliga rum för en skälig levnadsstandard? : En rättskartografisk analys av LMA och SoL i domstolspraktiken

Uppsatsen är en kartografisk analys av en dom från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen 2017 gällande rätten till stöd från Socialtjänsten för den som saknar uppehållstillstånd i Sverige (HFD 2017 ref. 33). Fallet gällde två barn och deras mamma vilka saknade formell rätt att vistas i Sverige och därför levde som gömda. Familjen ansökte om bistånd enligt socialtjänstlagen (2001:453) (SoL) i form av fö

Borgar i Skåne : Guide till historiska platser

En presentation av den allmänna borgutvecklingen inleder en katalogisering av 166 skånska borgplatser. Därefter presenteras 44 borgar med en fyllig beskrivning, bilder, rekonstruktioner samt analogt kartmaterial och en digital möjlighet att finna den aktuella lokalen.

Nyanlända barns och ungas etablering och delaktighet i samhället under en tid av ovisshet : en utvärdering av Arvsfondens ”Nyanländasatsning” under perioden 2016–2019

I den här utvärderingsrapporten analyseras ett urval av de totalt 100 projekt som ingått i Arvsfondens Nyanländasatsning som syftar till att stärka nyanlända barns och ungas etablering och delaktighet i samhället. Rapporten bygger på tre delstudier. En dokumentstudie bestående av ansökningshandlingar, årsrapporter och i förekommande fall slutrapporter från projekten, en enkät omfattande 89 av sats

”Du förstår men du förstår ingenting” : Communityteater, utvisningsbarhet och översättningspolitik

In the following article, based on two years of participatory ethnographic field-work with the No-border musical, as well as interviews with 16 of the musical’s 30 participants, community theatre is investigated in a context of deportability. We analyse the working process in the theatre group, in which actors with and without resident permits participated, through the concept of politics of trans

Nitrogen plasma passivation of GaAs nanowires resolved by temperature dependent photoluminescence

We demonstrate a significant improvement in the optical performance of GaAs nanowires achieved using a mixed nitrogen-hydrogen plasma which passivates surface states and reduces the rate of nonradiative recombination. This has been confirmed by time-resolved photoluminescence measurements. At room temperature, the intensity and lifetime of radiative recombination in the plasma-treated nanowires wa

Phototransport in networks of tetrapod-shaped colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals

Tetrapod-shaped CdSe(core)/CdTe(arms) colloidal nanocrystals, capped with alkylphosphonic acids or pyridine, were reacted with various small molecules (acetic acid, hydrazine and chlorosilane) which induced their tip-to-tip assembly into soluble networks. These networks were subsequently processed into films by drop casting and their photoconductive properties were studied. We observed that films

In the World : Action and Fabrication by and on Behalf of Undocumented Persons

In this article, we analyse initiatives by and on behalf of undocumented migrants through Hannah Arendt’s notions of action and fabrication. We take three initiatives from the city of Malmö, Sweden, as our empirical examples: a musical, a relay, and a tent-camp action. By showing how these initiatives involve not only action and speech but also a fabrication of things, including works of art, we e