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Ricardiansk Ekvivalens

Hur påverkas hushållens sparande av det statliga sparandet? Ifall privata hushåll kompenserar för statliga underskott genom att öka sitt sitt sparande kommer detta leda till att fiskala stabiliseringsåtgärder blir mindre effektiva. Jag undersöker 10 länder under 30 år för att studera hur stort detta fenomen är.

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The aim of this thesis is to investigate the concept of shame as it is described and applied in the writings of Norwegian psychiatrist Finn Skårderud. Methodologically the point of departure is an extensive and critical reading of his articles produced during the last decade. The reading consists of describing his work and of positioning him to other research in the field of shame in general. Issu

Nationalism som överlevnadsmetod för auktoritära regimer? Den burmesiska militärregimen och nationellt identitetsskapande

1962 grep militären makten i Burma efter en kortare period av demokrati sedan självständigheten från britterna 1948. Under snart 50 års tid har den burmesiska politiken präglats av statsfrämjad nationalism, ett politiserat identitetsskapande, historierevidering och etniska motsättningar. Denna uppsats ämnar visa hur den burmesiska militärregimen har skapat, format och använt sig av nationalism oc

Aldrig mer! : inte riktigt så lätt

This thesis covers the concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) out of the perspective of international law. Buy looking into the fundament of sovereignty and humanitarian intervention the aim of the thesis is to answer the following questions: • How does the implementation of R2P affect sovereignty? • From the perspective of international law, is R2P considered to be legitimate? The study conc

Våld och vårdnadstvister - betydelsen av att barn bevittnar våld i nära relationer

The purpose of this study was to examine if and how children witnessing domestic violence affects the judgement a Swedish District Court delivers in cases of child-custody and parents’ right of access to their child. We also wanted to examine if a child’s right to State compensation for witnessing domestic violence affects said judgements in a District Court. This right to State compensation stems

Enabling Economic Growth

In this thesis I argue that the absence of energy utilization as a component in contemporary economic history and economic growth theory severely limits our understanding of economic development as a process. Although energy is not sufficient to explain the unprecedented expansion in the world economy since the industrial revolution, it is however absolutely necessary. Technological progress remai

Flexibilitetens konsekvenser

Problem/Bakgrund: Flexibiliseringen av arbetslivet har påverkat och ändrat arbetsförhållandena för människor. I den här studien undersöker vi arbetsflexibilitetens konsekvenser så som de upplevs av enskilda individer i arbeten som innebär en frihet vad gäller arbetstider, distansarbete och eget ansvar. Syfte: Vi ämnar pröva om sociologen Richard Sennetts teori stämmer för svenska arbetsförhållan

Security Solutions for RV Accessories

Problem Statement Thule is the world leading developer and manufacturer of transportation solutions. Their company strategy is to enable active families, professionals and outdoor enthusiasts to transport equipment by vehicle safely, easily and in style. RV users of today have higher demands on their equipment and they fill their cars with every type of conveniences found in a modern home. With

A Concept Proposal of a New Generation Operator Panels

This project was done for the company Beijer Electronics Products AB and the task was given by the hardware development department of the company. The project was about developing a concept proposal for a new generation operator panels. This was done to inspire the product developers at Beijer Electronics with innovative ideas before the actual operator panel development. More in detail the object

Designing in light weight materials

This thesis was constructed between January 8:th and May 30:th in the year 2009 at Lund institute of technology. This will be the master’s thesis of the Master of Science programme in mechanical engineering at Lund institute of technology. Light weight designs are becoming more and more important in the world today. As composite materials are being improved via research, it is possible to repl

Implementering av medling vid brott i Hultsfreds kommun

Författare: Christina Rendahl-Tuvesson Titel: Implementering av medling vid brott i Hultsfreds kommun Handledare: Birgitta Ericson Kandidatuppsats Soc K01, 61 – 90 p Sociologiska institutionen, vårterminen 2009 Problem/bakgrund: Jag jobbar inom socialtjänsten i Hultsfreds Kommun som fältassistent och medlare. 2006 började vi starta upp medlingsverksamheten i Hultsfreds kommun. Min känsla har v

Bland elever och kunder

I denna studie undersöks det huruvida två kommunala gymnasieskolor i Malmö har företagiserats under de tio år då konkurrensen från fristående gymnasieskolor har vuxit fram. Detta görs genom att kontrastera intervjumaterial, samt nyare och äldre kvalitetsredovisningar och marknadsföringsmaterial, mot idealtyperna Företaget och Den Offentliga Organisationen. Resultaten antyder att skillnaderna över

Naturligt och traditionellt eller äventyr och hälsa? En studie av de kulturella värden som framhävs i dagens matreklam

Titel: Naturligt och traditionellt eller äventyr och hälsa? En studie av de kulturella värden som framhävs i dagens matreklam Författare: Kumri Altunkaynak 850402, Shugla Farouq 850407. Handledare: Tobias Linne. Syfte: Vår avsikt med denna studie är att analysera matreklam i tv och de olika kulturella värden som dyker upp i matreklamen. Genom att studera vilka kulturella värden som lyfts fram i

"Islamofobi är det nya skrämselordet" En idénalays av den kritisk humanistiska diskursen

In Sweden opinions are strongly divided on the issue of integration. In a study from 2007 four parallel discourses on integration in the Swedish debate were identified. They are labeled the liberal-, the social democratic-, the structural discrimination discourse and finally a discourse of assimilation. A fifth is discussed briefly – the critical humanist position. In this report I take a closer l

Invandrare – att anställa eller inte anställa? En studie kring arbetsgivares perspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to examine what attitude employers have towards hiring outnordic immigrants. In order to achieve this purpose, seven employers in various branches were interviewed, regarding their way of reasoning on the matter of engaging manpower with a foreign origin. These are all situated in Helsingborg, a fairly big city in Sweden. A qualitative method was used with semi struct

Diakoners personlighet i relation till deras upplevelse av kreativt arbetsklimat

Studiens primära syfte är att undersöka diakoners uppfattning av huruvida organisatorisk kreativitet är förbunden med Svenska kyrkan som organisation. Studiens andra syfte är att undersöka diakoners upplevelse av kreativt arbetsklimat. Studiens tredje syfte är att undersöka diakoners öppenhet och empati samt de båda personlighetsvariablernas relation till hur man som diakon upplever kreativt arbet

Structural analysis of X-flo measure system

This thesis is done in cooperation with Dresser Wayne AB in Malmö and the objective has been to investigate if it is possible to use the X-flo meter, see Figure 1, in an LPG-dispencer. An increased pressure is used in the LPG-system, which involves a higher risk of leaking and strength problems. During the development consideration has been taken to a new outlet, though other couplings are used in

Designed Exchangeable Rim Protection Device

A common, and reoccurring, problem with aluminum alloy car wheel rims is their ease of becoming scratched and damaged during normal operation. This phenomenon is unwanted not only as it aggravates visual appearance, but also as scratches and chippings can contribute to unsuitable product property changes. The study aims at developing one, or several, product concepts of how to protect aluminu

Datorbaserat stödsystem för produktutvecklingsprocessen - Företagsintern effektivisering och kvalitetssäkring

Problem: How can a medium-sized technical consultant company, which drastically expands, both by number and geographically, maintain and improve the quality of the product development process, continue to make better products and at the same time live up to the regulatory demands of today? How can a consultant company work easier and more effective using one mutual tool, despite diverse types