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Towards optimal content replication and request routing in content delivery networks

Cooperative content replication and request routing (C2R3) has emerged as a promising technique to enhance the efficiency of content delivery networks (CDN). Most existing approaches to C2R3 focus on efficient bandwidth usage and assume a hierarchical CDN architecture targeted towards the delivery of specific content types (e.g., video). Therefore, C2R3 problem of covering the broad range of conte

Länge lever Lenin

Om Leninkulten i Sovjetunionen och Sverige från 1920-tal till sent 1900-tal.

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No abstract. Titel i svensk översättning: Personalen inom hälsovård och omsorg.

Structure and mechanism of iron and magnesium chelatases - at the heme-chlorophyll branch-point

Tetrapyrroles are synthesised through a single branched biosynthetic pathway. Heme and chlorophyll are synthesised from the common intermediate protoporphyrin IX at the heme-chlorophyll branch-point. Ferrochelatase catalyses the synthesis of heme by inserting Fe(II) into the protoporphyrin macro-cycle while magnesium chelatase, a three-subunit enzyme, catalyses the first unique step in chlorophyll

A Digital Baseband for Low Power FSK Based Receiver in 65 nm CMOS

The design of a digital baseband for a low power wireless receiver in 65 nm CMOS is presented. It consists of decimation filtering, matched filters for data detection, and preamble based synchronization. The circuit was designed using low threshold devices in both low power (LP-LVT) and general-purpose (GP-LVT) domains. The fabricated circuits were functionally verified, and silicon measurements s

Tourists and Global Environmental Change: A Possible Scenario in Relation to Nature and Authenticity

The aim of this chapter is to discuss global environmental change (GEC) through the social construction of nature and notions of authenticity. We will discuss the social construction of nature in a specific context, namely that of different kinds of nature-based tourism. The argument will revolve around what we perceive as a shift in focus from the image of nature as thing to nature as experience,

Ethanol production from steam pretreated sugarcane bagasse via simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) using cellulase and b.glucosidase enzymes

Cellulosic ethanol was produced via simultaneous enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation of steam pretreated sugarcane bagasse. Sugarcane bagasse underwent steam pretreatments at Log Ro 3.05-4.09, under catalysed (SO2 2% and H2SO4 0.25%) and uncatalysed conditions. Digestibilities of the steam pretreated bagasse were assessed via enzymatic hydrolysis using cellulase (Celluclast 1.5L) and B-glucosida

A new perspective on avian phylogeny - a study based on mitochondrial genomes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nu levande fåglar delas traditionellt in i två grupper. Den ena gruppen är Palaeognathae och omfattar ratiter (struts, nandu etc.) och stubbstjärthöns. Den andra gruppen, Neognathae, representerar alla övriga fåglar, drygt 20 ordningar med över 9.000 arter. Grunden för denna uppdelning utgörs i första hand av morfologiska studier av fåglarnas gommar. Man har ansett att The Class Aves (birds) is generally divided into two main groups - the Palaeognathae and the Neognathae. Paleognathous birds are the flightless ratites and the tinamous, while Neognathae include all other extant birds (more than 9,000 species). This opinion has prevailed for more than a century and is primarily based on morphological studies of the avian bony palate. In this study, the relationsh

Sampling and Selective Detection of Peptides and Proteins Emphazing Microdialysis,Bio-recognition Assays and MALDI-TOF MS

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom analytisk kemi används en rad metoder för att erhålla separation mellan de ämnen man vill studera. Detta är ofta nödvändigt om man vill ta reda på specifika egenskaper i ett biologiskt prov. Naturen har utvecklat sofistikerade verktyg t.ex. antikroppar som även kan användas för att separera ett specifikt ämne. Inom mitt doktorsarbete har antikroppar fyllt en viktigThe use of microdialysis sampling and flow immunochemical detection as well as MALDI-TOF MS for peptide and protein analysis is described. Sampling of peptides and smaller proteins was investigated with different membranes. Cyclodextrines additives and an on-line push-pull microdialysis sampling method was used with the result of a higher sampling efficiency compared to conventional microdialysis

Detecting Deletions by Analysis of Genetic Markers in Pedigrees

Popular Abstract in Swedish En deletion innebär att det fattas en bit DNA i en kromosom. Deletioner kan variera i storlek från enstaka baspar till en stor del av en kromosom. Deletioner kan orsaka sjukdomar, men det finns också exempel på deletioner som inte ger någon påvisbar effekt på individen. Genom att analysera genetiska markörer i familjer kan man hitta mönster som kan förklaras av deletionA deletion is defined as a missing piece of a chromosome, ranging in size from as small as a single base pair to as much as an entire arm of a chromosome. Deletions can cause diseases, but may also have a neutral effect in the genome. In this thesis, I describe how inherited deletions can be detected by analysis of the segregation pattern of genetic markers in pedigrees. These methods are based on

Multiple Gene Expression by Chromosomal Integration and CRE-loxP-Mediated Marker Recycling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Multiple gene expression can be introduced in a yeast strain with using only two markers by means of the two new vectors described, the expression vector pB3 PGK and the CRE recombinase vector pCRE3. The pB3 PGK has a zeocin-selectable marker flanked by loxP sequences and an expression cassette consisting of the strong PGK1 promoter and the GCY1 terminator. The gene of interest (YFG1) is cloned be

Quantifying the quality of medical x-ray images. An evaluation based on normal anatomy for lumbar spine and chest radiography.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det är sedan länge känt att för samma bildkvalitet kan patientstråldosen variera kraftigt mellan två olika sjukhus för en och samma röntgenundersökning. Det finns ett stort utrymme för sänkning av patientstråldosen utan att undersökningens kvalitet påverkas. Vid optimering inom röntgendiagnostik balanseras patientstråldos mot bildkvalitet. Optimeringen kräver att man haOptimisation in diagnostic radiology requires accurate methods for determination of patient absorbed dose and clinical image quality. Simple methods for evaluation of clinical image quality are at present scarce and this project aims at developing such methods. Two methods are used and further developed; fulfilment of image criteria (IC) and visual grading analysis (VGA). Clinical image quality de